Anyone likes flying?


I read average takeoff speed for a commercail airline is 245-285 km/h. for 747 it's 300km/h. For F-I think - 16 a bit more. For Concorde 400-450km/h.
That's nearly 300 mph!

Yeah, i love flying i find it very relaxing. My Mum and best friend who went abroad with my family when we were younger were terrified every time . I especially love my mums outlook of ok we are now in the air, pretty sure i can't change everything now :laugh;

Master of My Domain
Nope, you're basically trapped inside a small room of space for hours, and the movies they show are crap, food is awful, and there's always some obnoxious dude that sits near me and complains about everything. Ugh.

Yeah, i love flying i find it very relaxing. My Mum and best friend who went abroad with my family when we were younger were terrified every time . I especially love my mums outlook of ok we are now in the air, pretty sure i can't change everything now :laugh;
Yeah, but not QUITE sure, right?

haha good one Swan!

Nope, you're basically trapped inside a small room of space for hours, and the movies they show are crap, food is awful, and there's always some obnoxious dude that sits near me and complains about everything. Ugh.
lol Why not look the other way-through the window?

Nope I hate it. All the time I'm on the plane I have to read a book to take my mind off where I am. My husband's like - look at this or that out of the window, but I'm not interested , I'll just keep my head down till the bitter end. I like going to different parts of Europe on hols but if I had the time I'd rather go on the ferry cross channel and drive there.

I used to get quite sick when I was younger, but now I really enjoy it. I find it very relaxing and find staring out into the sky or down on the ground to be beautiful.
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I don't mind flying at all, it's just airports I don't like whatsoever. For example, I hate being man handled by complete strangers, and although in some places these people have been extremely polite and kind, in other places they speak to you like they would address a dog, and it's just awful

I didn't mind it at all when I was little, and then in my 20's I would just get hammered. Now I'm petrified and will drive anywhere within about 1200 miles.