Hello there


Welcome to Movie Forums, Ian.

Hi, my name's Ian, another refugee from Cinemaholics ala wayno.
Did another movie forum shut down or something? I'm wildly ignorant of this stuff sometimes.

they call me mr wayno
Did another movie forum shut down or something? I'm wildly ignorant of this stuff sometimes.
It's about to, yes.
Hey Yoda -- Yes, I'm running cinemahiolics.net (not an advertisement!), and as Iank mentions I'm shuttering the doors at the end of Feb. This looks like a great forum, and I'm hoping more of our few loyal followers will come on over.
Watch the blinking cursor. See how relaxed it makes you feel. Wayno's opinions are now your own. You can't imagine why you ever felt otherwise.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey Yoda -- Yes, I'm running cinemahiolics.net (not an advertisement!), and as Iank mentions I'm shuttering the doors at the end of Feb. This looks like a great forum, and I'm hoping more of our few loyal followers will come on over.
Hey Wayno and Cinemahiolics members....you're warmly welcomed here!

MovieForums 'MoFo', might seem like such a big place that's hard to get use to...and we do have many more forums and features than other boards. But this board has a small, community feel to it And once you get to know it, I think you really like it. It's the friendliest board I've posted on

Some fun things at MoFo:
We do Music listening tournaments, where anyone can join and enter songs.

We do HoFs Hall of Fame movie watching where members nominate a movie, we all watch them and vote on the winner.

We do big community wide movie countdowns where everyone sends in a list of their top 25 movies according to the countdown rules and then a presentation is done of the Top 100 complied from all the list.

The Sci Fi Countdown is almost ready to start being posted. It's too late you for you guys to vote in it but all are welcomed to comment and post in it. The next big countdown will be Top 1940s movies and you can do that one.

There's much, much more that we do here, that's just a few of them.

So spread the word over at your board that you guys are very welcomed here!

Don't know about cinemahiolics, but you guys picked a good place to move over to.