23rd MoFo Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
My full list, Thanks MV for resending

Schindler's List- 1
Late Spring- 2
Le Samourai- 3
Stand by Me- 4
Great Mouse Detective- 5
Christiane F. -6
The Skin I Live In -7
Jojo Rabbit -8
Fisher King -9
Gangs of New York -10
The Reflecting Skin -11
Hunger -12
Yellow Submarine -13
Al-Mummia -14

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
When does the 24th HoF start? I'm thinking of participating.
After Christmas, I might start the thread the week of though but it won't officially start until after.

I had quite a dilemma in trying to decide which of these two to rank first. Schindler's List is in my top 100 and I think it's a truly great and important piece of cinema, but damn is it depressing and long. My love for The Skin I Live In is much more newly discovered and I think it's great in its own way. In the end I gave the edge to my own nomination because I think its rewatchability is much greater.

I can't say I'm at all surprised by the winner of this HOF, but I'm pleased with just how slim the margin was between it and The Skin I Live In.

My Ballot:
1. The Skin I Live In
2. Schindler's List
3. Jojo Rabbit
4. Christiane F
5. Gangs of New York
6. Al Mummia
7. Hunger
8. Stand By Me
9. The Reflecting Skin
10. Le Samourai
11. Late Spring
12. The Great Mouse Detective
13. The Fisher King
14. Yellow Submarine

The last 2 are both brilliant, but the difference for me is that I consider The Skin I Live In to be a personal favorite. Well done CR and MV, and thank you so much MV for hosting and doing such a wonderful job

1. Christiane F.
2. The Skin I Live In
3. Schindler's List
4. JoJo Rabbit
5. Late Spring
6. Hunger
7. Stand By Me
8. Le Samourai
9. The Fisher King
10. The Great Mouse Detective
11. Gangs of New York
12. The Mummy
13. The Reflecting Skin
14. Yellow Submarine

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
CONGRATS CR for the win!!
I actually had Schindler at #6 and not because of dislike but due to those above that swept me away even more.

An incredible powerhouse of films in this HoF and a number of great surprises when it came to the viewing experience. BRAVO ALL!!

THANK YOU Miss Vicky for Hosting!! (you nagging sh#t you)

my list
1) Jojo Rabbit #4
2) La piel que habito (The Skin I Live In) #2
3) Le Samouraï #3
4) Banshun (Late Spring) #6
5) Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo #5
6) Schindler's List #1
7) The Reflecting Skin #11
8) The Fisher King #13
9) Gangs of New York #9
10) Hunger #8
11) Al-Mummia (The Mummy a.k.a The Night of Counting the Years) #12
12) The Great Mouse Detective #10
13) Stand By Me #7
14) Yellow Submarine #14
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Can't remember where I put my ballot, so I'm reciting this from memory and it might be a bit wrong

1) Stand by Me
2) Hunger
3) Late Spring
4) Yellow Submarine
5) Jojo Rabbit
6) The Samurai
7) Schindler's List
8) The Reflecting Skin
9) Christiane F.
10) The Skin i Live in
11) The Great Mouse Detective
12) The Fisher King
13) Gangs of New York
14) The Mummy

Anyway, that was a fun HOF, thanks Vicky. Congrats on the win Citizen.

Can't remember where I put my ballot, so I'm reciting this from memory and it might be a bit wrong

1) Stand by Me
2) Hunger
3) Late Spring
4) Yellow Submarine
5) Jojo Rabbit
6) The Samurai
7) Schindler's List
8) The Reflecting Skin
9) Christiane F.
10) The Skin i Live in
11) The Great Mouse Detective
12) The Fisher King
13) Gangs of New York
14) The Mummy

Anyway, that was a fun HOF, thanks Vicky. Congrats on the win Citizen.
Your actual ballot:

1)Stand by Me
3)Late Spring
4)Yellow Submarine
5)The Samurai
6)Jojo Rabbit
7)Schindler’s List
8)The Reflecting Skin
9)Christiane F.
10)The Skin I Live in
11)The Great Mouse Detective
12)The Fisher King
13)Gangs of New York
14)The Mummy

Your actual ballot:

1)Stand by Me
3)Late Spring
4)Yellow Submarine
5)The Samurai
6)Jojo Rabbit
7)Schindler’s List
8)The Reflecting Skin
9)Christiane F.
10)The Skin I Live in
11)The Great Mouse Detective
12)The Fisher King
13)Gangs of New York
14)The Mummy
Thanks, I always forget to save 'em.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Mr Spielberg thanks you!

