The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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Welcome to the human race...
Kinda Surprised Men In Black has not made the countdown as of yet.
It did make the countdown at #61.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Here goes my list! There are many movies on 75 already revealed that I've never seen, more than in any other countdowns...

  1. will make it (in 1st place, I hope)
  2. will make it
  3. will make it
  4. will make it
  5. will make it
  6. Mad Max 2 (1981) (#31)
  7. Her (2013) (#25)
  8. it's a scandal if it doesn't make it
  9. The Truman Show (1998) (#94)
  10. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) (#27)
  11. will make it
  12. The Fifth Element (1997) (#34)
  13. probably won't make it
  14. probably won't make it
  15. The Man from Earth (2007) (#91)
  16. probably won't make it
  17. will make it
  18. won't make it
  19. Contact (1997) (#49)
  20. won't make it
  21. probably won't make it
  22. won't make it
  23. probably won't make it
  24. will make it
  25. Die Tür (2009) (one pointer)

Kinda Surprised Men In Black has not made the countdown as of yet.
Two weeks ago, Jack.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

[quote=Siddon;1663444]If I were to rank what I've seen it would go....
- Dune(99)
- Dredd(96)
- The Man from Earth (91)
- The Hidden (82)

seen -

71.) Interstellar

70.) Time Machine

69.) Avatar (80)

68.) Independence Day

67.) Contact

66.) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (79)

65.) Videodrome

64.) Ghost in the Shell

63.) Altered States (95)

62.) District 9

61.) Another Earth (97)

60.) Demolition Man

59.) Strange Days (81)

58.) Invasion of the Body Snatchers

57.) Signs (76)

56.) Return of the Jedi

55.) Edge of Tomorrow

54.) They Live

53.) Donnie Darko (83)

52.) Road Warrior

51.) Predestination

50.) Dark City

49.) Logans Run

48.) Source Code (92)

47.) Back to the Future III (87)

46.) Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind

45.) Minority Report

44.) Starship Troopers

43.) La Jetee (75)

41.) Primer

40.) The Incredibles (98)

39.) Arrival

38.) Seconds (84)

37.) Men in Black

36.) Mad Max Fury Road

35.) Escape from New York (78)

34.) Event Horizon (93)

33.) Gattaca

32.) Avengers

31.) Galaxy Quest (88)

30.) Iron Giant

29.) Snowpiercer

28.) World on the Wire (73)

27.) The Fifth Element

26.) The Martian

25.) Gravity

24.) Serenity

23.) Back to the Future Part II

22.) Guardians of the Galaxy (77)

21.) Predator

20.) Day the Earth Stood Still

19.) Brazil

18.) Wreck it Ralph (89)

17.) Sunshine

16.) The Truman Show (94)

15.) War of the Worlds (90)

14.) Battle Royale

13.) RoboCop

12.) Silent Running (86)

11.) Moon

10.) The Prestige

9.) Her

8.) Fantastic Planet (74)

7.) Ex Machina

6.) Ghostbusters

5.) Invasion of the Body Snatchers

4.) Akira

3.) Looper (100)

2.) 28 Days Later (85)

1.) Forbidden Planet

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Stats


Yet another film from the 2010s and the 3rd Nolan film to make the list.

Layout: 1st, 5th (x2), 6th (x3), 11th, 12th (x2), 15th (x2), 17th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th


This is the 9th foreign film to make the list. Nothing else too interesting to note.

Layout: 2nd, 3rd (x2), 4th (x2), 7th (x2), 9th, 10th (x2), 16th, 18th, 22nd, 24th

Solaris was my #3 . I really loved it after somewhat struggling with Stalker the day before. I think i'll get more out of Stalker on future watches as i've thought about it quite a bit but for now i prefer Solaris. Here's what i wrote about it including my toothache/feeling drowzy and ill episode while watching it which made it even more trippy haha:

Solaris -

First of all i was watching this and digging it then really painful toothache came out of nowhere. I ended up taking a couple of Ibuprofen as i was starting to get a headache, then things escalated . Long story short i ended up super sick; falling in and out of sleep for around four hours then i woke up feeling fine. The good thing about having to stop Solaris and come back to it later was that it was at the perfect time; pretty much 2 minutes into Kelvin first arriving at the station. Thanks to that madness and going right back to sleep after i watched it last night then being out all day i've forgot half of the stuff i was going to say about it.

