I enjoyed this episode so much. This is the moment where I need to say: "books are books, show is show" but its really hard in case of Stannis... That was awesome scene, she was screaming for her father and mother, I hoped until the end Stannis is going to stop it. Even in the series I don't see him as being kind of guy to burn his daughter, I mean Ramsay never did something like this, Ramsay at least dose it to people he captures/dose not know etc, but burning your daughter alive? That is totally different level of sick and disturbing. I just didn't see it to be in his character, still, it was damn good scene.
Dany... That was also very interesting, I don't know what are they going to do with her next season, they are one chapter from being at same points as the books. For me it was not the dragon that made it great, its that moment of "oh ****, run run run, we are outnumbered". Overall, awesome.
Now, for my favorite scene, Doran Martell (my favorite book character besides Roose Bolton). Those scenes with him, Jaimie, and everyone else was ok, I enjoyed it, they didn't do justice to Dorne and Doran up to this episode, but I think they are picking up. Now the best scene for me in this episode? Moment when Elaria (was it her?) kisses Doran's ring, starts crying, and he is like "don't cry, it won't help you, we won't be doing this again, next time, heads, spikes, walls". The man is a genius, he knows he couldn't win war at the moment and he ain't fool to start it.
There is one thing why I think Stannis is idiot because of making this decision (in political sense). He already has problem of not getting North to support him, why? Because of his faith, because he is not from The North and because North is very loyal. By burning his daughter he made sure nobody in The North ever helps him, and if they do, then its just horrible writing. I mean, if we don't hear some of his man deserting because they lack food/wish to fight/being scared etc, I will also consider it bad writing. Even if he didn't burn his daughter it would be normal for men to desert in those conditions. Also, did Ramsay just burn
all of they food, killing a lot of their horses? How are they supposed to siege Winterfell? "Castle that can be defended with skeleton army" and Boltons should have thousands of soldiers. How much food could Davos bring? Is he bringing Nights Watch? This is why I dislike certain changes, good thing they made few good ones (awesome ones) so I'm now comfortable with where majority of series is going. I almost forgot, Stannis just killed his only heir and he is not getting any younger.
By the way, episode ten is called "Mother's Mercy" ... I hope its her.