The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh

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Now, does honeykid school teach you to be like HK or are you just taught by me? Either way, I''m in.

Day 1 - Lesson 1

Smilies and how your constant use of them will annoy some members but why that's not a reason to stop nor increase your use of them
Honeykid school encourages voting for what u enjoy, regardless of what anyone thinks

Honeykid school encourages voting for what u enjoy, regardless of what anyone thinks

In that case, I'm HK and I endorse this message.

And I'll add a trailer for the film which started this. If this is your favourite film, please put it at #1.

5-time MoFo Award winner.

In that case, I'm HK and I endorse this message.

And I'll add a trailer for the film which started this. If this is your favourite film, please put it at #1.

It's a toss up between this and 2001: A Space Odyssey for the top spot... I just can't decide. They're both so similar.

It's a toss up between this and 2001: A Space Odyssey for the top spot... I just can't decide. They're both so similar.
They're really not. One is brilliant and the other is 2001.

This is going to be the toughest list to compile, 25 of my favourite films... wow. There are just over 200 films that by my various methods of ratings I would consider fantastic.

I have a feeling that the final list for this is going to me a little bit mental, especially in the bottom half. It will probably infuriate me more than the Western one

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is going to be the toughest list to compile, 25 of my favourite films... wow. There are just over 200 films that by my various methods of ratings I would consider fantastic.

I have a feeling that the final list for this is going to me a little bit mental, especially in the bottom half. It will probably infuriate me more than the Western one
I'd be real interested in seeing a list of your 200 top films, as you're one of the MoFos who's movie opinions I respect. And I'm up for watching some films I've never seen before in preparation of my own voting ballot. Maybe you could post those movies sorted by alphabetical order? It might help other people too.

Ideally, I would revisit tons of potential favorites to put together the perfect list.

Realistically, I’ll probably send in a list at the last minute without having watched a damn thing for it.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
This is gonna be legendary, so happy we're going with an all time, especially since I just missed the last one by months.

@Yoda, as this is an anniversary big one will you consider reaching out to old mofo's who have drifted away, lost in time, like tears in the rain? Not that it particularly matters but some might make a cameo.

I wonder what the record is for most individual films submitted on a countdown, and can't figure out whether an all time list will be more diverse in choices or less, as there's obviously a number of films that are going to be very frequent.

I think the easiest way to do these lists is pick the films you just can't leave out then work out how many spots you have left.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well, the nice thing is this is far and away the best list to make without having to watch anything.

There are way to many movies on my watchlist, (including many rewatches), for me to compile my list without watching anything.

I never understand why people are in such a rush to send in their list. I thought the whole point of these lists is to watch movies that we might not otherwise watch. We have three months to watch movies, or rewatch favorite movies. Why not use that time to watch some new movies, or rewatch favorite movies that you haven't watched recently?

In the past year, I probably watched more horror and western movies than I've watched in years, plus I found some great movies that I didn't know were directed by women, and some new favorite movies from the 1930s. Most of these were movies that I probably never would have watched if it hadn't been for these countdowns.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think the easiest way to do these lists is pick the films you just can't leave out then work out how many spots you have left.

I tried making an initial list to see how many movies I felt must be included on my list, but I gave up when my tentative list was over 100 movies. Now I have to figure out what movies to remove from my list, plus I'm still watching more movies that could make my list.

If I write really small, can I include 50 movies on my list?

Gonna be awesome to get 455 submissions because I'm the first curator that can threaten to ban people if they don't submit a list.
There is no way I can put a list of 25 movies together as my top films...