

Binge-watched it in the week. It wasn't gory, but the casting and conversations were interesting and well done. Some creepy likenesses to serial killers going on there.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Just started this. Hard to tell "where" it's going after the first episode, but interesting nonetheless.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Just started this. Hard to tell "where" it's going after the first episode, but interesting nonetheless.
Interested to see what you think of it as it goes on.

This might just do nobody any good.
I liked it overall. It’s surprisingly well paced. Dialogue is deployed very cleverly.

I’m still not sure if I liked Jonathan Groff’s performance. I might have needed more of a kick, though it was interesting seeing his neuroses amplified on both sides of his life as a result of the meetings. That’s what’s holding me back from discarding it.

Holt McCallany, as I said before, holds the whole thing together.

If the series has been discussed before, apologies for the unnecessary thread. I did search for a thread, but it was on mobile, so search results didn't bring up anything at all.

I agree that McCallany had the stronger performance of those two.

Been waiting for this for awhile. Had planned to start watching as soon as it was available, but October's ended up being pretty crazy busy, so I haven't yet. Looking forward to it, though.

This is a great end to the Fincher trilogy (Se7en, Zodiac, Mindhunter) and Cameron Britton has locked down supporting/guest actor awards for the next year.

The core four of Bill, Shepard, Wendy and Holden is perfect, the thing that I love about this show is it's diversity. Not "ethnic" diversity but intellectual diversity which we've lost in the last 20 years of film/TV. All four characters are flawed, well defined and positioned in different areas. Each character has it's own priorities sometimes they are wrong other times they are right.

I also love the pacing of the show, it would be easy to do a season long murder mystery or stretch out plot lines throughout the 10 episodes but with this show the stories are told and we move on. The profilers failing in the murder mystery part of the series is one of the better twists I've seen in a long time. And that could have been played as the big finale but for this series it was just the middle chunk.

The interviews with the killers are great but seeing the failures and crimes at all the different stages is another thing that makes this series so much fun to watch. BTK just being in the prologue portion of the series is great and demonstrative of long term planning you just don't see anymore.

This might just do nobody any good.
Give Anna Torv and Carrie Coon in a buddy cop movie now.

First episode is kinda muddled, but the show really finds its footing in the second. I can tell I'm probably going to enjoy the rest.

And man, that travel montage. Virtuoso.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Asides from having one of the most awful titles imaginable, I enjoyed Mindhunter. It's like Hannibal without the monotonous, wilful gore.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Think i'm going to start this tomorrow. I've actually already seen an ep with my gf when she was watching it, it was the Richard Speck episode. I saw a video of Speck in prison just looked it up and it was in 1996 apparently, it was one of the most vile things i've ever seen. He was abusing hormones to give him breasts for uh obvious reasons. The other inmates were verbally abusing and mocking him and it was obvious what was going on. Thought the trouble he was having with other inmates was supposed to be a reference to that, kinda doesn't make sense since Speck was supposed to have had a cushy time in jail around the time this was set. Still it was an interesting portrayal of him and i'm interested in seeing it all and from the start.

This TV-Show is absolutely awesome. Just finish the 1st season and I love every single episode. Can't wait for the 2nd.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

This might just do nobody any good.
After going through this again over the week I’ve turned around on Groff’s performance. It’s a much more interactive experience the 2nd time around, for me at least, once you get into the rhythm of it and start to examine the exchanges. There’s a line from Ford, something about not wanting to look “like a village person” while he and Debbie are out shopping, that clues you in to the guys real attitudes. It’s less like he’s absorbing those of guys like Kemper and more like he’s loosening up. That’s where the real psychoanalysis begins and it’s disturbing.

Watching Ford wrestle with the urge to get, um, first hand experiences should be fascinating.

Expect Debbie and Wendy to be the tv couple come season 2. Or, at least, near the top.

Mindhunters isn't the best Netflix series, not dark enough, but still one of the better ones. A Kemper spinoff would be something I would watch D1. The Fincher episodes stood out to me, because they featured a lot of stylized sequences that others lack. Then I read that he did 75 takes for one 9 minute scene. Apparently this is normal for him, but I was surprised to hear this.

The ADT man is a good touch.

This might just do nobody any good.
I think I read somewhere that Robert Downey Jr. hid cups full of urine for his daily drug tests around the set of Zodiac as a way of protesting Fincher’s excessive direction.

Anyways, how was this not dark enough for you?

This might just do nobody any good.
Dewey Crowe’s gonna play Charles Manson in this too!


Here he’ll be 80’s era Manson, already behind bars.