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Has anyone else been reading up on Obsidian's new super secret game? Currently going by the name Project Indiana. According to all the rumors it just might boil down to either a new Fallout game (which I'm kind of skeptical of), or possibly a sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Either one would be phenomenal in my book, but I'd prefer Bloodlines, to be honest. Assuming any of this turns out to be true.

Would be great if they had some news by E3.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Has anyone else been reading up on Obsidian's new super secret game? Currently going by the name Project Indiana. According to all the rumors it just might boil down to either a new Fallout game (which I'm kind of skeptical of), or possibly a sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Either one would be phenomenal in my book, but I'd prefer Bloodlines, to be honest. Assuming any of this turns out to be true.

Would be great if they had some news by E3.
I'd imagine that Bethesda have got the Fallout rights sewn up, and there's no way they'd be working with Obsidian again after the New Vegas bad blood, but a new VTM game? Man, that'd be something else!

As long as it's not got pausable real time combat I'm sold, whatever the subject matter turns out to be. I'd forgotten how over that style of RPG I was, and then they released Pillars of Eternity, a great game I just couldn't get into.

Fun fact: Obsidian CEO (and since he's ex-Troika, one of my gaming heroes) Fergus Urquhart follows the British royal family on Twitter.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

I'd imagine that Bethesda have got the Fallout rights sewn up, and there's no way they'd be working with Obsidian again after the New Vegas bad blood, but a new VTM game? Man, that'd be something else!

As long as it's not got pausable real time combat I'm sold, whatever the subject matter turns out to be. I'd forgotten how over that style of RPG I was, and then they released Pillars of Eternity, a great game I just couldn't get into.

Fun fact: Obsidian CEO (and since he's ex-Troika, one of my gaming heroes) Fergus Urquhart follows the British royal family on Twitter.
That's the thing about rumors, they're pretty much all over the place. I'm also reading it's an entirely new IP which is either going to take place in Victorian times, or it'll be Post-Apocalyptic. Hey, a new IP sounds like music to my ears as well.

Here are the facts so far:

1) It'll be published by Take-Two under their Indie company Private Division

2) It'll have no microtransactions

3) It'll be a multiplatform AAA RPG

4) Creators behind the game are Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky

I know I'm missing a ton of stuff. Feel free to add on.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'm playing through all the Metal Gear Solid games before new year.

After being surprised at how short MGS1 is - I can remember spending days on it 20 years ago - I'm now half way through MGS2. To have a game of such cinematic scope arriving in the early days of the PS2 still blows my mind.

I mean, it had a 9 minute trailer.

Peak Kojima.
I remember getting this game for Christmas, it was one of my most anticipated 'wants' of anything. That trailer....the back cover of the game.....not a single shot or mention of Raiden.

Want to talk about how 4th wall breaking this game is? What a twist that turned out to be and a huge gamble too. You let players play as the iconic Snake for the beginning of the game and then completely take it away from them for the bulk of it?

One of the best games of all-time.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The People's Republic of Clogher
4) Creators behind the game are Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky
My favourite developers were Troika, the lynchpins of which were these three gentlemen:

Left: Tim Cain, Middle: Leonard Boyarsky, Right: Jason Anderson (now at Turtle Rock)

It's an Arcanum reboot, isn't it? Tell me it's an Arcanum reboot!

The People's Republic of Clogher
I remember getting this game for Christmas, it was one of my most anticipated 'wants' of anything. That trailer....the back cover of the game.....not a single shot or mention of Raiden.

Want to talk about how 4th wall breaking this game is? What a twist that turned out to be and a huge gamble too. You let players play as the iconic Snake for the beginning of the game and then completely take it away from them for the bulk of it?

One of the best games of all-time.
Oh man, the anti-Raiden salt that was flying around at the time.

The People's Republic of Clogher
As it's Christmas, I decided to take advantage of the many gaming bundle deals on offer and treat myself!

To an unused (I can't say it's 'new' as it was made around 15 years ago), original Dualshock 2!

Missus and I haven't played a game together in awhile, but we're gonna try a bit on Christmas Day. We've got a lot of options, most of them continuations or throwbacks. We could play...
1. Grim Fandango. We played like half of it back in the day before it crashed, because we had a whole quasi-emulation thing going out before the remaster.

2. The Journey Down. We played episode one, and the third (and final) one just came out.

3. The Dream Machine. Think we're half through episode 4 (of 6), all of which are released, so I'm probably leaning this way.

4. Syberia III, since we loved the previous ones, though I have a sneaking suspicion this one's going to be a let down.
Also considered Gorogoa, but I might prefer playing that myself. The tile-type puzzle stuff is, I think, less conducive to cooperative play than the adventure game puzzle solving stuff.

Anyway, looking forward to it!

Oh, and Courtney joked that we could just play Her Story again, but we kinda laughed about how, brilliant as it is, it might be the least replayable game of all time.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Missus and I haven't played a game together in awhile, but we're gonna try a bit on Christmas Day. We've got a lot of options, most of them continuations or throwbacks. We could play...
1. Grim Fandango. We played like half of it back in the day before it crashed, because we had a whole quasi-emulation thing going out before the remaster.

2. The Journey Down. We played episode one, and the third (and final) one just came out.

3. The Dream Machine. Think we're half through episode 4 (of 6), all of which are released, so I'm probably leaning this way.

