Bill Cosby


The 14th allegation of rape has now come forth. 14. To be honest I don't know what to think. Anyone confidently think he's innocent or guilty?

14 allegations? It's pretty hard to turn a blind eye to that or to think that they are ALL lying. You have to at least consider there is some truth to it. One or two accusers is one thing, but 14?

What's the statute of limitations on rape?

Not saying he's guilty or not guilty, but at least some of this may be too late to do anything beyond tarnish his reputation in the media.

These rumours have been around for decades. Innocent or guilty? I don't know. But it wouldn't surprise me simply because it was different times. There's rumours about a great many famous people over the decades. Some of them about assaults on famous women.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

seems really likely that he's guilty but i'm just going to try to ignore these stories from now on or hope for the best, instead of crying myself to sleep every night because my childhood hero is a rapist.

It's true. Back in the '80s, I was a guest star on The Cosby Show and he raped me right before we taped the show.

Since that happened, I've only dated black guys.

Rape accusers say the darndest things.

All he was trying to do was show them his pudding pop.

It's estimated that between 25-35% of American women have been raped at some point in their lives. Someone has to be doing it and there are 14 allegations (so far) against him. He paid off one woman in 2006. It's not just the allegations though, it's the quality of the allegations. Some of these women are professionals who have little to gain and a lot to lose by coming forward. I have always believed in the old adage "where there is smoke, there is fire."

Well, ok... 14 allegations.

1 or 2 women say he raped them... the other 12 make it up and are simply after some quick cash.

Maybe it's the sceptical side of me talking.

Even so, one rape accusation should be enough to have someone investigated. Having to go all the way to 14 accusations over the space of as many years before people take notice, is disgusting. Disgusting on the behalf of the authorities.

Maybe these women weren't aware that they were even getting raped by him until they figured it out years later or something?

I mean, isn't it possible that he raped all of these women when he was a Ghost Dad? Maybe they just couldn't see him 'cause he was a ghost.

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Trouble with a capital "T"
It's estimated that between 25-35% of American women have been raped at some point in their lives. Someone has to be doing it and there are 14 allegations (so far) against him. He paid off one woman in 2006. It's not just the allegations though, it's the quality of the allegations. Some of these women are professionals who have little to gain and a lot to lose by coming forward. I have always believed in the old adage "where there is smoke, there is fire."
Modine's post is worth repeating.

Entertainers are human beings. They can make us laugh...and they can break the law and hurt people. I don't know if Cosby is innocent or not. But the fact that he's a lovable, witty fun character on our TV sets, has zero bearing on these allegations.

Given what I have learned in my studies of criminology, rape is one of the more difficult crimes to prosecute. Rape and sexual assaults are usually carried out by by some one the victim knows. Very rarely is it a random stranger. And with regards to the use of date rape drugs a good deal of them will not show up in blood tests even if tested the day after. And unless the woman is beaten or shows serious signs of trauma, a lot of times the markings will look similar to intercourse (though to what extent I do not know, I do not investigate sex crimes). Finally the way the criminal justice systems works, the defense attorney for the suspect will engage in the slimiest of strategies like blaming the victim and insinuating she is a woman of loose morals. All of which leads to rape also being one of the most under reported crimes.

So when a woman comes forward with allegations of rape years later that is not uncommon. But with any rape allegation it must be handled gently because the sad truth is there are people who are sick and or crazy enough to throw out rape allegations falsely for many different reasons. Like with the Tawana Brawley controversy.

But lets look at what we got here. Usually if it is a false allegation there is one or a few people lying. Here we have 14. And we do have to take into consideration who the victims are. Now I have no access to criminal or their psychological history, but they seem to be professional types. Ultimately I will need more info, but their does not seem to be much reason to falsely cry rape in this circumstance. But this is pure conjecture and speculation on my part.

As for Cosby himself I know the guy REALLY pissed some people off ten years ago when he condemned certain things about the current state of Black Culture. And while I can see SOME people lying about rape allegations to get back at him for these remarks, but some of these allegations happened before Cosby made that speech in May of 2004. And I would need A LOT of evidence to even consider claims of conspiracy.

Now I was not at these assaults and have no knowledge of the information privy to law enforcement. But there is enough here to warrant digging deeper. Because anyway you look at it I would want more information.

Now an actress from Law & Order SVU Michelle Hurd tells her near rape with Cosby...

Bill Cosby is a complete and utter piece of ****.

Now an actress from Law & Order SVU Michelle Hurd tells her near rape with Cosby...

Bill Cosby is a complete and utter piece of ****.
I'm stunned at the sheer numbers of women alleging rape. So far there are 20 women that have come forth with rape allegations and two more with close calls. This guy needs to go to jail.

Has anyone here at Movie Forums ever been raped by Bill Cosby? Besides Dorothy Michaels? Speak up now. It's okay. You're safe.

I'm stunned at the sheer numbers of women alleging rape. So far there are 20 women that have come forth with rape allegations and two more with close calls. This guy needs to go to jail.
What's tragic is that all these instances happened when he was making the Cosby Show, bout 25 years ago. Any possibility of true evidence is long gone, and prosecutors say they cant do anything about it now.

So its safe to say his careers over, but it doesnt matter cause hes filthy rich. Its fricken foul!

What's tragic is that all these instances happened when he was making the Cosby Show, bout 25 years ago. Any possibility of true evidence is long gone
Oh, please. That whole Cosby Show was one giant act of rape. Turn on a television, there's your evidence.

Some of the alleged instances go back to the late 60s, but the statute of limitations for rape is 10 or 12 years depending on the state. But regardless, there's not any evidence left, I'm sure. I was never a big fan of Cosby, but I did watch the The Cosby Show quite a bit back in the day, and it is disheartening to learn someone like him is a serial rapist.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.