The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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I only saw about a third of The Wrestler and really liked what I saw but for some reason was pulled away by some real-life to-do, I believe, and somehow have never watched it again. Yet. I want to finish that move because it is really compelling.

I really liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and have always been a fan of martial arts and swordplay movies from the East. I didn't include it in my list, though, nor The Wrestler due to not finishing that one. Glad to see both make the list.

#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Crouching Tiger ranks pretty high on the list of movies I've never had any interest in.

1. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) (#59)
6. The Devil's Rejects (2005) (#94)
10. The Wrestler (2008) (#54)
11. Mystic River (2003) (#65)
15. Amores Perros (2000) (#81)
17. Y tu mamá también (2001) (#95)

I forgot the opening line.
55. Collateral (again) : I went and watched Collateral again yesterday, very much in the right frame of mind because I enjoyed it for the most part. Tom Cruise's performance is a lot of what had me engaged, his assassin strangely likeable to me despite the fact he was a murderous villain. Something about the way he sticks up for his cab driver victim (ably brought to life by Jamie Foxx) and gives him life lessons - although it's strongly suggested that the Cruise character would kill the cabbie in the end. It was just his charisma. Another great scene features Foxx in a psychological game of wits against a Mr. Big played by Javier Bardem. Loved it. I didn't love the last 10 or so minutes though, where the film descends into your usual end-of-thriller chase and conclusion. I was expecting something more. It was a more fresh and attentive second viewing, and the film will be remembered from here on out. It wouldn't have made my list, but I liked 90% of it a whole lot.

54. The Wrestler : I wrestled mightily over including this on my list. It did come into calculations, and would definitely be in my top 50. Perhaps the main thing going against it is the fact I haven't seen it in a while. Despite that, I've seen it a couple of times and it left a definite impact that was memorable. One feel-good aspect it had going for it at the time was the rebirth of Mickey Rourke, whose face-shattered career had been over for some time when he landed the role. Brought him right back onto the a-list. This one does tug at the heart strings, with Rourke's titular wrestler struggling to connect with his daughter and breaking through some person-to-person barriers with Marisa Tomei. With such a precarious social life, the last thing he needs are health complications taking away the one thing he's really good at - smashing himself and others to bits in the wrestling ring. A great inclusion in this countdown.

53. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon : Here it is. The film every other person on Earth dearly loves but me. I remembering simmering discontent when I rated this a 7/10 a few months ago, but that wasn't a first - I've had people sit me down and force me watch this multiple times, and every time I pumped myself up so I'd finally get it and see the magnificence. I know it's there. The evidence is the praise I've heard for some 20 years now. But no matter how hard I try I can't get excited about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It just doesn't click with me - be it the genre, or whatever. The closest I had was at the film's sad conclusion on the last viewing - I admitted that, "yeeeah - it has a good conclusion." I'll probably watch it yet again one day, when it pops up in something I'm reading and I hear about it's greatness - I so want to see and feel that greatness.

Seen 38/48
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

Love is in the air
Big mountains it melts
First we were friends
Then we were something else

You saw him today
Tomorrow he will return
Maybe shake your hand
but against you he might turn

Let's keep this rhyme short
Cause other things are too long
Let people figure out
If what I did was wrong
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I didn't see it in theaters, but I think it was my first time as well seeing that kind of acrobatic fights, and my reaction was more like "Oh, c'mooon!!!" I think I might enjoy it a bit more now
There was a lot of laughter during the first action scene, because the wire work is so obvious. Then everyone just kind of settled into it. I mean, that theater was FREEZING and not a single person left until the end credits rolled.

There was a lot of laughter during the first action scene, because the wire work is so obvious. Then everyone just kind of settled into it. I mean, that theater was FREEZING and not a single person left until the end credits rolled.
The entire theater I was in literally erupted into applause the first time I went to watch it, which is something I almost never, ever encounter at a movie.

The entire theater I was in literally erupted into applause the first time I went to watch it, which is something I almost never, ever encounter at a movie.
There was enthusiastic applause at the end of the film. A really memorable theater-going experience.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Hubby is a wrestling fan, so I saw The Wrestler many years ago because he wanted to see it. It was better than I expected it to be, but it was still only okay. I didn't rewatch it for this countdown because I doubt it has any chance of making my list, but I know that Hubby has the DVD around here somewhere, so maybe I'll give it another try someday.

I watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for the Foreign Language Movies countdown, and I was surprised at how much I liked it. I considered it for my list for that countdown, but not for this list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

Love is in the air
Big mountains it melts
First we were friends
Then we were something else

You saw him today
Tomorrow he will return
Maybe shake your hand
but against you he might turn

Let's keep this rhyme short
Cause other things are too long
Let people figure out
If what I did was wrong
"Sideways" may be one.

I am probably overdue for a rewatch of Crouching Tiger. I didn't like it when I first saw it (maybe a decent amount was due to the wire fu which just looked ridiculous in my eyes), but older me may appreciate it more now.

The Wrestler elbow drops its way on number 22 on my list. The story of an aging pro wrestler trying to deal with retirement as he tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter and bond with an aging stripper. But much like the drugs in Requiem for a Dream and perfection in Black Swan, that fame and glory he experiences in the ring may be too much to overcome.

Part of the reason it works is the pitch perfect casting of Mickey Rourke who fits into the role of Randy Robinson like a glove. Marisa Tomei brings verve and life to the role of Cassidy as a potential love interest and voice of reason. The wrestling sequences are well done and throw in a mix of brutality (that one match with the Necro Butcher) with some drama.

Perhaps this resonated with me as a result of attending an indie show where I saw one of the Moondogs who had to be in pain as he smiled and signed autographs for those interested. He was going to be in the main event against one of the promotion's rising stars.

The List:
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
9. Million Dollar Baby
11. Spider-Man 2
22. The Wrestler

Honorable Mentions:
Remember the Titans

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

Love is in the air
Big mountains it melts
First we were friends
Then we were something else

You saw him today
Tomorrow he will return
Maybe shake your hand
but against you he might turn

Let's keep this rhyme short
Cause other things are too long
Let people figure out
If what I did was wrong
Brokeback Mountain and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

Love is in the air
Big mountains it melts
First we were friends
Then we were something else

You saw him today
Tomorrow he will return
Maybe shake your hand
but against you he might turn

Let's keep this rhyme short
Cause other things are too long
Let people figure out
If what I did was wrong
Up in the Air and In the Mood for Love

58. V for Vendetta (104 points)
57. Million Dollar Baby (110 points)
56. In Bruges (111 points)
55. Collateral (115 points)
54. The Wrestler (115 points)
53. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (117 points)

Of this bunch, I only like The Wrestler alot. Collateral and In Bruges are good watches but none of them came close to making my list

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

Love is in the air
Big mountains it melts
First we were friends
Then we were something else

You saw him today
Tomorrow he will return
Maybe shake your hand
but against you he might turn

Let's keep this rhyme short
Cause other things are too long
Let people figure out
If what I did was wrong
My predictions:  

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

A system of cells interlinked
I am guessing In the Mood for Love and Love Actually.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

First verse sounds like Brokeback Mountain, last verse sounds like Memento?

I might have to go out in a while, so reveals might drop earlier than usual... maybe in a few minutes.