The Videogames Tab


A system of cells interlinked
Sadly this one will have to wait till I get a true PC that I can upgrade. Ive only got 8gb of ram and the game recommends 16, not even talking about the SSD card that Im sure cant be installed into a laptop. So I think Ill be trying Dos2. Just made a dwarven thief and think itll be a nice ride, its easy to learn so far. Have also been wanting to play the FF VII Remake but its an "action" RPG, and my skillz are too rusty for such games. Better to go with a turn based RPG like FF Tactics was.

I was able to hang with the kids until Mortal Kombat III came out. Once the "combos" became a staple then action/reflex games passed me by
DOS: 2 is a great game! I am sure you will enjoy it.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I don't know if I'm cursed or have developed a.d.d. . I keep giving up on games and just play Skyrim. My next plan to break the cycle is to download these 4 games...

Call of Duty Modern Wardare II (campaign only)

Assassins Creed: Origins

Resident Evil: Village

and Disco Elysium.

Hopefully I'll finish at least one of these. I think God's trying to say I'm too old for this ****.

there's a frog in my snake oil
That's it, there are no more excuses not to make yourself feel ill in VR

(PS Portal 2 currently 85 pence on Steam...)
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

🥺❤️RIP Shannen Doherty❤️🥺
That's it, there are no more excuses not to make yourself feel ill in VR

(PS Portal 2 currently 85 pence on Steam...)
wait portal 2 in VR? how they did the mod in VR :O. i loved that game on xbox 360 back in the day

The Adventure Starts Here!
That's it, there are no more excuses not to make yourself feel ill in VR

(PS Portal 2 currently 85 pence on Steam...)
It's so frustrating that I have to be SO careful what games I play on my Rift, precisely because of these sorts of issues. When I moved my desk around a few months ago, partly so I'd have more floor room for the headset usage, I didn't bother to plug the three sensors back in (I'll have to find different spots for them now that I moved the desk).

I'm considering an eventual upgrade to the Quest since it doesn't require those sensors. But if I still have issues with VR movement, I'm not in any hurry to do this. Such sadness...

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Gosh. I'm vomiting already!
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

there's a frog in my snake oil
It's so frustrating that I have to be SO careful what games I play on my Rift, precisely because of these sorts of issues. When I moved my desk around a few months ago, partly so I'd have more floor room for the headset usage, I didn't bother to plug the three sensors back in (I'll have to find different spots for them now that I moved the desk).

I'm considering an eventual upgrade to the Quest since it doesn't require those sensors. But if I still have issues with VR movement, I'm not in any hurry to do this. Such sadness...
Quest has been good-bad for me. Good because it's super flexible. (Take it to show friends, use it anywhere in house etc, really neat pass-through cameras and mixed-reality possibilities). Bad because, although it works well for PCVR, there's a bunch more steps to go through to even get booted up. And mainly I'd just wanna use it for PCVR. Meh

I wouldn't feel too bad on Portal though. That game is gonna wreck people left, right and centre

@xSookieStackhouse If Ive never played an Assassins Creed game, which one should I play first of these five?

or Valhalla?

@Yoda How is Starfield?

It's fine. It scratches the Bethesda Itch, but apart from being new and just the type of game I like, I have to concede it's a lesser version of the Fallouts and the Elder Scrollseseses. The exploration thing is fundamentally different because there's far less discover "on the way" to something else, because space travel is largely cut scenes and fast travel. So "on the way" is more like "is there a ship here with an encounter once I get to the planet?" And then a few outputs and stuff on the surface. But it feels like a basic misstep to make a space game at all because it will almost necessarily destroy that "find things along the way to the thing you're going to" hallmark of their games.

Still enjoyable, though. It's not a major criticism to say it's not as good as those other games given how much I enjoyed them. I would like to see them take another crack at this in a sequel (in like nine years, I guess) where they focus way more on how to make space travel itself interesting.

I can see the appeal of "cozy games" now that I've finished Lake. You're Meredith, a middle-aged computer programmer from the big city who spends a couple of weeks at her tiny, beautiful lakeside Oregon hometown to sub for her dad's mail delivery job. You reconnect with an old friend, take an old woman's sick cat to the vet, pursue romance, babysit; in short, pretend like you're the protagonist in a Hallmark movie.

🥺❤️RIP Shannen Doherty❤️🥺
@xSookieStackhouse If Ive never played an Assassins Creed game, which one should I play first of these five?

or Valhalla?

@Yoda How is Starfield?
should play first assassins creed then assassins creed 2 then assassins creed brotherhood and then assassin creed revlations and then assassins creed 3 but if u dont have others u can play assassins creed 3

Really wanna buy Super Bomberman R2, but $50 for a game that could have been made on a Playstation 2 seems a bit much...

🥺❤️RIP Shannen Doherty❤️🥺
@xSookieStackhouse If Ive never played an Assassins Creed game, which one should I play first of these five?

or Valhalla?

@Yoda How is Starfield?
omg when i was playing assassins creed mirage , it reminds me of AC1 and AC revelations. the AC bureau base is same one as the one from AC1

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Not to brag or anything, but a coworker pushed me into downloading Baldur's Gate 3, a 1.5 friggin Gb download. After all this, let's hope my graphics card can keep up.