Grand Theft Auto IV


got it last night man. its pretty cool

GT: rafmyster add me
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Being drunk is hilarious! (in the game as well )

The cars are a lot harder to drive, which isn't a bad thing, and the detail which has gone into Liberty City itself is absolutely amazing.

I've only done the first few missions, and not touched the online part yet, but things are looking good so far.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

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I've gonna try to get it next week or so, I think I'll just free roam and do online play most of the time
You must have big rats if you need Hattori Hanzo's steel.

-Hattori Hanzo

there's a frog in my snake oil
Any other olde-school Mofos playing Xbox online? Would be good to meet up and have a chat in Freeroam or summat

I've sluiced a whole swathe of time into GTA race, but also whittle away the odd hour playing 'rocket golf' (turn off friendly fire and shoot your mate to a designated target), 'clay pigeon shooting' (rocketing others as they launch off a jump - and try and land on you ) and general 'chase the other bugger across the map with a helicopter'

PM me your gamertag or some such


PS on the single-player game - anyone feel it lacked the 'fun factor' of the others? Sweet 'world' - solid central character, and some of the support - but just gamewise didn't exploit it all the way it might have done? Bit po-faced 'plot wise' and a bit repetitive mission-wise? Shame - coz the city is a classy-lookin playground and that - and shoulda made the story-element a bit more compelling than it ended up being? (I mainly blame the often-'generic' missions for that tho). Hmm.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Yea, the missions seemed very similar, especially early on when yo're basically just driving from point A to point B. Then later, you just chase people to kill them. I think its Okay, just didn't seem as good as San Andreas, I'm kind of surprised they scaled back so much. P.S. A testament to 360's durability, my cat pulled on the power cord and knocked it clear off my entertainment center, still works fine though.

...uh the post is up there...

Projecting the image of success
Yea, the missions seemed very similar, especially early on when yo're basically just driving from point A to point B. Then later, you just chase people to kill them. I think its Okay, just didn't seem as good as San Andreas, I'm kind of surprised they scaled back so much. P.S. A testament to 360's durability, my cat pulled on the power cord and knocked it clear off my entertainment center, still works fine though.
My 360 broke, I sent it in. I got it back and it broke a week later. That was last year. It hasn't broken down since then. Almost 7 months.

Lets put a smile on that block
I have been playing it since it came out, and i must confess, it has pretty much destroyed my life.

And today I have finally bought my wireless network adapter to play online. PM me your gamer tags guys, im new to whole XBOX live thingy!
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've found that I'm playing this latest GTA in the same manner as I've played all the others - a quick hour here and there, 50% slowly advancing the main story and 50% being a very naughty boy indeed.

Since MGS4 has been released (sorry XBox Live peeps, much as I'd love for you to kneecap me in person I've got a PS3 and sadly on a completely different online structure), GTA has been gathering dust.

Golg - I don't think it's any less 'fun' this time around but the series itself has possibly gone as far as it can without a complete overhaul (or a quick death). Nothing in any GTA can compare to mowing down the entire conga of Hare Krishnas in the very first game (which I think Rockstar has available for a free PC download from their site).

there's a frog in my snake oil
(sorry XBox Live peeps, much as I'd love for you to kneecap me in person I've got a PS3 and sadly on a completely different online structure)
No kneecapping! Just gentlemanly games of 'handgrenade baseball'

Originally Posted by Tac
Golg - I don't think it's any less 'fun' this time around but the series itself has possibly gone as far as it can without a complete overhaul (or a quick death). Nothing in any GTA can compare to mowing down the entire conga of Hare Krishnas in the very first game (which I think Rockstar has available for a free PC download from their site).
Mmm - they mighta reached the end of the line, is true - altho the online stuff does add a promising direction. It's definitely stolen some of the thunder from single-player for me - i just don't dick around in-world as much as i did in Vice and SA. (Tho this could be coz i'm sooo much older and wiser now - and have less free time to kill . Or coz it's all a bit familiar now. That said - some daft cheats would definitely liven it up again for me - i loved dodging cops on a BMX that could jump 100ft )

The People's Republic of Clogher

Mmm - they mighta reached the end of the line, is true - altho the online stuff does add a promising direction. It's definitely stolen some of the thunder from single-player for me - i just don't dick around in-world as much as i did in Vice and SA. (Tho this could be coz i'm sooo much older and wiser now - and have less free time to kill . Or coz it's all a bit familiar now. That said - some daft cheats would definitely liven it up again for me - i loved dodging cops on a BMX that could jump 100ft )
Heh, I've definietly got the free time but definitely don't have the inclination anymore to spend hours on end gaming. That's probably why I've not tried the online mode beyond scratching the surface (knowing GTA, the scratching would probably indicate a rather nasty STD).

