This is what I posted about
Woman in the Dunes in my logbook thread. (I removed the SPOILER tags for this thread.)
I had never heard of it before watching it, but after reading the synopsis on IMDB, I was pretty sure that it wasn't my type of movie, and unfortunately, I was right.
Overall, I found this movie to be kind of boring. The characters weren't likable at all, so I had no reason to care if he was able to get away or not. Most of the movie was so dark that it was hard to see what was actually happening. The scene when he escaped and fell in quicksand was so dark that they may as well have turned off the camera.
And I hated the ending because it made no sense. I get the irony that he stayed, after being held captive for 7 years, and finally having a chance to escape. If he had stayed because he fell in love with girl, maybe it would make sense, but he stayed for the stupid water invention? That made no sense to me.
After watching the movie, I read a little bit about it on IMDB to see if maybe I missed to point of the movie, and maybe something might change my opinion of this movie, but it didn't help. I just don't get what most people see in this movie.