The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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And we start off with a film from my list: Dune was #15 on my list! I've also seen Looper, and I thought it was a decent film with interesting concepts, though I didn't like the way its time travel "logic" was worked out.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
The Stats

The Incredibles

The first animated and/or superhero film to make the list. The Incredibles had a pretty slow start, but once it was first listed it started ramping up speed. The Incredibles was tied with Dune both in points and lists, so since the highest place The Incredibles got was 3rd compared to Dune's 4th, it won the tiebreaker.

Layout: 3rd, 10th, 14th

Another Earth

Another fairly recent film. This is the first entry on our list so far not to be tied with anything, so no interesting facts or stats here.

Layout: 5th, 9th, 12th

The Incredibles is a good fun watch, Another Earth has not even been on my radar.

Another Earth is one I've wanted to see for a long time... this only made me more excited about it.

The Incredibles is fun and entertaining enough, but I never thought of it to be much more than that. The action-packed movie is too fun and fast-paced to have the same depth and emotion as other Disney/Pixar films. It's there, but it's less present and it's not like I talk down to it for being more actiony... it's just the reason it never was much more than that for me.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
What is the Incredibles doing on the list?? People only get 25 picks, is it even a Sci Fi lol

The countdown has started!

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Looper was on my list.
Dune bored me to death when I saw it more than a decade ago.
The Incredibles is all right. At the time it might have been something special, but in today's superhero saturated market it doesn't stand out to me.
I enjoyed and recommend Another Earth.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I actually watched Another Earth a couple of months ago. Wasn't really what I was expecting but I did like it in the end. Its actual sci-fi quotient is really quite minimal. In fact the sci-fi element of the second Earth serves almost no purpose to the actual plot. Instead it exists more for metaphorical reasons, representing second chances and how our lives can be completely changed by the smallest of decisions and moments. I'd definitely describe it as more of a human drama about guilt and grief than a slice of science fiction. Once I'd realised that and accepted it I was able to get on board with it. That was helped immeasurably by a rather beautiful and heartwrenching performance from Brit Marling. In fact for her performance alone I'd say it was worth a watch for anyone that's not seen it

What is the Incredibles doing on the list?? People only get 25 picks, is it even a Sci Fi lol
How is it not Science Fiction? Nevermind the superhero aspects, it contains technology that doesn't actually exist.

The Incredibles is the first from my ballot to appear and was one of several animated films to get my vote. I had it at #14.

My Ballot:
14. The Incredibles

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I like The Incredibles, never heard of the other.

One of the reasons I didn't make a list is Superhero and Star Wars movies. Could have filled a list with them easily, but they feel like a different genre. Goes against the spirit of Sci-fi in my opinion. Hard to find that line I guess.

I haven't seen the Incredibles in years, probably since it came out. It was alright. They are making a second one though that is coming out next year. It didn't make my list.

I've actually heard of Another Earth but I never got around to watching it the concept fascinated me. I just forgot about it because back when this came out I was watching a lot more movies than now.

How is it not Science Fiction? Nevermind the superhero aspects, it contains technology that doesn't actually exist.

The Incredibles is the first from my ballot to appear and was one of several animated films to get my vote. I had it at #14.

My Ballot:
14. The Incredibles
I'll give you the technology, but unlike superhero movies such as Superman or Spider-Man (both on my list) and the Fantastic Four (not on my list, but with a totally sci-fi base story), the Incredibles never offered an origin for the heroes powers. Now, say they got their powers from a wizard in a cave or they came from a magic orb or something - that would severely diminish the sci-fi factor of the concept.

I'll give you the technology, but unlike superhero movies such as Superman or Spider-Man (both on my list) and the Fantastic Four (not on my list, but with a totally sci-fi base story), the Incredibles never offered an origin for the heroes powers. Now, say they got their powers from a wizard in a cave or they came from a magic orb or something - that would severely diminish the sci-fi factor of the concept.
So every superhero movie ever needs to give an origin story? Okay, whatever.

Either way I was one of three people that not only felt that it qualified, but liked it enough to include in their ballots and it made the list.