Darth Stujitzu come out to PLAAAAAAYAAAAY


ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13
Hey there ****-face. I got word from your mother that you needed to be spanked.

On what topics? Well it could be anything you want, as your views hold no clout in any realm of meaning. However, I would prefer to tango on batman begins, your liking of it, and how close of a relationship you had with your mother.

You wanted my wrath, and it has been brought, speak your peace so I can demolish it with my mind-boggling mastery of English, bitch.

It's on.

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
My original point was that everyone on this forum has an opinion, good or bad, and that although you might not agree with a person's views on a film, they are still entitled to their opinion.
Grow up and stop posting immature worthless threads, Mofo doesn't need drivel like this on the forum.
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13
Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
My original point was that everyone on this forum has an opinion, good or bad, and that although you might not agree with a person's views on a film, they are still entitled to their opinion.
This statement would make sense if only you would follow it. Not only do you proceed to call my opinion unoriginal, but stupid, I countered. I appreciate other people's opinions when they aren't hypocritical like yours.

Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
Grow up and stop posting immature worthless threads, Mofo doesn't need drivel like this on the forum.
As I recall you are the one who called out the debate thread. if anything, I did a service for mofo by moving the argument from a topic that wasn't pertinent. I did what should be expected, and something YOU asked for.

Also, the term "drivel" is for film critic snobs.

You don't try, now please, enlighten me on the subject of batman begins or I shall truly revel in my utter defeat of your callous accusations towards my opinion on batman begins.


Originally Posted by Obi
As I recall you are the one who called out the debate thread

There's a whole thread for this stuff, no need to make one

Lets put a smile on that block
Whats going on? Where did this argument start? I'm being nosey, show me a link!
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Originally Posted by ObiWanShinobi

Also, the term "drivel" is for film critic snobs.
"Drivel" is a very expressive word - why should "film critic snobs" keep it to themselves?

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Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Whats going on? Where did this argument start? I'm being nosey, show me a link!
yea I'm interested; name-calling + immaturity + conflict = good reading

I think this should be named the "Drivel" thread and we post all things drivel related here.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
Last time i looked drivel was a word that anyone was free to use.
Your hold over the english language is not as great as you so proclaimed.

And instead of you assuming that making this thread was the right thing to do you could have just private messaged each other