Let the Right One In

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Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
It is the best vampire movie - ever, it said so right on the box but is it?

Not for me. It was an intriguing movie. It's a foreign movie. It's very low budget. The pacing is quite slow, and yes, I fell asleep for a while.

So I'd call it an interesting vampire movie but certainly not the best ever. It's a different take. That's a cool thing.

I think it could have been far more engaging. I think the story could have been told better. I was a wee bit dissappointed on the whole.

BTW, I found it both amusing and frustrating that the subtitles and the voice overs were quite different. I reverted back to the foreign language so I wouldn't be constantly distracted by this glitch.

I thought this film was very good but not as good as the hype suggested. I thought the story was good, it was interesting to see the relationship between the vampire and the kid and how it grew. I loved the location of the film and i thought some of the camera work was very well done.

I was dissapointed in the ending, i just expected more to happen but nothing really did but a good film anyway.

8/10 for me

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I havent seen it, shall give it a go if I see it cheap.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

there's a frog in my snake oil
Really looking forward to this one.

Mate of mine snagged a quick review with the director. Has piqued my interest a little more
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Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Yes, the ending was just sort of a fading away. This was in keeping with the fact the movie slowly moved along, never quite making me care about any of the characters or the story.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The ending made perfect sense to me. I couldn't think of a better way to end it, but then, I did care about the characters.
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Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I'm glad it worked for you. I've heard from quite a few sources, not just the blab on the box that it IS the best vampire movie ever. So it seems to work for many.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I haven't seen it, but somehow the words low budget, foreign and vampire used to describe it have piqued my interest. That and that the title is a Morrissey song. Added to my to-see list.

Except for it only being on Blu-Ray on the site i use to get most R1 DVDs, i heard the subtitles they're using on the current releases are different due to a copyright issue on the original and as such have lost most the subtlety and humour.

Well, I'm not going to call it the best vampire movie ever. That's ridiculous, I will however say what I've already said a few times before around here. It is an effing fantastic film! One of the very best from last year as a matter of fact. Kind of sad really, the majority of really excellent films all seemed to come from outside the US last year. So far, this year isn't starting off much better.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
I thought this film was very good but not as good as the hype suggested. I thought the story was good, it was interesting to see the relationship between the vampire and the kid and how it grew. I loved the location of the film and i thought some of the camera work was very well done.

I was dissapointed in the ending, i just expected more to happen but nothing really did but a good film anyway.

8/10 for me
I thought the ending was amazing. To me it worked, because it was
WARNING: "Let the Right One In" spoilers below
bleak and hopeless. Sure the two "kids" get together and ride on the train as the boy hides the vampire girl.

I don't believe this is a promising relationship. She is not going to convert him, she is simply going to use him to clean up her messes and to work in the day the way she used her prior human caretaker.

Kids are selfish and although she's old and experienced she would still have the physiological makeup of a child's brain.

The ending is perfect for the story.
"A candy colored clown!"
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Taken care of Pyro....

You guys please remember that everyone has not seen this and use spoilers in your posts so you don't spoil it for others.... thanks...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

oh I thought it was an excellent film! yes slow, but not slow=boring, more like slow=taking it's time to build up the relationship and explore the character and meaning of being a vampire. I've never seen Buffy or any of those tv vampire things, they don't interest me (except the BBC series Being Human which is great btw), so hearing about another vampire film didn't excite me that much until I heard a little more about it and how dark it sounded intrigued me.

I loved the nuances of the plot and the way that the director/screenwriter left some of the storylines vague, just to keep questions in the viewers minds which works so well.
WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
For example I got that Haken was a paedophile whose relationship with Eli was symbiotic, very creepy and wonderfully suggested by just Eli's finger running down his cheek. Also, seemingly Eli's castration and all the rings in that egg, suggesting suffering and a very long life - again all so lightly done and giving the film so much depth. Eli's hunger turning her into an atavistic animal was bloody scary too

The setting was perfect, dark, and unremittingly cold. Very good film, enjoyed it a lot and will watch it again on dvd.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I loved the nuances of the plot and the way that the director/screenwriter left some of the storylines vague, just to keep questions in the viewers minds which works so well.
I liked that too. I am wondering if anyone has read the book, and how much of Eli's past is in it?

Also, I am in the camp that thinks the ending was perfect. In fact, I think the story would have suffered majorly had it ended any other way.

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
I've never been much for spoiler warnings. I figure if you don't want to know the ending, then don't read a post or a thread that discusses that. With that being said, it's not my forum or my rules so I apologize for not posting the spoiler tags.

I wouldnt have read the post if i knew it had the details of the ending in, the spoiler gives you the choice whether or not to read it or not.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I think the point is that the film was just released in Britain to the theatres this past week, so many members have had no chance of seeing it yet. Oh Pyro, don't worry too much about the "spoiler"; viddy's guessing.