Just watched my first Tarkovsky the other day: Stalker and i enjoyed but also struggled with it, mostly due to the pacing. Well this was much slower since the characters weren't always on the move like the Stalker ones, it was alot quiter/calmer than Stalker too for the most part. Particularly the first 45 minutes of Stalker with all of the loud machinery, gunfire, etc. The majority of this was calm talking; instead of getting bored by it i was completely transfixed on what they were saying. I thought this film was powerful which was a surprise; i often see Tarkovsky's films called cold and i can definitely see that from Stalker; this worked for me on a very subdued level though. Scenes like just before Kelvins departure at the bonfire with his mum crying and him needing to confront the idea that he'll most likely never see his parents again was very well done. I was surprised how long it took them to get into space; it must've took the film around the same amount of time as Stalker took to get into The Zone. No doubt it was needed particularly for Berton's story but i do think it got better once he went into space. I love that it became much more of a psychological film rather than sci-fi oriented; i didn't know much about Solaris so that came as a welcome surprise since i personally prefer psychological films. Could see similarities to Stalker here; ignoring the ending of Stalker we really don't know whether any of the traps or what the room is claimed to be are real, here it's much the same until later in the film with it not being clear if this is hallucinations or madness or what. I thought it was well done how one of the scientists had killed himself and the other two had clearly lost their minds; the damage was done to them, but we get to see everything actively happen to Kelvin. It's kind of like looking at a before and after picture then watching the effects take a hold of him. Was surprised how fast they got into it, for such a slow-moving film they jamp right into Kelvins hallucinations, i mean 10-15 minutes after he arrived he started seeing Hari and about 30 minutes after he arrived he was completely disheveled sending Hari off in a rocket.

Anyway, great film that'll be high on my sci-fi list. Great performances, visuals, interesting themes and psychological aspects and i loved the ending.
I really hate Inception.

My List:

13.Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
15.Ex Machina
16.Wreck-It Ralph
18.The Day The Earth Stood Still
21.Mad Max: Fury Road

Two good films but neither made my list.

22. The Matrix (1999)
21. Children Of Men (2006)

Seen both, voted for neither.

1. Top 5 easy good chance at #1
2. Will show, probably sooner then later
3. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
4. The Avengers (2012)
5. Should be top 15
6. The other possible number 1.
7. The Road Warrior (1981)
8. Has to be somewhere in the top 15
9. Predator (1987)
10. Not gonna make it
11. I would certainly hope this made it
12. Will make it easy
13. I am probably the only one who voted for this movie
14. Should be top 15
15. Return of the Jedi (1983)
16. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
17. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
18. Gravity (2013)
19. This will show
20. Escape from New York (1981)
21. Independence Day (1996)
22. Not looking good
23. Top 10
24. I would think top 20 to top 15
25. Top 10

My List: 10
Seen: 59/78

I wanted to rewatch Solaris for the Countdown, but time was not on my side. After watching/rewatching a couple of long movies back to back, anything longer than 140 minutes got pushed to the very end of my watch list, and I didn't make it quite that far down. I would still like to see it again, but every time I look at that runtime I hesitate haha.

I've also seen Inception, but it wasn't a film in the running for my vote. I was not very interested in it when it was new, and really only watched it when it came to DVD to see why so many people seemed to love it. I just thought it was okay.

Seen: 67/78
My List: 16

01. Dredd (2012) - #96
02. Edge of Tomorrow (2014) - #66
03. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) - #35
04. The Martian (2015) - #60
08. Metropolis (1927) - #36
09. Galaxy Quest (1999) - #88
10. Brazil (1985) - #32
11. Dark City (1998) - #48
14. Robocop (1987) - #28
16. Videodrome (1983) - #53
18. Forbidden Planet (1956) - #38
19. Arrival (2016) - #33
21. The Road Warrior (1981) - #31
22. Strange Days (1995) - #81
23. Ex Machina (2015) - #30
25. Primer (2004) - #44

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yahoo! Finally another of my movies makes the list...which one was it?....Nah, not Inception which I thought was only OK.

It was Solaris which I had at #7

This is an excerpt from my review on Solaris (1972)

Solaris (1972)

A Russian psychologist is reluctantly sent to a USSR space station that orbits a planet of a distant star. His mission is to find out what caused the former crew of the space station to go insane. On the space station he encounters elements from his own past that might be connected to an alien intelligence
...Citizen Rules

Solaris is an intriguing, psychological sci fi drama. It's worth watching...but be forewarned it's long with slow paced scenes. The slow pacing is intentional, it sets a reflective, pensive mood that starts with the opening shots and stays through to the end. Don't expect sci-fi gadgetry or action, Solaris is not that kind of film.

The film starts off with a beautifully filmed sequence in the Russian country side, the cinematography is breathtaking. The actor who played Berton the pilot was skilled at conveying a sense of uneasiness over what he had witnessed years ago in the Solaris ocean. This part riveted me.

The actor who played Kris Kelvin was stoic, as were most of the male actors in the film. However that might accurately reflect Soviet society in the early 1970s. I liked the actresses who played Hari. Her character's vulnerability and neediness as a 'created copy' of a woman who had committed suicide 10 years earlier, was the best part of the film. She brought dimension into her character.

Hari is fragile, even pitiful...she's utterly dependent on Kris. She doesn't own herself or her emotions. At first her existences is defined by a childlike dependence on Kris.

The scene on the station where Kris leaves Hari in the room by herself and she panics at the separation, forcing herself through an aluminum door, horribly gashing her arms, was one of the films most powerful moments.

Inception is good, but similar concepts have been explored in other films to a greater impact for me. It did not get my vote.

Haven't seen Solaris.
I'd like that list.

Inception was number 19 on my list. I rarely go to theater but I happened to go for this movie. What a treat to see this on the big screen. Also great cast. Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard and Ellen Page all in the same movie.
Stallone is my hero!

Chief cook and bottlewasher
Moon (2009) didn't rate at all?

Never mind. I should learn to read.
Yes, it is your circus and these are your monkeys.