The next 4 years


What will the next four years bring?
15 votes
More greed and corruption
10 votes
Major deceptions
10 votes
Largest deficits in history part II
13 votes
Who cares, I'm ignorant
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Yeah, it is. And frankly, I have plenty of reason to ban him under this name, too, as I did under the last few he tried to sneak back under. The fact that he's falling back into all his old habits like clockwork doesn't exactly encourage me not to, either.

Ban him, just because he is using another name doesn't mean he can come I wrong.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Frank Castle
So is this guy (Dark Horse) Django
I think it's John Kerry... Horse.. Kerry.. Get it?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

It's your "house" Yoda… legally you can kick Django out anytime you please… and there is not a damn thing he can do about it… except whine…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

lol! Yeah, sure, go ahead and ban me (if it's me you're talking about)! What will that prove? Only that you are so afraid of honest debate that you feel compelled to shut off my mic in true Bill O'Reilly fashion!

Speaking of Bill O'Reilly and so-called "credible news sources", Yoda, what is your opinion of the Fox News Network? I'd really be interested in knowing because you strike me as a creation of the Fox Network--Rupert Murdoch's godson, perhaps?

For the record, here's my opinion on the supposedly "fair and balanced" Fox News Network:

Fox News : Republican Party :: Pravda : Soviet Communist Party.

In other words, the Fox News Network is pretty obviously the propaganda wing of the Republican Party. Question is whether, thanks to Fox News, the good ol' US of A is headed towards a one-party system in the long run? Will the Democratic Party be extinct by the time 2008 rolls along? That's my concern.

About the rest of your arguments, don't worry, I will be sure to address them--assuming you don't shut of my mic (i.e. ban me) before I get the chance to reply, Mr. Bill O'Reilly! lol!

Speaking of which, considering that "shut up!" is O'Reilly's trademark, Yoda, you should really consider whether "ban him!" is yours!

Lets put a smile on that block
I say, let Dark horse stay ONLY when he finally admits that he is DjangyBum, because every single fibre of his online being screams it so. And then once we can all see his Django, after a week or so when he gets boring again, get rid of him.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Yeah, I'm terrified of honest debate. Which is why I debated with you for roughly an entire year, not to mention the dozen or so posts here, as well. Your neverending War on Logic continues.

The rantings on Fox News are bizarre; you're the one who brought them up; no one else is really talking about them. I didn't cite them in any way, and I already told you what I thought of them, even though it has little to no relevance here. Personally, I think O'Reilly is a blowhard, much like yourself.

Need I remind you, also, that you sent me an email after your last banning essentially admitting that I had good reason to do so? It's as if you devote a portion of each day to inventing new, creative ways to shoot yourself in the foot.

My life isn't written very well.
It's like an annoying ringtone that no one answers.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Originally Posted by Yoda
Yeah, I'm terrified of honest debate. Which is why I debated with you for roughly an entire year, not to mention the dozen or so posts here, as well. Your neverending War on Logic continues.
If you are genuinely interested in honest debate, then let us debate without the ongoing threats of banning. I have nothing against logic. I do have a problem with your tactics of intimidating your opponents in various ways. I also have a problem with personal attacks.

Originally Posted by Yoda
The rantings on Fox News are bizarre; you're the one who brought them up; no one else is really talking about them. I didn't cite them in any way, and I already told you what I thought of them, even though it has little to no relevance here. Personally, I think O'Reilly is a blowhard, much like yourself.
My so-called "rantings" on the Fox News Network are inspired by your point on supposedly credible news sources. You question the credibility of my news sources--my response is that they are no less credible than the Fox News Network, which is the mainstream right wing news organization and which, it seems, is your primary source of news, judging from your comments. I'm saying: broaden your horizons rather than taking cheap shots at your debating opponents. Oh, BTW, I am honestly surprised that you call Bill O'Reilly a "blowhard"! I seriously believed that he was your hero! But I guess I was mistaken... my bad!

Originally Posted by Yoda
Need I remind you, also, that you sent me an email after your last banning essentially admitting that I had good reason to do so? It's as if you devote a portion of each day to inventing new, creative ways to shoot yourself in the foot.
Ever heard of Don Quixote, Yoda? I think you are imagining things.

It's not intimidation; it's site policy. You're hiding behind multiple identities. The only reason you were not banned immedietly for this is that I'd held out some hope that you might have turned over a new leaf. Instead, you fell right back into your old habits.

And no, Fox is not my primary source of news. The only reason you could possibly have for thinking so is that I'm a conservative. I have not sourced, cited, or mentioned Fox News in any way over the course of this discussion, to my memory. I think you're sloppily trying to tie things together, in some sort of Grand Unified Theory of Things You Don't Like.

