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Katsunori Takahashi, Ayane Miura, Mai Tachihara, Maha Hamada View All


Kôji Suzuki (Writer), George Iida (Writer), Chisui Takigawa (Director), Taizô Soshigaya (Writer) View All

Release: Aug. 11th, 1995
Runtime: 1 hour, 30 minutes
In different parts of Tokyo, four young and seemingly healthy people suddenly die of heart failure at exactly the same moment. Reporter Kazuyuki Asakawa decides to investigate the deaths, and discovers that the four had stayed at a rural inn together just a week earlier. At the inn, he comes across a strange video that ends with a message saying that anyone who watches it will die exactly seven days later. Now the clock is ticking for Asakawa....

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2 The ring 0 and the ring 2 dvds
has anyone got the dvds of the ring 0 and the ring 2. i just saw them in virgin. would it be wise to buy ring 2 as its the original ones that were made by that japanese bloke. its just the ring ive s...

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