The MoFo Top 100 of the 60s: Countdown

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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Maybe your likening it to Bunuel films is off the mark.
I'll quit beating the Day of the Dead, but what I actually said was ...
If Bunuel had directed it, it might have made the Top 100.
... meaning if it were by a more well-known director (who was working in Mexico at the time), it would have more of a chance making our list. I saw Macario before I ever saw a Bunuel film.
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Before my sixties watching for the list began, The Grinch would have made my list. I'm surprised it couldn't make top 100 and I do wish it would have.

Originally Posted by Daniel M
- No gongs.
No gongs? No problem.

I've discovered a musical instrument that's much more '60s:

It fits beautifully with the first film from my list:

Which you can watch here:

Whoa. I didn't even know The Grinch was eligible for this list. If I had known that I would have probably voted for it and it would've been number 100.

The Grinch already made the Cartoon List. Let's not make The Grinch be so greedy. Other movies want a chance! Serves you right, Grinch!

Don't blame me for The Grinch not making it! I was talking about not voting for Jason and the Argonauts!
Crap, I totally scrolled too fast and misread that. My apologies!

Whoa. I didn't even know The Grinch was eligible for this list. If I had known that I would have probably voted for it and it would've been number 100.
Its eligibility was specifically discussed in the other thread.

Good start to the list.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Its eligibility was specifically discussed in the other thread.
Oh. I must've missed that part.

As per MoFo tradition, these are the one point films. Films that only appeared one one persons list, and in the 25th spot on that list.

Manos was my number 25. And I deliberately put it there for it to be on the one point section. And I watched it WITHOUT the witty commentary by the MST3K cast. It was painful.

I have not seen either of the first two films. Much like all the other lists, I expect to see my first film show up in the 70's and maybe the 80's range. Then it will be a slow trickle of films before more and more show up.

I am glad this list is finally starting. Always so much fun, and a great part of being a MoFo.

I haven't seen neither of those films starting off this list. I want to watch both though after reading into them.

Sad to see The Grinch not making the list. I had it at #13, which is quite high for a short. Especially considering I rarely put shorts on my list.

I'm looking forward to the next set!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Do I understand this correctly: that every ones nomination #25 is a 1 pointer and on the second post, unless other people voted for it?

Yes, the #25 entry on your list is only worth 1 point, so if nobody else voted for it, then it only got your 1 point, and it's on the list in the second post. If your #25 entry is not on that list, then somebody else also voted for it.

Do I understand this correctly: that every ones nomination #25 is a 1 pointer and on the second post, unless other people voted for it?
Yes. The one pointers are films that got 1 point only. If your number 25 did not show up, other people voted for it.