

Some people in the west cannot accept that India has managed to control it's coronavirus epidemic until now at least

There's truth in what Gupta speaks.

The most glaring example was of Guardian. While it cursed the US, UK and Aus for not going into lockdown early on, the same newspaper criticised us for going into lockdown.

Nice to wake up and see Saint Barthélemy has gone green - 6 cases, all recovered
That makes two greens now with Greenland (11 cases).
And Saint Lucia makes it three greens now with 15 cases all recovered

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I hope that's not the case.

A new CERB qualification period started last week, and some of the restrictions were lowered. Maybe you should try applying again? Or try calling first thing in the morning, and if the hold times are still long, just put your phone on speaker and go about your day until they answer.
Oh...there are no hold times, there are just dropped calls. Ha.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

You ready? You look ready.
Vietnam: 268 cases and 0 deaths.

Damn, guess communism is good for something.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Yemen gone green, only 1 case though.
Hoping Gibraltar might join the 'green party' soon, currently 129 of 133 cases have recovered.

Hindus didn't celebrate major festivals like Holi, Ramnamavi, etc here. Christians didn't celebrate Easter here in India. All to help the lockdown.

Come Ramzan, and this is the scene of markets everywhere in the country. Well, we are screwed.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This just in:

FDA issues hydroxychloroquine warning, citing serious effects, including death; U.S. coronavirus toll nears 50,000

...The Food and Drug Administration warned Friday that people should not take chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 outside of a hospital or formal clinical trial, citing reports of “serious heart rhythm problems.”


Alcohol banned in India for past one month and ban continues. Almost like prohibition. Some addicts have committed suicide due to unbearable withdrawal symptoms yet government refuses to yield. Is this moral policing or what ?

I'm so sick of these stupid masks. Walking out of a hospital, I forgot I was wearing one and I spit. It's the only one I have with me and I have to wear it at my next stop. Ugh

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was in line to go into Home Depot today when I guy tried to be sneaky and cut into line. I asked him, "are you in line" as he was standing off to the side like he was waiting for someone. But he answered, 'yes'. So I told him "the back of the line is back there". That took care of him!

I was in line to go into Home Depot today when I guy tried to be sneaky and cut into line. I asked him, "are you in line" as he was standing off to the side like he was waiting for someone. But he answered, 'yes'. So I told him "the back of the line is back there". That took care of him!
Probably you were heftier than him

Trouble with a capital "T"
Probably you were heftier than him
No, I'm average size, he had 30-40 pounds on me, several inches taller and younger too...but I wasn't going to let someone sneak into line.

Mayor of my city Mumbai working as nurse/sister in Nair hospital in midst of coronavirus lockdown.

Anguilla joins the 'green club' this morning, 3 cases - all recovered