The Shoutbox

Start your Fryday with this bundle of joy.
In case some other narcissist
posted before you wake up,
start your Fryday with this bundle of joy.

Good luck! 🍀
Originally Posted by SpelingError
Some companies really need to get it through their damn heads that making it to an in person interview will be difficult for someone who works a 9 to 5 job.
Oh indeed. I used to save all my sick days for that. Revolting stuff.

Corporate culture has ****ed me enough that now I’m the one doing the ****ing.
Some companies really need to get it through their damn heads that making it to an in person interview will be difficult for someone who works a 9 to 5 job.
Originally Posted by Allaby
I haven't even started work yet, but I did watch three movies.
Your priorities are clearly out of whack.

You should have watched 4 movies...
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
well someone should shake a stick at it and get it to leaf.
I haven't even started work yet, but I did watch three movies.
will this thursday ever end?!