Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Finished here. It's been fun.

La Terra Trema

Hits you right in the gut. What a sad film, perhaps, the saddest of all neo-realist films.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Iron Man: 10/10 - It was a brilliant start to the MCU, and the best of the Iron Man trilogy by far!

Iron Man 2: 7/10 - Decent film, not as strong as its predecessor. Despite most others disagreeing, I actually liked Rourke as Whiplash.

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I pugni in tasca - 8/10

Never saw a film like this. I don't even wanna put the poster, I think some films are best left alone, knowing NOTHING as possible. If I would have read the entire description on TV it wouldn't have been as good.

I also notice very little attention to posts with "Spoilers" but oh well.
WARNING: "i pugni in tasca" spoilers below
I almost turned this off! I hated "Ale" so much I guess - I wonder if there's been any great films I didn't see because of a bad beginning. I couldn't get past 30 minutes of Blow-Up, anyway.

Very unpredictable film. I couldn't believe how passive the non-psychotic siblings were. I'm actually going to go back and watch the first few minutes since I hadn't quite established the relations at first glance.

This film could have used more script, interplay between the characters. That's my only criticism. Very thrilling, and pretty far-out for 1965 - incest, killing family members. You'd think they'd be on to him by now, but no, the oldest brother who seems to have a brain isn't hip to his evil at all until the end.

Full of evil, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there happy that a rich parent died (not the Menandez Brothers), very dark film.

Also, it was a bit flawed that Gulia would have made that smile when she found out her brother was responsible for letting their mom fall off a cliff. Too cliche. Also wouldn't have had a face of horror, that too would be cliche. It would have been nice to have something in between, shock, confusion.

I also wonder if Augusto "gave in" so that he would be the sole beneficiary. He seems concerned for a minute, but then plays around with his fiance, trying to make-out, and then after they come back, he still trusts his brother with the car keys. Maybe he had his own plan, we hardly see Augusto, at least we never know his true intentions, he's always with someone else.

Also, what do you think of Ale in general. Was there anything you did believe? Did he really wanna "spare" Augusto - he's the only one he doesn't try to kill, but I think this is simply because he can't, and he's the only one without epilepsy to play games on.

I'll probably be adding more, as I'm re-watching a bit. I notice a real quick scene, the only one involving the epileptic siblings with other people. Ale goes up to see the city from the roof, and as he is noticed, a kid says "That's Alessandro. They're all crazy up there." and quickly leave. I think Gulia's alliance with him is also because he is more of a "father" figure. Augusto seems to scold more at Ale, even though it's his fault. Again, does he use Ale to do the dirty work he never asked to have done? I think with Augusto being the only sibling out of the four, we see he's socially fine. He has friends, and a beautiful fiance. His siblings don't have a single friend, which might be a reason I think Gulia tolerates so much, because she has no one else. Poor Leone seems mentally retarded, but he does squeeze in "It's torture living in this house" - and I think that's his only line. Actually no.. Even sadder was when the Ale and Giulia are talking together, Ale tosses a snowball, and Leone, who is always left out, says "You missed me" - he wants to get hit just to be noticed, that he exists.

Little brother even sleeps with his older brother's prostitute, asks her to compare. And right after, we see Augusto come to the car passenger window. Ale says he was with a whore, and then a second later, Giulia opens the door and he tells and shows her.

Actually the only time any of the three "sick" siblings have any conversation with someone is at the party she wasn't invited to, but nutcase is invited by the oldest brother, the only one who isn't afflicted. At the party, the girl tries to be friendly, but Ale is more impressed with the guy his age who Ale admired, but wouldn't give Ale a chance to talk.

Do you guys have any guesses as to what kind of pills Ale was taking. I only noticed him taking them, and they made him seem even crazier, more manic. Yet, he tells his brother he's been doing well because he's been taking them. Or is he taking the wrong ones, maybe his mother's?

I'm curious to hear your guys' opinions. I wish we could do more discussion, interpretation, maybe noticing things someone else didn't.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Los Olvidados

Perhaps Bunuels greatest achievement in a career filled to the brim with great films. A blend of neo-realism and surrealism,done in a way only Bunuel can achieve.

Welcome to the human race...
The Blair Witch Project -

See, having low expectations does work.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Halloween (1978)

Halloween 2 (1981)

Well I know I'm late but was having a Halloween marathon over the Weekend, only the ones I liked. I didn't enjoy any of the old Halloweens after 2.

Now for the controversial one

Halloween (2007)

I am one of the few who really liked Rob Zombie's remake of the horror classic. I like how they actually delved into the psychological aspect of Meyers instead of just going for cheap scares (There are a few of those granted). I've seen the 2nd Zombie one but I don't really like it so I only watched this one.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Threads (1984)

Set in Sheffield England and filmed on a low budget, threads is a disturbing portrayal of the effect nuclear war has on the city. Showing life before and after the attack we get a good sense of the devastation caused in the aftermath. This really is a depressing film and bleak from start to finish. Some of the acting is quite bad but in a way it kind of adds to the gritty feel of it all.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Pride (2014)

If there are three things guaranteed to make me cringe in a movie it is an excess of cheering, hugging and people spontaneously bursting into song. (All those things that earn it the word "feelgood" on the poster). So I did cringe several times during this. But although it indulged in a few cliches it skilfully avoided dozens more, for which I have to give it credit. Kudos for mostly following the true story and not shoe-horning it into a more standard plotline. The ensemble of characters are entertaining but there are so many of them you never really get to know any of them enough. But then it's supposed to be more about groups of people than individuals, so it works in that way. All in all, although I had some reservations about it, it's mostly entertaining and charming with a good balance of humour and drama and not shying away from some of the darker aspects of 80s life. The older people in the film get all the best lines.

(REWATCH) Hackers
+++ All kinds of fun[/quote]

Hack the Planet! Hack the Planetttt!

Halloween (1978) - John Carpenter

- Probably the most memorable and well-done slasher of all-time with one of the greatest soundtrack in the history of cinema. Michael Myers is a complete freak and he is one of my favorite character of all-time he gave me so many nightmares when I was young. Jamie Lee Curtis is very good and Donald Pleasance is great as Dr.Sam Loomis. Probably the most awesome and credible atmosphere in a horror movie. Perfect movie and Carpenter best movie for sure.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Finished here. It's been fun.

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon

those colors....wow

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Germany, Year Zero - 8/10

Fine film about the realities of war and struggle. First time I saw a film showing how it was common for women to go out with guys for cigarettes, which were sold for a few marks.

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The Rain People - 5/10

I remember liking this a lot.. I had to go back to see what I said about it, and what I rated it (7/10). I couldn't stand the leading actress, and the window scene early was pretentious indie stuff.

I think I must have liked the sentiment, to see how society takes advantage of the disadvantaged.

I remember watching it the first time, where I was. I guess I'm curious what made me think it was that good the first time.