As for the email; no, it's all too real, I'm afraid. I still have it, as well as several others from you, most of them claiming that you've "moved on" and such. This was before your two most recent attempts to return, of course.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Yoda
It's not intimidation; it's site policy. You're hiding behind multiple identities.

What every time he gets banned two more appear?

Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Originally Posted by darkhorse
lol! Yeah, sure, go ahead and ban me (if it's me you're talking about)! What will that prove? Only that you are so afraid of honest debate that you feel compelled to shut off my mic in true Bill O'Reilly fashion!

Speaking of Bill O'Reilly and so-called "credible news sources", Yoda, what is your opinion of the Fox News Network? I'd really be interested in knowing because you strike me as a creation of the Fox Network--Rupert Murdoch's godson, perhaps?

For the record, here's my opinion on the supposedly "fair and balanced" Fox News Network:

Fox News : Republican Party :: Pravda : Soviet Communist Party.

In other words, the Fox News Network is pretty obviously the propaganda wing of the Republican Party. Question is whether, thanks to Fox News, the good ol' US of A is headed towards a one-party system in the long run? Will the Democratic Party be extinct by the time 2008 rolls along? That's my concern.

About the rest of your arguments, don't worry, I will be sure to address them--assuming you don't shut of my mic (i.e. ban me) before I get the chance to reply, Mr. Bill O'Reilly! lol!

Speaking of which, considering that "shut up!" is O'Reilly's trademark, Yoda, you should really consider whether "ban him!" is yours!
The television media for so long has been run by the Dems that when a station comes along that does not adhere to their ideals it must be a Republican station. Fox is not at least IMO totally Republican. Do I watch it? Yes, but not solely. I actually tend to watch CNN, but the best seems to be Cspan. Mr. O’Reilly must be a threat to the brick wall you have surrounded your ideals with because although he can be cocky he is successful. I rarely watch his show, but if a guest is someone I like to hear I usually watch it. Darkhourse, Uday, Dajingle bells, whatever or whoever you are, you are more close minded than I thought possible. This is really not meant to be an insult, but it bars me from healthy debate with you. We all have our own ways of thinking and our own ways of debating, reacting, etc… I for one know that I am never always right. Actually I am probably wrong quite a bit. I learn from this though instead of hiding in a cocoon that protects me from reality. You have a very innovative way of communicating and if focused towards growth instead of condemnation you would be quite good at it. You see I look at debate as a win/win situation. If I am proved to be wrong then by God I learned something, if I am right then I can be confident in my knowledge of the topic. It is funny when someone agrees with you, your responses are very “short and matter of fact” Yes of course most people would have more to say to someone who disagrees with them in most instances, but you shrug off your supporters as if they were annoying you. Your witty banter is insulting at best and self destructive in most instances. I have learned long ago that in order to get a point across it is best to listen with an open mind therefore you gain respect. Why am I even mentioning this? To be totally honest (usually liars say this I have heard) I want to debate with you because you have some interesting thoughts, too bad you think that no matter what you are always right. A shame I say.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by darkhorse
Everybody does! I don't debate with the intention of losing.

I get into a debate to strengthen my communication skills, and as I have learned over the past few years, to hopefully learn a thing or two about things I don't have much (or any) knowledge on.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing

i know the Québecois won't be happy, but...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Originally Posted by Yoda
It's not intimidation; it's site policy. You're hiding behind multiple identities. The only reason you were not banned immedietly for this is that I'd held out some hope that you might have turned over a new leaf. Instead, you fell right back into your old habits.

And no, Fox is not my primary source of news. The only reason you could possibly have for thinking so is that I'm a conservative. I have not sourced, cited, or mentioned Fox News in any way over the course of this discussion, to my memory. I think you're sloppily trying to tie things together, in some sort of Grand Unified Theory of Things You Don't Like.

As for the email; no, it's all too real, I'm afraid. I still have it, as well as several others from you, most of them claiming that you've "moved on" and such. This was before your two most recent attempts to return, of course.
Get this, Yoda: I respect your opinion. I only hope you can respect mine. I do not wish to be confrontational with you. I only hope that all of us can share and express our opinions freely and in a civilized fashion without having to get confrontational. That's all.

You have a keen insight and a great deal of intelligence--I respect that. I only hope we can discuss issues without a mutually destructive tearing down of one another.

Arresting your development
I would most definately love to sit in a bar with a few cold ones enjoying the company of Yoda & darkhorse talking all this jive to eachother...and I would slip a few comments here and there (just so that it doesn't look like I'm left out).