4. Syberia III, since we loved the previous ones, though I have a sneaking suspicion this one's going to be a let down.
Also considered Gorogoa, but I might prefer playing that myself. The tile-type puzzle stuff is, I think, less conducive to cooperative play than the adventure game puzzle solving stuff.

Anyway, looking forward to it!
Haven't played any of those so will be interested to know (both) your thoughts.

I'm thinking seriously of What Remains of Edith Finch now that it's on sale. More than one person has told me how highly it's ranking on their (similar looking to mine) GOTY lists.

Also, slightly distasteful parts aside - goosing a lady and drawing a Hitler moustache on a Jewish suspect? C'mon guys - this looks like an overpriced VR mini-game that I could get behind.

Haven't played any of those so will be interested to know (both) your thoughts.
Will do. I can tell you already, since The Journey Down and The Dream Machine are episodic and we've started both, that we like them both. The former is much more of a silly adventure game throwback, but pretty well done, and with a really interesting cultural hook that makes it feel fun and different even when it's doing the usual adventure game things.

The Dream Machine is weird and unsettling, but some of the puzzles are really good, and I don't recall too many being frustrating (and, obviously, for an adventure game NOT having frustrating or stupid puzzles is almost as important as having some great ones). Anyway, both have a very distinct vibe, so if you play a little of either you'll know with a fair degree of certainty if you'd dig it.

Grim Fandango, well, I assume its reputation precedes it. Though we didn't finish it, I can see why it's considered a classic and I'm excited to sit down and play it all the way through. Love the goofy macabre/noir stuff and the characters are just oozing personality.

I'm thinking seriously of What Remains of Edith Finch now that it's on sale. More than one person has told me how highly it's ranking on their (similar looking to mine) GOTY lists.
Lemme know what you think of that. I think I bought it on sale already, but even having not started it I think I regret it. Looks a little railsy to me, albeit potentially a well done example of it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I bought Grim Fandango not long after it was re-released, having never played it originally, and bounced off it pretty fast. Yep, I can see why people venerate it so much but that style of game just isn't one I gravitate towards. Always meant to give it another shot.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Also, slightly distasteful parts aside - goosing a lady and drawing a Hitler moustache on a Jewish suspect? C'mon guys - this looks like an overpriced VR mini-game that I could get behind.

The bits it gets right are surreal, and sound, for sure . Face-to-face interviews are a ton cooler like this, and if anything the cut-scenes with fellow cops (which you can move amongst), and incidental moments of realism from street peds are somehow even cooler. It's more natural and involving to poke around crime scenes like this too (if a bit hit and miss on gaze detection).

I found this moment when a random street NPC rocked up and got served his strawberry icecream far more pleasing than I should have

It's also a ton jankier than the average R* release though. Street NPCs speaking without moving their lips is a minor example. A major one is that I keep commandeering vehicles by mistake, and then finding that I can't get out of them. (In some I can push the door open manually, but in the vast majority I can't :/)

Well worth the £25 right now for sure though, despite (or because of ) the eccentricity. And good to see a solid update just drop.

I'm stupidly happy to see this bit...

Player can now remove their hat at any time

It's all true

But perhaps more importantly, they've actually added a decent immersive motion mechanic too. One that doesn't involve flapping your elbows to move

Which makes it easier to do this...

(Chucking your partner on the cheek, and saying 'Shut up I'm thinking', is also a vital part of this game!)

EDITEDIT: Ok I've watched the vid now. Yeah, dick-ish bits aside, they're playing it right
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher

It's also a ton jankier than the average R* release though.
Did Rockstar make it? Team Bondi (RIP) were the devs of the original game, with Rockstar publishing.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm assuming it's Rockstar re-use of the assets yeah.

The quality bar is generally high, but you can see where they hit tech walls, and ultimately it's clearly an experimental release, going to a niche market, with a capped budget. I can see why the car controls sometimes drive me into a wall

The People's Republic of Clogher
I picked up the PS4 remaster of Lanoyer, and it's much the same as I remember, namely 50% great and 50% flawed, but with one huge improvement. The 'good cop', 'bad cop' question prompts make an awful lot more sense than what had gone before.

Cole is still one of the most unlikable SOBs to carry a video game.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've just bought another Xbox..... for £39.99.

It has apparently been sitting in a cupboard since 2003 and was barely used before that. Result!

I've not modded an Xbox in 10 years, but it should be pretty easy. I used one as my primary media centre until well after I'd bought a PS3 - When you installed Xbox Media Centre (XBMC) on it, the massive big brick would play pretty much anything. XBMC is still being developed, although people know it by another name now: Kodi.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Merry Xmas Mofos

And Seasons Greetings from Star Citizen too...

(Plz ignore the gentle karate chop to Mark Hamill's knee )

I've just bought another Xbox..... for £39.99.

It has apparently been sitting in a cupboard since 2003 and was barely used before that. Result!

I've not modded an Xbox in 10 years, but it should be pretty easy. I used one as my primary media centre until well after I'd bought a PS3 - When you installed Xbox Media Centre (XBMC) on it, the massive big brick would play pretty much anything. XBMC is still being developed, although people know it by another name now: Kodi.
hope ur keeping the ps3 and the xbox as ur memories