What does everybody think of 3D movies?


Hey there, I was wondering what everybody's opinions on 3D movies were. I tend to go to the movies with my friends quite a lot, and some of my friends love it and some hate it. We tend to just go to whatever screenings are on at the time, but I've been to a lot of movies, both with and without 3D and I thought I'd ask you guys what you thought.

Personally I don't really like the 3D effects. They seem so unnessecary and more distracting than immersive.

But yeah, what do you guys thing?

Watching Freddy's Dead just wouldn't be the same without the crappy 3D glasses that came with it.

But I mostly feel the same way you do.Most of the time, I think 3D is very unnecessary. I feel if it's done to give the frame some scope, rather than just to have stuff fly out at you, it may be worth the experience.

The only movies I really enjoyed seeing in 3D were Avatar and Gravity.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I never understood the resurgence in hype about 3D movies, they were popular in the 70's and 80's i think most notably with Jaws 3D, but even then it was kinda gimmicky and i think that stands still today.

Hate it. Almost never adds to the movie, almost always detracts. If you flipped the situation and paid me $5 to watch a film in 3D, I'd still probably say no, nevermind paying more. The glasses make the screen darker and tons of detail is lost.

The only time anything decent comes of it is when the film is designed with 3D in mind from the very beginning, and even then it tends to just elevate it from utterly useless/gimmicky to mildly unpleasant distraction.

Hate them. If the film requires 3D to be entertaining and successful, then it's an indictment of the plot and script being as flimsy as a marzipan dildo.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I will exempt Avatar from my stance, that movie looked amazing when i saw it in theaters, but a $500M budget and James Cameron should warrant that.

Overrated! destroying good movies

Watching Freddy's Dead just wouldn't be the same without the crappy 3D glasses that came with it.
I saw Freddy's Dead in a theater back in 1991. For the longest time, I had the 3D glasses still with me, but somehow I eventually lost them. There were advertisements for a House Party sequel and Surburban Commando on the glasses. Anyway, can't really remember feeling that WOW'ed by it, but I do remember being startled by a weapon that Maggie threw at the screen (when she's throwing weapons at Freddy).

For the record, Freddy's Dead is still awesome without the 3d.

I can't stand 3d. I went to the movies this past Thursday night to see Godzilla (the only time I can go to the movies is when everyone in my house is asleep and I can sneak away) and I didn't pay close enough attention to the Flixster app and I found out the two show times I was torn between were both 3D.

Never, ever again. Never. The glasses make my head hurt because I have a great big Charlie Brown head. I can't focus my eyes on the screen if the editing is too rapid. Thankfully Godzilla isn't a Michael Bay film, but the previews before the film are unwatchable. It adds nothing to the film that I care about. I liked Avatar, but not enough to justify the trend continuing.

I want 3D to die a terrible death.

Frankly speaking, I don't particularly enjoy watching 3D always. I mean, once in a while is good enough, especially if the movie warrants 3D viewing. For instance, I remember watching 300:Rise of An Empire in 3D and it was quite an experience to behold. The Avengers movie (2012) was another one which did justice to the 3D format.

On the other hand, there was Kung Fu Panda (the third part, if I am not mistaken), which was really, really bad in 3D. And the worst part about bad 3D movies? The tickets are so expensive.

They say that 3D films cannot be pirated and hence the film industry stands to gain a lot from 3D animation. However, I somehow feel that movies like Avatar are a rarity and I personally would not be comfortable in a world where all movies are 3D! We couldn't even download any movies at home in such a scenario.

The latest die-hard fan of animation is in my family itself - my daughter. She can't wait to watch the upcoming How To Train Your Dragon 2 movie which is set to release this June. She's taken after my husband who has been rooting for Walking with Dinosaurs, since even before the movie released.

As for me, I'm more than happy watching those old movie DVDs at home

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I love 3-D movies! I go to see them whenever possible. I dunno, it adds to the specialness of going to the cinema for me. The best 3-D use in a movie I've seen was Prometheus...that made you feel like you were in the film. (I didn't see Avatar untill dvd).
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


The issue I have with 3D movies seems to be that the effect wanes after a while. By about a half-hour in, it feels like my brain adjusts the image and I'm just watching a dark movie. It comes across more like a superfluous up-sale than anything.

I never saw Avatar, but Coraline is the only movie (out of many 3D) I ever remembering being impressed by.

Registered User
So far I've only bothered to see Avatar in 3D since it was a novelty at the time. The 3D effects were pretty badass (but the movie of course was a huge disappointment- basically just Disney's Pocahontas with blue cat-aliens).

I wouldn't have minded catching the re-release of Top Gun in 3D (it's too bad I missed it, that film has nostalgic value to me).

Too much a sharp picture with a too high contrast as well as the 3D one are not the best what we need. The perception of our real world should always be more real than any artificial picture from any artificial screen. In other words, your look at real people that surround you should always be sharper and truer than any picture of them on the screen. If not, than the pictures on the screens become more real than the real world around you.

I can't remember the last time I went to see a 3D film. I don't have a problem with them as such I just don't care about them and if I have the choice between seeing a film for 8 pounds in 2d or 14 pounds for 3d I know which I will go for.

Just out of interest does anyone posting in here wear glasses? I do and basically need to all the time I am awake so what do others do? Do you put the glasses over your normal glasses or just take your normal glasses off completely?
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The only movie that i enjoyed in 3D was Avatar.
In general, 3D is useless and is another way to make us to pay more for a movie.