MoFo Health Thread


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It can definitely be hard to find time for exercise. I was always a pretty sedentary person, in part due to my choice in hobbies (gaming, reading etc.) and in part due to the fact that for most of my life, I was able to rely on a fairly overactive metabolism to stay relatively fit. Alas, age finally caught up with me, and I started to turn into the dreaded fat skinny guy - Tall and skinny but with a gut. It didn't bother me at first, but the change in body and advancing age started to affect my energy levels. I decided it was time for a change.

A while back I started an exercise program that is designed to be fairly intense for a short period of time per day (under an hour) for 5 days a week, with two rest days, as well as extra stuff to tack on if you are able. So far, it has completely changed both my wife's and my life. It's geared to make people more fit and athletic, as opposed to being centered around power-lifting or things of that nature. It also has a ton of nutrition advice, none of which revolves around portion control or depleted eating. It all sort of clicked in rather easily, actually. The cool thing is how every day is different, so boredom never sets in.

I won't bore you with details now, but the short and focused high-intensity work-outs combined with some adjustments to our diet were easy to implement and start providing results almost immediately. Let me know if you want to know more about it and I can post a few bits of advice.
The wife and I did the INSANITY workout. We did the first month and took a week break before going after the second month, which is more intense. But then I got the flu....and we never did that second month because when I get sick, I'm sick for awhile. So we just kind of fell off that.

In addition to that workout...we never changed our eating habits. So it kind of cancelled each other out in a way I think.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

A system of cells interlinked
The wife and I did the INSANITY workout. We did the first month and took a week break before going after the second month, which is more intense. But then I got the flu....and we never did that second month because when I get sick, I'm sick for awhile. So we just kind of fell off that.

In addition to that workout...we never changed our eating habits. So it kind of cancelled each other out in a way I think.

The guy that created our program (Jeff Cavaliere - he is the personal trainer for some pro athletes like Antonio Brown) says that the diet aspect is more important than all the rest, and for some, the hardest aspect to adjust to.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

100% true. Most weight loss happens via diet, not exercise. Exercise is better for health than weight. It's harder to find time for, it makes you hungrier, and it saps some of the will power that would've been spent eating better.

Changing your diet first is way, way more sustainable. I'd strongly advise introducing modest regular exercise, like short walks, while focusing more on eating habits, and maybe introduce more intensive stuff after awhile.

I drank a glass of milk before bed and sleep through the night for the first time in weeks. Or was it something else? Ima do it as long as it works.

That’s because all dairy products contain tryptophan, which relaxes you & makes you sleepy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I mean, I guess. I went and got some melatonin and it makes me sleepy, but I don't stay asleep. I always get tired and fall right out, it just doesn't last long.

Maybe I need a 30lb / 13kg comforter to sleep under?

If we believe stuff we read on the internet.

My sleep issues may be attributed to the increased hormone levels from fasting. The increase in noradrenaline/norepinephrine levels seem to have an effect on sleep time.

In theory, if we think of humans in a primal setting...eating infrequently...would they ever sleep for 7-8 hours if these hormone levels are elevated?

I guess I can do an update. I'm still struggling to get completely healthy, but I'm making more of an effort right now. I'm realizing the hardest thing for me to conquer is cravings. I was going out for fast food daily, even sometimes twice a day, for a while. This last week, I went three times. That is not healthy I know, but it's better.

I'm also working to cut out caffeine and sugary drinks.

I am going to exercise classes with my friend. The first two I went to last week were great with only my friend and I and one other person (and obviously the teacher), and led to a one and one session with the teacher, who may become my personal trainer. I appreciate how he works with me because he is focusing on the overall picture - my life, mental well-being, stress and anxiety - instead of just fitness. The third class was at a different location, with more people and a different teacher. Didn't like that one as much. Filled with people who just want to go as hard as they can - I felt one guy constantly looking down on me ("this is just the warm up!"). I am pretty sure I over exerted myself because that was Thursday and my abs are still a bit sore.

I think working on reducing stress and anxiety will play a big part towards my progress.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I guess I can do an update. I'm still struggling to get completely healthy, but I'm making more of an effort right now. I'm realizing the hardest thing for me to conquer is cravings. I was going out for fast food daily, even sometimes twice a day, for a while. This last week, I went three times. That is not healthy I know, but it's better.

