How do you review movies on a scale of 1 to 10?


For example:
1- complete ****,waste of time
7-could have been better
9-pretty good
10-amazing piece of citizen kane goodness

you get the point, how would you describe the scale? sorry if this makes no sense, there's no other way to word what i'm trying to say

10- love it
9- almost love it, but there is a flaw or some theme that prevents me from giving perfect score
8- all around good movie
7- still a good movie, just not among my very favorites
6- average, not too impressed but passable
5- average, but starting to struggle
4- I'm not really interested, but still average
3- bad with few saving aspects
2- just bad
1- hate it

1 - Unbearable
2 - Really, Really Bad
3 - Annoying
4 - Quite Boring/Problematic
5 - Not Very Good
6 - Could Be Better/Had Some Issues
7 - Pretty Good
8 - Very Enjoyable
9 - Extremely Well Made/Amazing
10 - Flawless/Perfect
Best of 2016 - 10 Cloverfield Lane -- Worst of 2016 - God's Not Dead 2
Best of 2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road -- Worst of 2015 - Jupiter Ascending
Best of 2014 - Nightcrawler -- Worst of 2014 - God's Not Dead

I have to return some videotapes...
1 - Unwatchable
2. - Terrible
3. - Really Bad
4. - Bad
5. Mediocre to Decent
6. Good
7. Really Good
8. Great
9. Amazing
10. Masterpiece
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

10 Masterpiece/Favorite

9 Extraordinary

8 Truly Great

7 Really Good

6 Fairly Good

5 Pretty Average

4 Below Average

3 Rather Bad

2 Extremely Bad

1 An Insult to Humanity

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I do a 1-10 as well...

5= I broke even

Anything under a 5, means I regret seeing it, and anything about a 5 means I'm glad I saw it. I've been using halves because I don't want to give the same rating for one movie that's better than the other.

For example:
1- complete ****,waste of time
7-could have been better
9-pretty good
10-amazing piece of citizen kane goodness

you get the point, how would you describe the scale? sorry if this makes no sense, there's no other way to word what i'm trying to say
A lot easier than from 1–5. I always thought that was a total waste of time.

I'd say the scale would go from 10–1 with 10 being perfect.


10 – Flawless
9 – Nearly perfect
8 – Excellent
7 – Very Good
6 – Good
5 – Average
4 – Below Average
3 – Well Below Average
2 – Poor
1 – Disastrous

I'd be unlikely to go for 0 unless it was really appalling.

This is a great question...let's see...

10- The movie is perfect, I loved every single minute of it and can't think of a thing bad to say

9- Excellent movie, but there is one element (plotline, performance, dialogue exchange) that just didn't work for me.

8- Solid movie but probably goes on a little longer than it needs to

7- Good movie that runs out of steam; doesn't sustain interest until the end

6- One or two elements of the film makes the rest of it worth sitting through

5- I can sit through it, but the movie asks me to swallow a lot of unbelievable stuff in order to do so

4- The movie seems like it goes on forever even if it isn't long; I find myself checking the running time to see how much more movie there is

3- The movie is slow and dull and I find myself tempting to fast forward a lot

2- Have never rated a movie this low, but suspect that it is probably going to be a genre that I don't like.

1- Have never rated a movie this low either, but I suspect it would be a movie I couldn't even get through the entire film.

I usually don't use a ten point review, but when I am forced to by site mechanics I go-

1. Abysmal wast of celluloid
2. Terrible
3. Bad
4. Mediocre
5. Mixed
6. Okay
7. Good Solid movie
8. Great
9. Amazing
10. Cinematic Gold

Trouble with a capital "T"
1. I want my money back!
2. I've seen better stuff on Youtube
3. Not another lame movie
4. Dumb, but at least the girl was hot
5. Still dumb, but with more girls!
6. I should have downloaded it for free (public domain movies only of course)
7. Alright finally a film I don't hate
8. I hate it but everyone else likes it so it must be good
9. Yup this one rocks!
10. Citizen Kane

1 Worthless
2 Awful
3 Bad
4 Mediocre
5 Average
6 Good
7 Very good
8 Excellent
9 A big new favorite
10 Top 50 material*

There's always variables though. A 5 could be a very well made movie that I didn't enjoy, or a poorly made movie I did enjoy. You can only express that with words.

For example:
1- complete ****,waste of time
7-could have been better
9-pretty good
10-amazing piece of citizen kane goodness

you get the point, how would you describe the scale? sorry if this makes no sense, there's no other way to word what i'm trying to say
What if you rate Citizen Kane as a 7?

Welcome to the human race...
1 - reprehensible, irredeemable, and completely without merit
2 - painful to watch
3 - aggressively uninteresting
4 - significantly flawed
5 - the good kind of whatever
6 - pretty decent
7 - generally solid
8 - all-around great
9 - second-tier favourite
10 - all-time favourite
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

My scale is pretty much the same as it was before, but the adjectives could bleed over very easily with near by numbers. I kind of perfer a 1-5 scale but I only use it for books as thats what goodreads does instead of a 1-10 like IMDB

5 Great
4 Good
3 Okay
2 Bad
1 Terrible

10 - Masterful
9 - Superb
8 - Great
7 - Good
6 - Decent
5 - Mixed
4 - Subpar
3 - Bad
2 - Very Bad
1 - Abysmal

To me, a 7 is a movie that should be celebrated and enjoyed. A 7/10 movie has some meaningful flaws, but I'm still fully engrossed in it when I watch it. I still think about it a lot for the next day or 2. I still am eager to walk to my friends about it.

And even a 6 movie I can still overall like and enjoy.

In terms of a call to action:

8/9/10 - Anyone who is a remotely fan of the genre should check it out

7: Fans of that niche will love it, but the general population will still like it.

5-6: depends on how hardcore a fan you are of the genre, series or premise. You wouldn't recommend it to most people, but if someone has a burning passion for that niche, they could enjoy it.

I don't have a holds-in-all-situations rule for anything, really. But I do have one somewhat idiosyncratic guideline that I think about a lot:

When I came out of Cloverfield I was wondering what rating to give it, from 0-5. I think it was my brother who asked me "well, would you change anything about it?" I realized I wouldn't, and figured that meant I "had" to give it

There are literally dozens if not hundreds of films that I have not given
to that I like way, way more than Cloverfield, which I think about almost exclusively in the context of this anecdote, and rarely otherwise. It would not sniff a personal Top 100. But I feel like I have to give it that rating simply because it is pretty much the best version of itself, the best incarnation of what it wants to be.

If something is the best version of what it wants to be, and I don't find "what it wants to be" inherently objectionable in some way (admittedly a significant caveat), then I usually give it a perfect rating. And I'll give films I don't love pretty high ratings under that same logic.

In other words, whatever my rating system is, it often involves judging a film on a curve containing not all other films, but all other versions of itself that it could've have chosen to be.