Movie HALL of FAME Archives & Info


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
watched quite a few Historical films and would love to join in on such an HoF -- GREAT idea, @MovieGal!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

It would just depend on how soon it starts. I don’t want too much on my plate at once.
I was thinking early to mid September. There is the Fantasy HOF going on and I know they are wanting to start another.

I was thinking of ending it in December depending on the number of participants.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was thinking early to mid September. There is the Fantasy HOF going on and I know they are wanting to start another.

I was thinking of ending it in December depending on the number of participants.
Early to mid September to start would be perfect. I should be done with the 23rd HoF by then and I just finished the Fantasy HoF today.

I was thinking early to mid September. There is the Fantasy HOF going on and I know they are wanting to start another.

I was thinking of ending it in December depending on the number of participants.
I'll probably join.

I'll probably join.
As usual, my HOFs are run with @Citizen Rules helping me.. He's the expert on these. I have only had a 1 or 2. My 80's Teen film was fun. Bill and Ted were the host with a lot of other great clips/pictures from films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
As usual, my HOFs are run with @Citizen Rules helping me.. He's the expert on these. I have only had a 1 or 2. My 80's Teen film was fun. Bill and Ted were the host with a lot of other great clips/pictures from films.
It's your HoF, but I'm happy to lend a hand.

BTW I'm looking through my review thread right not for possible noms.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The film would need to be based on a historical event and the main character(s) would definitely need to be linked to the story. In the case of the film "Schindler's List", Oskar Schindler was a real person who, in fact, saved several Jews from extermination. We only learned about him and what he did through the cinema. The film "The Fighter" was based on a real person, Richard "Dicky" Eklund Jr. and his brother, Mickey Ward, who were welterweight boxers. Dicky actually boxed against Sugar Ray Leonard. The film "12 Strong" was about the 12 Special Forces soldiers who were sent to take down the Taliban after 9/11.

It can't be a religious event or person of any type. It cant involve a fictional story based around a real person or event and it cant be a documentary. It has to be a dramatized story.

I think a Historical Films HoF is a great idea, and I'm considering joining it. I'd have to figure out what to nominate, because nothing has come to mind yet, but I'm sure I can think of something. I might wait to see what gets nominated before making a decision, but I'll definitely at least follow the thread, and I might even decide to join if I can think of a good nom.

I'm almost done with the Fantasy HoF, and I rarely join the General HoFs anymore, so the timing shouldn't be an issue regardless of when it starts.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'd love that one, but I won't be able to do 3 at once, and the generals are always my main focus. They are the big leagues and the specialties are the minors.

I have a few in mind but there is one I really really want to nominate!
Well I found out my first choice isn't eligible because the main character is fictional , and I have a feeling my second choice is the same one you have in mind because you gave it a 4.5/5

Well I found out my first choice isn't eligible because the main character is fictional , and I have a feeling my second choice is the same one you have in mind because you gave it a 4.5/5
Actually mine I never rated on Letterboxd, just marked that I had seen it. I had seen mine when it first came out in theatres long ago.

Actually mine I never rated on Letterboxd, just marked that I had seen it. I had seen mine when it first came out in theatres long ago.
Ok, cool, because I don't have a third option.

Unfortunately I wouldn't be joining that HoF. I do think it's a good idea, but I've never had much of an interest in history.
You may find this is a genre you like. I'm sure you have seen a few or so.

The trick is not minding
Hopefully with work being slower, and fall around the corner I can start joining these again. I’ve barely watched anything in the past month. 😑😑😑

The trick is not minding
And a power outage has cost us about 10 hours of work and we are now behind once again.
Guess who’s working this Saturday?

<————————this guy!

Trouble with a capital "T"
And a power outage has cost us about 10 hours of work and we are now behind once again.
Guess who’s working this Saturday?

<————————this guy!
Bummer, I've been working my tail off too, so I can relate bro!