I'm also working to cut out caffeine and sugary drinks.

I am going to exercise classes with my friend. The first two I went to last week were great with only my friend and I and one other person (and obviously the teacher), and led to a one and one session with the teacher, who may become my personal trainer. I appreciate how he works with me because he is focusing on the overall picture - my life, mental well-being, stress and anxiety - instead of just fitness. The third class was at a different location, with more people and a different teacher. Didn't like that one as much. Filled with people who just want to go as hard as they can - I felt one guy constantly looking down on me ("this is just the warm up!"). I am pretty sure I over exerted myself because that was Thursday and my abs are still a bit sore.

I think working on reducing stress and anxiety will play a big part towards my progress.

That is great to hear. I can understand the public exercise angle, it's not for me in addition to the time angle vs. exercise at home. If I had to go to a gym, I doubt I would stick with it. I'm too neurotic (waiting for equipment, distractions, sometime you gotta scream to get that last rep ) and my concentration would get broken too easy.

I will pound the drum on food being like drugs until I die. I do "the sugar" one day a week and even then, it can get pretty scary. Trying is the most important thing. The hardest time with any of this is the beginning. Like most things in life, it gets so much easier the longer you try.

I have a confession to make. I always scoffed at people (not those with Celiac's disease) talking about gluten and wheat allergies. It always seemed to come from moms in yoga pants with double strollers or a barista with a sick man bun and a golden girls neck tattoo who has been vegan since he was 4.

Well. I'm a believer now. I use to be a champion of the PB on WW sandwich and would consume 2-3 a day. Throw in a whole grain cereal and I was beyond regular. Why did I often feel hungover. Take away the headache or nausea, but insert the lethargy and feeling of walking into the wind all day. I never could figure out how I can eat reasonably healthy and feel like crap. I started thinking there must be a mental angle. Is my mood affecting my energy? Is this simply a mind over matter issue?

Well. I may be wrong, cuz I'm not a doctor and that Holiday Inn Express joke is way past its expiration date. I can't tell you how different I feel. Even on the days I'm tired, it is in the background, not a frontline battle all day. The mentals, I can't even explain. I liken it to finding a groove playing music, being in rhythm in a video game, or when your golf swing is pure. Everything is fluid and seems to roll off my fingertips into fruition.

F'n wheat man.

Man, today is the first day in a while I have waken up pumped for life. I was getting really down on myself, thinking it was too late to do anything significant, nobody liked me, stuff like that. The modern world will really eat your soul if you allow it to. Anyway, this morning I did my new morning routine, and I think more than anything just having that little bit of structure back in my life is what helps most of all.

I mean, I guess. I went and got some melatonin and it makes me sleepy, but I don't stay asleep. I always get tired and fall right out, it just doesn't last long.

Maybe I need a 30lb / 13kg comforter to sleep under?
This all sounds like me. Fasting or eating less=less ability to slep enough.

Physical movement plus calorie cutting seemd to be the ticket. Maybe a few blue chips before bed

@Swan is there anywhere you can walk private enough to hum into a multitrack handheld?
Replace breakfast n lunch w raw organic meal replacement chocolate powder.

Eat a bangin dinner. During day walk 4 to 6 miles and while walking, think and imagine, get crestive
Creative i mesn

Use hand held multitrack to record songs with voice.

Transpose w instruments later if even necesarry

calorie cutting is bad
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

I guess that's true if that's literally all you're doing, IE: just eating less, but otherwise still eating badly and being utterly sedentary, but that's pretty rare, I think. Most people combine it with eating better stuff.

Anyway, counting calories is pretty darn effective, in my experience, particularly when trying to form new habits.

Why do u say that
I believe it can slow your metabolism and can harm your body as it can't function well without enough calories or nutrients.

You have to truck your body. Graze. Less calories but more food. Ie..replacement shake..a little later an apple egg or string cheese. Shake again then walnuts later, then solid dinner all the while moving. Keeps your survival mode from going into fst store then eats fst reserves for energy as long as protein comes in for muscle maintenance. Water is huge to transport nutrients.