Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Group Watch

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Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Just finished it too.

What to say in addition...I'd say what a waste. I mean, there are clues that this filmmaker has ability to produce something decent instead of wasting time for meaningless projects like this one.
Stellan Skarsgård and his room plus the popping up graphic symbols were the only good things. As a whole, I'd also say, this movie is nothing about nothing.
Aaa ... actually not entirely about nothing. Investigating things more deeply, there are clues that this is probably a project to pump out EU funds. How interesting it gonna be if someone explains to the taxpayers that some of their taxes are given to Trier to masturbate in front of the camera for which he receives applauses at film festivals. To cheat the system and to laugh at the crowd are major motivations for the naughty Lars, that's for sure.

While I did watch the regular versions first, I also attended the press screening for the director’s cut, which is 5 1/2 hours long (we had a 15-20 min break between the two cuts).

Now. For people saying the original cuts are graphic, you have no idea haha And that self-abortion scene still haunts me…

Last time I checked I thought Nymphomaniac was great though. But Trier is a difficult director to love. Actually it’s difficult to hate him too.

Anyway, I’m very much looking forward to his upcoming conclusion of his television series, Riget.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm a few days late, but I watched The Dressmaker. This movie was nothing like I expected based on the title. I thought it was going to be a boring period piece about a woman who makes dresses, but while some of that description is accurate, it was not boring at all. It turned out to be an interesting movie with an underlying mystery.

I thought what happened to Teddy just made him look stupid for doing something so reckless, so it made it hard to feel bad about it, but I guess the point of that was to try and show that Tilly was cursed. I liked how her mother, Molly, turned it around and blamed the townspeople for what happened to him.

This movie is not likely to make my list, but, (with the exception of one bloody scene), I liked it, and I'm glad I watched it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Current candidates to be the next host:

John Dumbear

(didn't count myself since I already went)

You guys have a little over 24 hours to watch the film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm a few days late, but I watched The Dressmaker. This movie was nothing like I expected based on the title. I thought it was going to be a boring period piece about a woman who makes dresses, but while some of that description is accurate, it was not boring at all. It turned out to be an interesting movie with an underlying mystery.

I thought what happened to Teddy just made him look stupid for doing something so reckless, so it made it hard to feel bad about it, but I guess the point of that was to try and show that Tilly was cursed. I liked how her mother, Molly, turned it around and blamed the townspeople for what happened to him.

This movie is not likely to make my list, but, (with the exception of one bloody scene), I liked it, and I'm glad I watched it.
Glad to hear you liked The Dressmaker....Good analyzes of why Teddy's character jumped into a grain silo. I had forgot about the whole 'Tilly is cursed' part but like I said earlier Tilly is like a force sent to the town to punish them for their sins, much in the same way Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter is a force arrived in the town that had lynched him and brings retribution. Both Clint and Tilly are like avenging angels. Tt's a pity some people see the couture clothes and here the name the dressmaker and think it's some silly film about women clothes designer because it's about a lot more than just pretty clothes.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to skip Nymphomaniac because I don't think that there's even a chance that I'd like it.
Yeah. Like, part of me wants to honor the thread and respect all the nominations. But is a Von Trier movie about a sex addict likely to be something I like, much less crack the top 25 list I've got going?

Separately: do I have the emotional reserves necessary right now to watch a Von Trier movie about a sex addict?

Keep in mind that nobody here is required to watch every film nominated in this thread. If you have little interest to see some of the nominations, you're 100% allowed to skip them.

Keep in mind that nobody here is required to watch every film nominated in this thread. If you have little interest to see some of the nominations, you're 100% allowed to skip them.
Oh, absolutely. It's just that I think that generally it's respectful to watch the movies people put forward. I'm not feeling pressured by you all, just pressured by how I'd want to approach this thread. But I don't think that Nymphomaniac is in the cards for me right now.

I was ready to disagree but it did pretty darn good for a limited independent release .
Just wondering, what numbers are you seeing?

Going off of boxoffice mojo (I don't follow box office numbers, so if you have a source you trust more for these type of things..)

Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 (2013)
US: $785,896
Worldwide: $13.5 million

Compared to Melancholia released 2 years earlier
Melancholia (2011)
US: $3 million
Worldwide: $17 million

I guess it did okay worldwide, but living in the US, I can't say any movie that grossed less than $1 million at the box office as one that caused people to crowd to the multiplexes (if it even played there. I live in a city, so it played at an independent theater).

Oh, absolutely. It's just that I think that generally it's respectful to watch the movies people put forward. I'm not feeling pressured by you all, just pressured by how I'd want to approach this thread. But I don't think that Nymphomaniac is in the cards for me right now.
That's understandable. My goal is to watch every film nominated in this thread, if I'm able to.

With extreme films like Nymphomaniac, I think it's understandable for people to skip them since those kinds of films generally have a limited target audience.

Regardless, though I found it to be a lesser-tier Von Trier film, I still found it to be a worthy nomination for this thread and I'm glad I finally watched it.