The Hall of Infamy


So a movie i would enjoy as well as @cricket.

Again, there wasn't any creativity. It's not even that graphic, if that makes sense. The rape sequence is long, but there is no nudity. (At least not that I remember, and the IMDb seems to back that up).

But go on if you're intrigued. It's only 70 minutes long.

I think Crumbsroom is a fan of the 1977 Hitch-Hike.

I haven't seen it, but no movie that stars David Hess can be all bad. Very, very bad, sure, but not all bad.
Can't find the post where we discussed it for some reason. I may have misinterpreted him though.


Again, there wasn't any creativity. It's not even that graphic, if that makes sense. The rape sequence is long, but there is no nudity. (At least not that I remember, and the IMDb seems to back that up).

But go on if you're intrigued. It's only 70 minutes long.
Well, for what it's worth, the rape scene in Irreversible had no affect on me I enjoy odd and uncomfortable films.

One of the films I love is 3.9 on imdb. I wonder what it is on rt.

Edit: it's not on rt.
2.7 on letterboxd.

Well, for what it's worth, the rape scene in Irreversible had no affect on me I enjoy odd and uncomfortable films.
Funny how we steered into this sub-conversation the day I watch Deliverance. My stepfather was against me watching that movie for that one scene, despite the fact that the rest was incredibly G/PG.

Well, for what it's worth, the rape scene in Irreversible had no affect on me I enjoy odd and uncomfortable films.
You might very well like it. Again, it's not just the plot (LOL) or the content that I disliked, it was how flat and unimaginative and boring it all was.

Like I said, I don't think I will participate, but I'm sooo looking forward to the reveal.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
1.8 for me....I'm dreading these movies, hahaha.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I remember you and crumbsroom mentioning Hitch-Hike a while back. Apparently, it's a remake of a 1977 version of the film. I haven't seen the 2013 film, but I did watch the original film after reading your discussions of it and I actually kind of enjoyed it. The treatment of the female character in the opening 10 or so minutes is hard to watch and the final scene came out of nowhere and didn't feel true to the main character's motivations at all, but I thought most of what occurred in the middle section was pretty good. It had several memorable scenes of suspense, a few unexpected deaths, and some neat shots thrown in to maintain tension throughout the film. For instance, an early scene showed a gun in the couple's camper which the kidnapper wasn't aware of. It was clear the wife was considering shooting the man with it, but instead of it being used right away, the movie cut back to it several times throughout the film to constantly tease you about it being fired and it wasn't until the final act when it became significant. So yeah, pretty solid thriller, I'd say.


Change my mind someone.
This was one of my favorite first-time viewings last year. Plays like a depraved, cynical, more sadistic version of The Hitcher. Mean, nasty, leering, sleazy. You come away in need of a shower to wash away the dirt and sweat. David Hess essentially reprises his role of Krug from Last House on the Left, and few actors can match his detestability. I love that the film is essentially devoid of a protagonist. Everyone's just a different shade of shitty. Plus you get a Morricone score to top it all off, like a dollop of cream on a rotting piece of meat that's been left out in the sun. Excellent thriller.

This was one of my favorite first-time viewings last year. Plays like a depraved, cynical, more sadistic version of The Hitcher. Mean, nasty, leering, sleazy. You come away in need of a shower to wash away the dirt and sweat. David Hess essentially reprises his role of Krug from Last House on the Left, and few actors can match his detestability. I love that the film is essentially devoid of a protagonist. Everyone's just a different shade of shitty. Plus you get a Morricone score to top it all off, like a dollop of cream on a rotting piece of meat that's been left out in the sun. Excellent thriller.
Part of why my rating may not have been as high as it could've been was because I was expecting for it to suck based on what I heard about it. I expect I'd enjoy it more with a rewatch though.

I forgot the opening line.
This will be the reveal I've most anticipated in my time here so far...
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Place your bets now for how we'll all feel after tomorrow's reveal.

Option 1:

Option 2:

I predict a lot of crying, throwing things, and pulling out of hair.