Cricket's Top 100 of the Decade so Far

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Sinister is ok but not a favourite.
I've absolutely no desire to ever see The Interview tbh.

Well I've finally seen a few more but none were particularly positive experiences. Both Sabotage and Drive Angry I thought were pretty poor. Sinister I thought was pretty good but as a horror film it just wasn't for me.
Which Horror Films do you really like?

I thought around half of Sinister was pretty great then the rest was bland or bad. This was my post about it -

Seven Days (2010)

A man gets his revenge for the rape and murder of his daughter after the courts screw up. Well made and intense.

Cold Fish (2010)

Funny and gruesome serial killer film recommended by the great Godoggo.

I didn't like Brooklyn and felt left out here since you, Raul and Sean all liked it.
Have no fear, Camo! I didn't care much for it either.

Wadjda (2012)

Godoggo nominated this for one of the Hall of Fames. It's an endearing movie and a nice look at another culture.

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

Fantastic performances and a meaningful story.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I didn't like Brooklyn and felt left out here since you, Raul and Sean all liked it.
You have a great memory for what people watch and how they felt about it.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Wow Brooklyn certainly feels like the outlier of the group so far in amongst all the trash! And I'm also one of the people that really liked it.

Which Horror Films do you really like?
Eh......I don't know really. I'm not sure if there are any pure, straight-up horror films that I really like/love actually; films like Sinister that is. I tend to prefer quite pulpy, B-movie flicks that are often quite funny and sexy. Films like The Lost Boys, Poltergeist, American Werewolf in London, The Fly, The Fog, Christine; not really any that I'd consider to actually be 'scary' films. Oh and The Faculty, for some reason I've always loved that one. Oh and Misery.

You have a great memory for what people watch and how they felt about it.
Damn, not sure if that's a good thing or not. Will refrain from mentioning the fact that someone (Godoggo) nominated Wadja in a Hall of Fame and i really liked it; i also remember how the main members still about felt about it probably.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Damn, not sure if that's a good thing or not. Will refrain from mentioning the fact that someone (Godoggo) nominated Wadja in a Hall of Fame and i really liked it; i also remember how the main members still about felt about it probably.
It's a good thing. Yeah, I thought of Godoggo as soon as I saw Wadjda.

Trouble with a capital "T"
#85 Brooklyn (2015) Really? Cool I was going through your thread and was ready to post that we have nothing in common in movie taste, when I seen Brooklyn. That's my idea of a great film!

I'll keep watching your thread, maybe I will get lucky and find another one here that I like.

Films like The Lost Boys, Poltergeist, American Werewolf in London, The Fly, The Fog, Christine; not really any that I'd consider to actually be 'scary' films. Oh and The Faculty, for some reason I've always loved that one. Oh and Misery.
They are all great . Well except Christine and i have't seen The Fog but the rest are great The Fly and Poltergeist are top five horror for me.