Was Jack a figment of Rose's imagination in the film 'Titanic' ?



While none of us can ever forgive Rose for letting Jack die in the freezing waters of Atlantic Oceans, what if you’re told that Jack never existed. He was just a dream (like, Inception!) or a psychotic creation of Rose’s anxious mind.

After all, Rose said it -Jack ”exists only in my memories.”

According to popular beliefs, Rose Dewitt Bukater suffered from a psychotic disorder and created Jack Dawson to save herself from the misery of her real life. It was heavily evident that Rose found herself a misfit in the upper-class lifestyle. She found no joy in attending elite parties and often felt suffocated in her surroundings.

Her fiance, Cal is said to be a lot similar to her father Dewitt Bukater- controlling, dominating and extremely money-minded. She was probably in depression as a result of which she contemplated suicide – which is exactly, where she found Jack Dawson.

Jack Dawson was a perfect escape to her miserable life. He was nothing like her own world. His existence was pretty much non-recorded. His attitude, his lifestyle and everything he talked about (the Lake which is said to not even exist back in 1912) seemed too dreamy and quite far away from the times of 1912.

It could be possible that Jack was a character Rose created to find strength to break free from her superficial life. He, or her conscience for that matter, was there to stop her every time she wanted to give up her life and gave her the confidence to be her carefree, crass self. It even inspired the confidence in her to leave an abusive Cal which otherwise she couldn’t have mustered the courage to. She broke all rules and stereotypes she had been confined to since birth.

Or maybe, Jack existed. He never died. He fell unconscious and floated to a beach, lost his memory, gained wealth and became the Great Gatsby. Rose’s memory continue haunting him to find love in Daisy, a character with striking similarities to Rose. She was depressed, waiting to break free from the confinements of elite society, and of course married to a man so similar to Cal.



This might just do nobody any good.
If so, she sure heated up that car pretty well on her own.

This might just do nobody any good.
Hmm, you can probably tie Inception and Shutter Island in there as well.

Leo sure does love (or hate) wives and water metaphors.

If so, she sure heated up that car pretty well on her own.

that was part of the story she told . but was the story she told for real ?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
the only problem with that theory is if you're gonna go ahead and say Rose was delusional, then that would mean the ENTIRE thing never happened - if Jack never existed, he never came to dinner in first class, she never fought with her mom and fiance over him, all of it, the entire thing, was made up. it's kind of a stretch. there would need to be more hints to that sort of thing for it to be, like feasible.

i like the great gatsby theory, tho. also, Rose and Daisy, both flower names - coincidence?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't read the story link in the first post. I don't have to. Jack wasn't a figment of Rose's imagination. For that to be true cinematographical speaking, the movie would have had to shown scenes and or shots that clearly clued in the audience that Jack was a mere musing by Rose. That never happened.

You know, fan-fiction can come up with all sorts of nutsy ideas about movies, as if they were real...Movies aren't real...Movie characters aren't real. So what you see is what you get. Unless of course one loves horoscopes, then one's mind can choose to believe anything it wishes.

I haven't read the story link in the first post. I don't have to. Jack wasn't a figment of Rose's imagination. For that to be true cinematographical speaking, the movie would have had to shown scenes and or shots that clearly clued in the audience that Jack was a mere musing by Rose. That never happened.

You know, fan-fiction can come up with all sorts of nutsy ideas about movies, as if they were real...Movies aren't real...Movie characters aren't real. So what you see is what you get. Unless of course one loves horoscopes, then one's mind can choose to believe anything it wishes.
well , it's fun to speculate anyway

First I have to say that this is an absolutely fascinating theory and I can't believe someone even thought of this and I can definitely see an argument here, but in the long run, I would have to say no because if Jack was part of Rose's imagination, it seems to me that the character would only interact with Rose, but the character interacts with Cal Hockley, with Victor Garber's character, with Molly Brown (Kathy Bates), Rose's mother (Frances Fisher), catches him with spittle on his mouth, David Warner's character locks him in a room where he almost drowns, he and Fabrizio (Danny Nucci) are first glimpsed playing in a poker game where they win their passage on the Titanic, which is before he even meets Rose. There's no way an imaginary character would interact with so many other characters in the story. JMO.