It's not just this game, I really can't be bothered to put the time in honing my skills just to be able to compete with a 12 year old, off his head on Fanta and UHU. I bought a bluetooth earpiece specifically for Burnout Paradise and used it only once - spending the time chatting in the game to a mate with my car parked up on the pavement.

Now, if GTA online had the ability for my character to sneer and demonstrate a few Nescafé hand signals while cruising around then I might just take more notice.

there's a frog in my snake oil
It's not just this game, I really can't be bothered to put the time in honing my skills just to be able to compete with a 12 year old, off his head on Fanta and UHU. I bought a bluetooth earpiece specifically for Burnout Paradise and used it only once - spending the time chatting in the game to a mate with my car parked up on the pavement.
Hah, it's not just the kids out there who need waterboarding into some semblance of civility - there's plenty of 'adult' a-holes too . I just turn the volume down so i can't hear their hatemongering . (You can 'phone a friend' in GTA too which is handy - cuts out all the other chunterings).

Mmm - i seem to be forcing myself to squeeze the last out if it to an extent (having invested in a console to play it and that ). Altho the races are a genuine blast half the time - and freeroam with friends has been kinda fun - tho it can equally be like watching tumbleweed bounce by if you can't think of owt to do. Still, might scratch this sandbox itch a bit longer

The People's Republic of Clogher
I guess that one of the techniques I used to convince myself to shell out for a PS3 has come to fruition - I use the thing as much as a media centre PC as I do a gaming platform, probably more so.

I must check to see if the 'phone a friend' gubbins is available on the Sony release - that might be the incentive I need because my last experience of listening to people chatting in-game had me rolling about the floor in fits of laughter. It was during a game of online PS3 poker and I'd wandered into a mic'd up room by mistake to be confronted by a couple of David Brent-alikes pretending they were high rollers.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I must check to see if the 'phone a friend' gubbins is available on the Sony release - that might be the incentive I need because my last experience of listening to people chatting in-game had me rolling about the floor in fits of laughter.
Should be the same on both platforms - friends list should appear in your 'phonebook' during online games. Bit cumbersome but it works.

I actually had some very refreshing chatter-background just now. Everyone was silent (Except for one guy who kept quietly chuckling to himself like he was really having fun. Lord knows he was probably just reversing over some helpless player again and again - but at least the overall effect was positive )


And now something y'all really must try if you haven't already...


Just tried it in single player. Police chases are soooooooo much more engaging suddenly. It's a lot more 'cinematic' without the guides cluttering the screen - and a lot more 'sandboxy', in that you don't know where the hell you're gonna go next

As the guy who recommended it put it:

Originally Posted by Some guy on another forum
-You never know where the next cop is.
-You never know the quickest route out of their radar.
-When you are out of the radar, you don't know it.
-You never know if the cops are still looking for you.
-You never know how many stars you got.
For those of you looking for a little more of a realistic rush...try it out.
Alright, so maybe 'cinematic' is a bit strong. Perhaps: 'Feeling like you're starring in Police, Camera, Action' puts it better

I pretty much rushed finishing this in time for MGS4. I'm not sure if i have a preference on this ones tone to the other games but it definitely is a lot more serious and without as much of the tongue in cheek-ness of prior installments. Looking back at San Andreas, that one almost seems like a cartoon- aliens, jet packs etc. Not tried online gameplay yet just because doing so on CoD4 devoured almost every spare second lol. I find the city a little too overwhelming to have any urge to explore freely and have a feeling they're keeping a lot back to make the next installment be worth buying, the limited weapons for one. Also, what the heck happened to rampages!

there's a frog in my snake oil
Yeah it is pretty 'pared down'. There might be some treats in the downloadable content, but i doubt it - prob just be more missions and skins etc.

Online's got its moments. Def try GTA race - can be a lorra lorra fun

Welcome to the human race...
My friend agreed to swap me his 360 and GTA4 in exchange for my Gamecube and Twin Snakes. Cool trade.

So far I'm liking it, although the controls are a little iffy and the music's not as good as the other games (then again it hasn't really grown on me yet).

there's a frog in my snake oil
So far I'm liking it, although the controls are a little iffy and the music's not as good as the other games (then again it hasn't really grown on me yet).
The 360 seems to have a glitch with the music where it starts radio stations again every time you get in a new car - rather than streaming them constantly. Pain in the bum really. (Think it's something to do with them not being able to download any info to the hardrive.)

Music doesn't seem to be as standout either - but there's some choice stuff in there. I normally settle on the 30s jazz station - has the same 'heart-rate calming' effect of the country station in SA - just less amusing. (Was kinda hoping we'd be able to feed in a custom radio. I've got a load of tunes i'd love to scarper round too - but don't really wanna play them through the Xbox 'dashboard' coz they'd just be on constantly. I prefer that 'step into a random playlist' feel the radio has).