The Top MoFos Countdown 4ever - The List


Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm back

Congrats to GBG, of course she was on my list! I wish she would post more.

CosmicRunaway a new favorite, I am always glad to have a convo with her!

Rodent, an amazing photoshop artist. On my list as well.

Seanc a shoe in for my list and the nicest person around.

Raul...also a shoe in for my list! Glad he's around.

I didn't vote for Swan or Camo as both asked not to be included, but Congrats Anyway!

Sorry if I missed anybody.

Seanc was on my list.

And because I missed out, here's a couple I know is posted who was on my list. Tango, Gatsby, Captain Spaulding (my #1), christine...

Master of My Domain
Thanks for all the vote guys, and really appreciate all the support throughout the years. My drop from #6 (I think) to #18 shows that I haven't been posting a lot these days, hopefully... I'll find some more time.
Letterboxd Profile:

Sexy drives me ****ing crazy and he has at different times been among my favorite and least favorite MoFos. But the place wouldn't be the same without him and he did get my vote.

I was starting to hope I might win this thing again, but, very pleased with 4th place.

I thought I'd be much lower this time.