First I have to say that this is an absolutely fascinating theory and I can't believe someone even thought of this and I can definitely see an argument here, but in the long run, I would have to say no because if Jack was part of Rose's imagination, it seems to me that the character would only interact with Rose, but the character interacts with Cal Hockley, with Victor Garber's character, with Molly Brown (Kathy Bates), Rose's mother (Frances Fisher), catches him with spittle on his mouth, David Warner's character locks him in a room where he almost drowns, he and Fabrizio (Danny Nucci) are first glimpsed playing in a poker game where they win their passage on the Titanic, which is before he even meets Rose. There's no way an imaginary character would interact with so many other characters in the story. JMO.
once again , the interactions of jack with other people are described by rose . the people whom jack is supposed to have interacted with are long dead and they cannot corroborate the story told by rose . so we have to believe rose for anything about jack .

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
The Titanic is not a story about Rose and Jacks relationship but about what caused the global financial crisis. The actual sinking of the Titanic has little to do with the plot and is more symbolic and overshadowing to the key event in the movie.

The story is about Rose, the person who solely bankrupt America. The film follows her in a fabricated version of how she obtained a rare and “priceless” jewel. What the movie does not show is that following her theft of the jewel and her murdering Jack is a 60 plus year spending spree. She borrows millions of dollars off the jewel, buys real estate, goes on extravagant adventures, pursues the finest things in life money can buy all by essentially pawning her jewel.

In her ripe old age she is pursued by debt collectors and escapes by fabricating a lie that she was on the Titanic. She is afforded refuge on a boat in the middle of the ocean away from the debt collectors but the “sharks” are circling figuratively and literally. Her tall tale interweaves with both fact and fiction and buys her time. Fact, she was a daughter. Fiction, she was on the Titanic and was an upper class lass with a heart of gold yearning for love over materialistic indulgence. Fact, she knew a man named Jack who drowned and froze to death, Fiction, that his death was a natural occurrence, Rose poisoned Jack at dinner and drowned him in the bathtub, she put filled the bath with ice as to keep him from decomposing as she fled the country. She talks about romance and describes a nude painting and a sexual scene in a car to seduce the sailors but alas she is too old.

Towards the end of the film Rose throws the priceless jewel in the ocean. She is aware that the Captain is not interested in her (sexually) and has been notified by debt collectors and Police that she is not who she says she is, there is no escape it seems, she has only bought herself time. She thinks to herself, “if I can’t have it, no one can” and lets go, an evil cackling can be heard in the credits. As she does this, as does the Tinantic sink, the jewel sinks, with millions perhaps billions borrowed off the jewel it defaults countless bank loans and repayments, America does not recover and this causes a snowball effect that reaches maximum velocity in 2008.

This was Cameron’s vision, not some silly love story on an old boat. He wanted it to be more than that and his symbolism and the way he lets the viewer fill in the blanks is cinema genius.

What ever happened to Rose? Well, let’s just say, she will rot in prison for the rest of her days.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Rose poisoned Jack at dinner and drowned him in the bathtub, she put filled the bath with ice as to keep him from decomposing as she fled the country.
you certainly like to take liberties, eh?

once again , the interactions of jack with other people are described by rose . the people whom jack is supposed to have interacted with are long dead and they cannot corroborate the story told by rose . so we have to believe rose for anything about jack .

How could Rose describe or know about the poker game that won Jack and Frabrizio their passage on the Titanic?

How could Rose describe or know about the poker game that won Jack and Frabrizio their passage on the Titanic?
From what I gather, the theory is that she made up the poker game so that Jack had a back story that would plausibly put him on the ship, despite his name not being on any official passenger list/other documentation - which is exactly what James Cameron did when he wrote the movie.

I think the fan theory - like most fan theories - is ridiculous and pointless. But the poker game really doesn't disprove it.