The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding
It's sad that you didn't care for The Shop Around the Corner. It's such a wonderful movie.

Just out of curiosity, have you seen either of the remakes, In the Good Old Summertime (1949) or You've Got Mail (1998)? They're all great movies, but my personal preference is You've Got Mail. I think Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have amazing chemistry in it, and it's a much more emotional ending.
I’ve seen You’ve got mail. But that was over 20 years ago. I should see it again and see how it stands up in comparison.
I tho k there were a few Indian versions of this as well

How about @ahwell and @Wyldesyde19...same question
I love musicals!! That said, Singin in the Rain is on a whole new level for me, it’s aged the best of the older musicals imo.

I honestly thought I was going to be the last one to finish!!!!
I did too with how long all your noms were. I think everybody else is pretty much wrapping up. Hopefully we can do the reveal this coming weekend.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm trying to knock mine out tonight or tomorrow night
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Imposter

Frédéric Bourdin - Imposter: Before I was born, I definitely had the wrong identity. I already didn't know - I was already prepared not to know who I really was. A new identity with a real passport, an American passport... I could go to the U.S., go to school there, live with that family, and just being someone and don't have never again to worry about being identified. I saw the opportunity.

That was an interesting documentary.
Going in I couldn't begin to guess what i was about to watch, where the focus was going to be on in regards to the final message of it all, how it was all going to be laid out. . .
Nor did I consider any possible twist to a story that, from the get-go was already established:
Bourdin is an imposter looking for an identity and the opportunity presented himself and he took that opportunity.

An hour and half later, having watched the interviews of the family, and of the imposter who detailed how it came to be, and how the family were willing to believe he was the boy that had gone missing three years prior. Then came the twisted reasoning of what may actually have happened to the missing boy, I noticed just how easy it was for me to take what Bourdin was saying, in the beginning and through most of it, as simple truth; went spinning in those final ten minutes and more so as the placards came up leaving me, much like those in the documentary; the family, the FBI, the detective who noticed, due to the shape of the ears that he was not who was trying to claim he was, to the family who was then accused of being the ones responsible for the child disappearing, with far too many questions to even attempt to muddle through them all.
The ending definitely creates a lasting impression leaving all the unanswered questions dangling for us, the viewers, to deal with and ponder over.

A good documentary that kept my interest throughout. Thanks to whomever nominated it for me.

Congratulations Ed, you are the 12th member to finish!

The Imposter was a hot title during preparation for the documentary countdown. I liked it, nothing more, nothing less.

Captain Spaulding and Frightened Inmate still have a couple of writeups coming but I have received all of the ballots. I will tally them up today. When should the reveal be; tomorrow night? The weekend?

When should the reveal be; tomorrow night? The weekend?
Surely it ought to be more personal than usual for this one - via private messages to the participants for example? One mass PM per finishing position perhaps and if you prep them all and send them one after the other starting with what won it they will then show in the mailboxes in reverse order

Trouble with a capital "T"
Captain Spaulding and Frightened Inmate still have a couple of writeups coming but I have received all of the ballots. I will tally them up today. When should the reveal be; tomorrow night? The weekend?
Either, though I'm partial to tomorrow as after 6 pm west coat time I'll have some free time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just realized that The Imposter was in the Documentary HoF.

The Imposter...Wow,this was one helluva ride! I was totally spell bound by it. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. And talk about expert story telling, this film takes the viewer from one frame of mind and then flips it 180 degrees, then flips it still more, fascinating. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction, that's what I love about documentaries. It's going to take a damn fine documentary to knock this off it's pedestal. I'm impressed!