Nolan vs Villeneuve


We've gone on holiday by mistake
I've removed Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises to get to 7 each also removing Villeneuve's 2 early films and Nolan's "Following".

Memento vs Polytechnique
Insomnia vs Incendies
The Prestige vs Prisoners
The Dark Knight vs Enemy
Inception vs Sicario
Interstellar vs Arrival
Dunkirk vs Blade Runner 2049

We've gone on holiday by mistake
@Yoda maybe this should be in the Actors/Awards/Directors section?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Memento vs Polytechnique...Haven't seen Polytechique but seen Memento and didn't think much of it.

Insomnia vs Incendies...Haven't seent Insomnia but seen Incendies which I thought was mostly excellent.

The Prestige vs Prisoners...Haven't seen Prisoners but seen The Prestige and was very impressed.

The Dark Knight vs Enemy...Not seen either.

Inception vs Sicario...Haven't seen Sicario but seen Inception and didn't care for it.

Interstellar vs Arrival...Both of these sci fis tried and failed in my book. I'd say Interstellar was better than Arrival.

Dunkirk vs Blade Runner 2049...Didn't like Dunkirk, and BR 2049 didn't such.

So who's the best director, it's a draw

Hmmm... maybe someday I'll get around to watching a film from either Nolan or Villeneuve.

Until then...
Lists and Projects

Um, lets see.

Memento vs Polytechnique
Haven't seen Polytechnique and like CR above didn't think too much of Memento (it's been a long time though)

Insomnia vs Incendies
Haven't seen Insomnia but Incendies was nice

The Prestige vs Prisoners
To this day I don't know if I've seen The Prestige or just the other magician movie that came about the same time. Prisoners was pretty good and prefer it to either/both magician movies.

The Dark Knight vs Enemy
Haven't seen Enemy but I don't like The Dark Knight at all

Inception vs Sicario
I'm pretty sure I haven't seen Sicario and Inception is pretty mediocre in books

Interstellar vs Arrival
Finally a match-up I've seen both. I actually like them both but I'd give a slight edge to Interstellar

Dunkirk vs Blade Runner 2049
Seen both again. Here I prefer BR2049 but neither of them are good

It's kinda 1-1 but (Incendies + Prisoners) > (Memento + The Dark Knight + Inception) so I'd give an edge to Villeneuve.

Memento: a reminder of who the best is.

Why have you removed 'Following'? You could have chucked it up against 'Maelstrom'.

Memento vs Polytechnique
Insomnia vs Incendies
The Prestige vs Prisoners
The Dark Knight vs Enemy
Inception vs Sicario
Interstellar vs Arrival
Dunkirk vs Blade Runner 2049

We've gone on holiday by mistake
My main thinking was that Villeneuve made those 10 years prior to his work this decade but hey feel free to add it on.

Surprised how many people haven't seen a lot from both lists. I would recommend watching everything on the lists if you've not seen them.

Memento vs Polytechnique
Insomnia vs Incendies
The Prestige vs Prisoners
The Dark Knight vs Enemy
Inception vs Sicario
Interstellar vs Arrival
Dunkirk vs Blade Runner 2049

I'm not sure I can choose between the last two. Blade Runner more enjoyable, Dunkirk a bit more impressive.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think Prestige vs Prisoners and the final 3 choices are very difficult.

Both are hacks, but at least their films are enjoyable. Most of them, anyway.

Memento -
vs Polytechnique - ???
Memento is probably the best Nolan film. I haven't seen Polytechnique.

Insomnia -
vs Incendies -

Both incredibly meh, but let's go for Nolan.

The Prestige -
vs Prisoners -

Deakins delivers!

The Dark Knight -
vs Enemy -

Where is she? WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE!!!??? Dude, chill out. I'd take double Gyllenhaal anytime.

Inception -
vs Sicario -

Sicario is so uninspiringly insipid that even Inception seems impressive in comparison. Anyway, both are half a star flicks.

Interstellar -
vs Arrival -

Interstellar is a bloated faux pas of a sci-fi epic with laughable attempts at metaphysics. Arrival is a solid yet not too remarkable alien linguistics porn. Just admit it already. If it was made in Japan, those heptapods would have done very nasty things to Amy Adams (would boost the rating by a full star then!)

Dunkirk -
vs Blade Runner 2049 -

Seriously, Dunkirk might be Nolan's best. I love the scope, and action, but in the end, it's not that exquisite. I might increase the rating after a rewatch, but I doubt I will watch it again any time soon. Blade Runner 2049 is good for at least two reasons. First, even though it works on the original movie's legacy, it's still standalone enough. Second, Deakins' oranges are to die for.

A system of cells interlinked
Memento vs Polytechnique
Insomnia vs Incendies
The Prestige vs Prisoners
The Dark Knight vs Enemy
Inception vs Sicario
Interstellar vs Arrival
Dunkirk vs Blade Runner 2049

Inception and Sicario are too much of an apples to oranges comparison for me to choose. I enjoyed both films. Sicario perhaps gets the directorial edge?

Minio in here trollin!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I propose creating a negative number rating system, just for you!
But I'm not very negative! I'm full of life!