Here's my voting list:

1 Schindler's List
2 Late Spring
3 Le Samouraï
4 The Skin I Live In
5 Jojo Rabbit
6 The Mummy
7 Stand By Me
8 Gangs of New York
9 The Fisher King
10 Yellow Submarine
11 The Reflecting Skin
12 Christiane F.
13 Hunger
14 The Great Mouse Detective

Trouble with a capital "T"
I came very close to voting both Late Spring & Le Samouraï as my #1 right after watching them. I have to say to @Siddon and @ahwell thanks guys for picking films that I absolutely loved watching!

Legend in my own mind
Stand by me is one of my favourite films of all time but even I had to place it below Schindlers list - It is simply one of the most important pieces of cinema ever.

Top 3 were:


Great HoF. Thanks for all the nominations and @MissVicky for hosting.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

I told @rauldc14 I that I may join the next one but want to see nominations first. Depending on what the ratio of films wanting to watch versus films I don't care to see. If @MovieMeditation joins, I may join to nominate a film he will enjoy.

Schindler's List is a film that is a "must see" for anyone who enjoys cinema. Its a classic and a piece of art and history.

Here was my list. Sorry I just got home... was out in Kansas all day due to a sick kitty at an emergency clinic

1 being best

1. Hunger
2. The Skin I Live In
3. Christiane F
4. Schindlers List
5. La Mummia
6. Gangs of New York
7. Stand By Me
8. The Reflecting Skin
9. The Fisher King
10. Great Mouse Detective
11. La Samuria
12. Banshun
13. Yellow Submarine
14. Jo Jo Rabbit

I was sleeping during the reveal, but here's my ballot with the ratings I'll (try to remember to) put on my Letterboxd):

01: The Reflecting Skin (1990)

02: Al-Mummia (1969)

03: Schindler's List (1993)

04: Jojo Rabbit (2019)

05: Christiane F. (1981)

06: Le Samouraï (1967)

07: The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

08: The Skin I Live In (2011)

09: Hunger (2008)

10: Stand by Me (1986)

11: Gangs of New York (2002)

12: The Fisher King (1991)

13: Late Spring (1949)

14: Yellow Submarine (1968)

Top-2 for me was somewhat clear (as I said, there's a good chance I'd raise Al-Mummia's rating if I'd ever get to rewatch it from a proper quality copy). Schindler's List and Jojo Rabbit were almost even on my books, and I had a really hard time picking the order.

Another problematic portion of my ballot was the segment from 9th to 12th. There was lots of movement in that area during the process. Ended up putting Hunger on top of that pack due to visual style alone. And yeah, I just don't like Ozu or The Beatles.

Overall, a rather enjoyable HoF (I mean, five films with 3.5+ rating and half of the films at 3+). And grats to CR for winning. Didn't even realize Schidler's List was his nomination until the results were in.

Let the night air cool you off
My list:

1. Le Samourai
2. Late Spring
3. Jojo Rabbit
4. Al-Mummia
5. The Skin I Live In
6. Christiane F.
7. Hunger
8. The Reflecting Skin
9. Schindler's List
10. The Great Mouse Detective
11. The Fisher King
12. Stand by Me
13. Yellow Submarine
14. Gangs of New York

I like the top 12, so I'd say this was a pretty solid group. I was hoping for something to upset Schindler's List, but it was only a matter of time until it would get in. Why not now?