You ever feel like there isn't enough comic book movies?


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I don't mean superhero movies, I mean comic book movies in general.

We've had a Fritz the Cat movie. It's a ******* classic. The sequel is underrated as ****. Why can't we have more Robert Crumb or other classic Undeground Comix?

Heavy Metal is also a classic. Where's my Lone Sloane movie? Psychedelic sci-fi fits cinema almost as much as it does comic books. It'd be a gold mine for the right director.

When you look at Ralph Bakshi's animated movies, you start to see a possibility of an Erma Felna movie. I know it's kinda niche, but it's something I can picture so well, I wanna see it happen.

A Zagor movie would be a field day for a good stuntman.

The Acid Western is already a genre. Why not try for a Blueberry film?

They already pulled off Conan the Barbarian (not a comic book movie, I know, but it's irrelevant). Why not try for a Dragonero film?

I'd kill for a good Blacksad animated film.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
I'm the Yugoslav cinema guy. I dig through garbage. I look for gems.

Magnus, Robot Fighter (as long as they keep the red velour hot pants and white go-go boots).

I mean, come on ...

Yes I wish we would get some more R-rated or narrative complex films over the bland diverse group of friends get together crack some jokes and save the world.

I don't mind comic book films but I do want them to be better. I want them to stick to a storyline and not pull shit out of their a$$.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
I don't mean superhero movies, I mean comic book movies in general.

We've had a Fritz the Cat movie. It's a ******* classic. The sequel is underrated as ****. Why can't we have more Robert Crumb or other classic Undeground Comix?

Heavy Metal is also a classic. Where's my Lone Sloane movie? Psychedelic sci-fi fits cinema almost as much as it does comic books. It'd be a gold mine for the right director.

When you look at Ralph Bakshi's animated movies, you start to see a possibility of an Erma Felna movie. I know it's kinda niche, but it's something I can picture so well, I wanna see it happen.

A Zagor movie would be a field day for a good stuntman.

The Acid Western is already a genre. Why not try for a Blueberry film?

They already pulled off Conan the Barbarian (not a comic book movie, I know, but it's irrelevant). Why not try for a Dragonero film?

I'd kill for a good Blacksad animated film.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
I would love to see a live-action version of Heavy Metal.
I would like to see a decent Conan movie.
Some would say that the best comic books have already been mined to death (Iron Man, Avengers, Hulk, Thor, X-Men, Batman, Spider-man), but there have been surprises with lesser-known comic books like Guardians of the Galaxy, Suicide Squad (2021) and Shazam.
Boldly going.

Comic books are a medium like novels. Any kind of narrative can be written in a comic book, so the term "comic book movie" is fundamentally nonsense since it can mean anything.

I don't care if movies come from a comic book or novel or are original. What I care about is if the movie is interesting to me and well executed. In particular, I would like that Hollywood would focus more on producing engaging science-fiction and historical movies rather than superhero stuff they pump out like oil from a well.

Sure, why not. Put some old Moebius stuff on screen.

When I think of comic book movies, I think of American Splendor, Ghost World and this new movie Funny Pages by Owen Kline. Funny Pages is raw and hilarious. I highly recommend it. Check it out.

Sure, why not. Put some old Moebius stuff on screen.
Oh... "Moebius". I thought you said Morbius.

It's too bad they already did League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as a movie - because the first two volumes of the comic rocked. If only they'd stuck to the comics for the movies.

I'd like to see a movie or a TV adaptation of Druuna or RanXerox (yeah, not a very realistic proposition in today's world).

I would like to see a decent Conan movie.
I'm just finishing (only a few stories left) Howard's collected Conan stories, and I thought his pirate days would make a good series. Use "Queen of the Black Coast" as a base and expand his adventures with Belit (the story implies he spent quite some time with her, but it only tells the beginning and the end). It would even satisfy modern sensibilities with a strong female character and multi-ethnic cast.

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I'd like to see a movie or a TV adaptation of Druuna or RanXerox (yeah, not a very realistic proposition in today's world).

I'm just finishing (only a few stories left) Howard's collected Conan stories, and I thought his pirate days would make a good series. Use "Queen of the Black Coast" as a base and expand his adventures with Belit (the story implies he spent quite some time with her, but it only tells the beginning and the end). It would even satisfy modern sensibilities with a strong female character and multi-ethnic cast.
Robert E. Howard is one of the most filmable popular writers. There's no vanity to him, no interpreting his own story for you. Just a strong, stoic man testing himself against unfamiliar worlds. Btw, I first knew Conan through comic books. I have a 2004 american version (Dark Horse, not Marvel), and it is the bomb. The 80s Conan movie had its Wagnerian opera style, but it proves that you can take Conan in many different directions and it'll still be good.

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Though I wouldn't count on modern hollywood getting Conan down. CGI and sissy actors make Conan a dull boy. This is post-Fred Patten pop culture we're talking about. I'm glad the OG Conan came out when it did, because it's just before everything went to hell.

Problem with making movies on the lesser known comics is the studios simply won't risk losing money.
They want to make movies based on already established franchises, which is why we've had nothing but Marvel, DC, and remakes/sequels/prequels of basically every movie made in the 1980s.

Btw, I first knew Conan through comic books. I have a 2004 american version (Dark Horse, not Marvel), and it is the bomb. The 80s Conan movie had its Wagnerian opera style, but it proves that you can take Conan in many different directions and it'll still be good.
I think my first experience with Conan was Milius's film. At least IMDb says the sequel premiered here in October 1984, and my older brother saw that in the theater (I was too young to get in) and a few days later we rented the first film (I'm pretty sure that was the first movie rental we had, and I was 9 years old).

The Finnish translation of the Marvel comic started the same year, but I'm pretty sure the first issue was one of the Christmas presents we got so the film would have been before. The majority of the short stories were published in Finnish in various collections during the 80s and 90s, too, and I think I read them all back then.