Complaint About Bill Murray Halts Filming of 'Being Mortal'


This can't be too surprising to hear, yeah?

Aziz Ansari must feel like he can't get a break.

Aziz, you seemed stressed. Why don't you take a break. Take a nice girl on a date or something.

His past troubles may have prompted this as a bit of an overreaction (covering one's backside). We won't know until details are released. Maybe Bill is just off the chain.

Yeah, who knows. We'll know more soon, probably.

Also, just generally, I object to the degree to which allegations of things like sexual misconduct and allegations of just being really demanding or mean on a movie set are sometimes described the same way.

I do so detest when another celebrity is added to the list of people I am officially required to publicly denounce. Depeche Mode could turn out to be a band of serial killers, but Violator will always have a special place in my heart as an album.

I do so detest when another celebrity is added to the list of people I am officially required to publicly denounce. Depeche Mode could turn out to be a band of serial killers, but Violator will always have a special place in my heart as an album.

I can't wait for the time we all find out Jonas Salk was a child murderer and we all have to get polio to make sure its understood we stand with his many, many victims.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hope you guys are kidding about following the sheeple thing...I'm sure you are. But if you do decide to 'cancel' Bill Murray, do it for your own reasons and not because the heard says too. Me? I don't follow fashions, that would be a joke.

I hope you guys are kidding about following the sheeple thing...I'm sure you are. But if you do decide to 'cancel' Bill Murray, do it for your own reasons and not because the heard says too. Me? I don't follow fashions, that would be a joke.

I am for people choosing to engage in art in any way they choose. If the bad deeds of an artist corrupts someone's emotional response to a work, I can't blame them for walking away from that artist. Or if they choose to boycot them for their own reasons, fine. It's their eyeballs and their money.

But anyone who suggests anyone else has to have their emotional reaction to a piece of art, or should boycott what they want boycotted, can go **** themselves.

Also can we retire the word sheeple already. It would be the non sheeple thing to do

Trouble with a capital "T"
I am for people choosing to engage in art in any way they choose. If the bad deeds of an artist corrupts someone's emotional response to a work, I can't blame them for walking away from that artist. Or if they choose to boycot them for their own reasons, fine. It's their eyeballs and their money.

But anyone who suggests anyone else has to have their emotional reaction to a piece of art, or should boycott what they want boycotted, can go **** themselves.

Also can we retire the word sheeple already. It would be the non sheeple thing to do
Not sure if you're aiming that bolded part at me?
I hope you guys are kidding about following the sheeple thing...I'm sure you are. But if you do decide to 'cancel' Bill Murray, do it for your own reasons and not because the heard says too. Me? I don't follow fashions, that would be a joke.
'You' as used in my above post would of course be the global form...meaning everyone...and not meaning you specifically.

Not sure if you're aiming that bolded part at me? .


The only one deserving such ire is MKS, and he knows what he's done.

I'm speaking of the people out there who demand if they are angry at what a performer has done, that others must follow suit by similarly rejecting their movies or music or whatever. That it's some kind of faux pas if we still like Roman Polanski's films or Louis CKs comedy etc. It's nonsense.

Art has value outside of whatever nefarious things the artist may have done. Sometimes it affects my opinions of the work, other times it doesnt. But, I believe as you said, it is up to every individual to decide for themselves

Trouble with a capital "T"

The only one deserving such ire is MKS, and he knows what he's done.

I'm speaking of the people out there who demand if they are angry at what a performer has done, that others must follow suit by similarly rejecting their movies or music or whatever. That it's some kind of faux pas if we still like Roman Polanski's films or Louis CKs comedy etc. It's nonsense.

Art has value outside of whatever nefarious things the artist may have done. Sometimes it affects my opinions of the work, other times it doesnt. But, I believe as you said, it is up to every individual to decide for themselves
Cool beans...we're on the same page. I feel the say way. Well said.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Cant really say without details yeah?

lol... or facts!

Like those historians I read who end their chapter with, "All of this is conjecture and none of this can be corroborated, but please keep buying my book, the next one will be the greatest ever in history and with a book so great you don't even need to read it!"

A system of cells interlinked
I do so detest when another celebrity is added to the list of people I am officially required to publicly denounce. Depeche Mode could turn out to be a band of serial killers, but Violator will always have a special place in my heart as an album.
More of a Music for the Masses guy myself, but I understand the sentiment.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That it's some kind of faux pas if we still like Roman Polanski's films or Louis CKs comedy etc. It's nonsense.
I agree. I personally loved Louis CKs latest 2 specials.

The trouble is though, when art created by these people is given a positive response in public, you get alleged victims of those people claiming they are still traumatised (which they no doubt are), and the artist has been rewarded for bad behaviour.******-3203891

More of a Music for the Masses guy myself, but I understand the sentiment.

That's a good one (Strangelove was a club staple, and Never Let Me Down Again is a classic).

You ready? You look ready.
Another celebrity accused of being naughty? I feel like I'm living Groundhog Day here, yo

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Another celebrity accused of being naughty?
A lot of complaints about the behavior of men are way more than being “naughty”.