The Matrix: Resurrections


We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think it's gonna be a real shame Yuen Woo Ping isn't involved for the stunt/fight scenes. I'm feeling like we're not going to see anything rivaling the fantastic fights from 1 and 2, looks like Neo is gonna be all high powered telekinesis moves.

I'm going in with rock bottom expectations.

I haven’t had a good reason to go to the movies of late but I’ll be off work when this drops. Zero hour zero day. Then right back in 3 or 4 more times. Same day.

Still worried. But excited AF.
if u still worried u can look at some reviews cause sometimes i look at the reviews first when the movies comes out so i dont waste my money if the movies is bad

You ready? You look ready.
Nah, I will be there regardless. It could be the worst movie ever, and it’ll probably still end up making my top ten.

I just need a proper trailer to put my fears at ease.

I remember it was until almost 2002 or 2003 we had the old analogue camera being used in movies, ever since the camera has become full hd digital, u lose the feeling of immersion that the first matrix had been filmed with, i saw the trailer and the quality is way too clear image u don t feel the movie belongs to the matrix universe....that s my opinion

A system of cells interlinked
I've watched this a couple more times. I dunno... I don't see much in the way of adding something new to the universe. I get the same vibe I did from The Force Awakens. Lost of material that looks and feels familiar, to elicit nostalgia from the viewer, as well and a pseudo fourth wall break right at the end to make it all seem meta.

I think of how completely mind-blowing my first viewing of The Matrix was, and this just seems like yet another franchise being dredged up as a cash grab. The immersion in the original was so complete, I recall having trouble coming out of it even an hour after the film, as I looked around wondering if I was in The Matrix... This looks to be the opposite of that, leaning into self-aware meta nonsense.

I will see it, but keeping expectations really low.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

“I was cured, all right!”
I've watched this a couple more times. I dunno... I don't see much in the way of adding something new to the universe. I get the same vibe I did from The Force Awakens. Lost of material that looks and feels familiar, to elicit nostalgia from the viewer, as well and a pseudo fourth wall break right at the end to make it all seem meta.

I think of how completely mind-blowing my first viewing of The Matrix was, and this just seems like yet another franchise being dredged up as a cash grab. The immersion in the original was so complete, I recall having trouble coming out of it even an hour after the film, as I looked around wondering if I was in The Matrix... This looks to be the opposite of that, leaning into self-aware meta nonsense.

I will see it, but keeping expectations really low.
I feel exactly the same. This "reboot" meta looks like lazy writing imo, and I'm afraid a lot of things will not be explained, like Trinity's new power. Since the trailer showed a lot of scenes that looks exactly the same frame from the original, I don't doubt the crazy idea of the film ending with Trinity flying towards the camera like Neo did in the original.

You ready? You look ready.
I can’t help but think they are going to make Trinity the new One that has to be “woken up” to save everyone because some code transferred to her, but she’s gonna be all “oh, I think I know you Neo from another life but I don’t know if I can trust you…oh God how can you do all that fancy bullet bending, I can’t do that…oh God, wait no I am so powerful because you love me Neo…let me smush em!!!”

I’m going to get up and walk the **** out if that happens.

I feel exactly the same. This "reboot" meta looks like lazy writing imo, and I'm afraid a lot of things will not be explained, like Trinity's new power. Since the trailer showed a lot of scenes that looks exactly the same frame from the original, I don't doubt the crazy idea of the film ending with Trinity flying towards the camera like Neo did in the original.
as i said, the full hd digital camera and the updated modern plot or whatever the woredrobe i saw in the trailer has to do with it

“I was cured, all right!”
I'm curious, in one of the teasers (that you can reandomly see here), for a few seconds, there was a scene of the machines creating a man. That man looks like Morpheus. What the hell? Anyone think they can come with a "twist" like this?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Those teasers helped set some ideas into play. Nice. Nice site too with that time stamp reference! I was like, OMG am I in the MATR...oh. wait.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I'm leaning heavy optimism on this. Seems like there was a good chance those last two films left a lot of, "this could have been done better" moments that have been stewing for however long it's been. No way anything ever recreates that moment of the first, but I think we are in for a big surprise.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Anyone noticed there is a shot in the trailer where they are watching the movie The Matrix on the screen?

There is also a shot of them repairing Neo (burnt-out eyes) so my guess is that they repaired the body and inserted him back into the Matrix, giving him a "Movie star" life (like Cypher said, someone important, like an actor) and in this version, he starred in a movie called The Matrix. Since The Matrix is a program, I assume it's all recorded and they are just showing events from the first film and using it as the film within this world here...follow?

They are giving him a sedated life to keep The One from being woken up or reborn.

I think they created Trinity again in an effort to make him stay in the Matrix and choose the love he can have with her over a life without her. Seems like a weird commentary on reboots while working it into the story in an organic way.

It'll be weird seeing Neo with the John Wick look.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Though in some ways a spiritual remake of the original Matrix from 1999 — right down to the choice of color-contrasted pills — Resurrections will also serve as a continuation of the trilogy, with both Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss are back as Neo and Trinity.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
It looks okay, but it looks like Keanu Reeves has is just re-using his John Wick look, long hair and beared, instead of the Neo look. Are they just trying to cash in on John Wick? Probably the filmmakers decision and not Keanu's but still gives a lazy impression in that sense.

I actually don't like the sequel way of making stories. It's making money, not creating something new.
Matrix 1 was brilliant, 2 and 3 much worse.
But nevertheless, the trailer of Matrix 4 looks inspiring, I am waiting for 4th part with interest.
Going to buy a ticket and watch it in cinema.