Rauldc14's Top 119 Films

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
111. E.T.

I saw this as a kid and didn't revisit it until a year or two ago. It's really great storytelling. It's hard to say whether it is Spielberg's best overall movie, but it's certainly among the most enjoyable.

I really don't like E.T. I get the appeal but don't find it enjoyable. That's the only one i've disliked so far tho which is pretty great considering we disagree quite a bit.

E.T. was a childhood movie for me, as with many others...

I revisited it about 2 years ago and surpringly it held up and then some. It was great, Spielberg at his best. Great pick, raul!

- for anyone interested, here's my old but gold review: http://www.movieforums.com/community...75#post1390275

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I did a review a couple years ago as well. E.T. holds up amazingly well considering it is children driven. Great storytelling, I love it.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Loved E.T. as a kid and still do to this day.

Also E.T. looks like a giant turd with eyeballs. He's creepy.
Both my nieces are scared of ET. Or at least they were; they may not find him scary anymore but still creepy. My sister (who also loves the film) keeps threatening to buy a life-size replica and place him in the hall just to freak them out!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
111. E.T.

I saw this as a kid and didn't revisit it until a year or two ago. It's really great storytelling. It's hard to say whether it is Spielberg's best overall movie, but it's certainly among the most enjoyable.

E.T. is way too low, but at least it's on your list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
110. The Lion King

One of my favorite "classic" Disney's to be sure. Here is what I wrote about it in The Animated Musical Hall of Fame:

The Lion King

My favorite of the Disney Renaissance films. Although I hadn't seen this in quite sometime, it's one of the films I have seen the most in my lifetime probably, with the majority of the viewings coming as a kid. The soundtrack is the best in animated movie history, the characters are likeable and there are some funny parts to me. the animation itself is very well made. I really like the story and the morals that it tries to teach us, like "remembering who you are" and the importance of family. It will be high up on my list certainly, exactly where I'm not sure yet.

care to explain?
I'm pretty sure raul knows well why I don't like it, but you must know - it's annoying. The songs are annoying. The characters are annoying. It's also not funny. The animation is gorgeous, I'll give it that, but that's all the praise I can give it.

It also doesn't help that it has zero nostalgic value for me. I was 13 when it came out and I hated animation at the time.

I'm pretty sure raul knows well why I don't like it, but you must know - it's annoying. The songs are annoying. The characters are annoying. It's also not funny. The animation is gorgeous, I'll give it that, but that's all the praise I can give it.

It also doesn't help that it has zero nostalgic value for me. I was 13 when it came out and I hated animation at the time.
I see and I can understand. I myself don't care for songs in movies but their is a distinctive charm in the songs, at least for me. At least you like ratatouille

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
109. L'Avventura

Certainly one of the most mysterious and adventurous films I've seen. I'm particularly interested in the characters of the film and the journey they go through. It should be well noted that the film is beautifully shot and the cinematography is profound for its time. I need to see this again and it could be in better position on my list then.