Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Loved this final part of Joachim Trier’s trilogy & this movie is my favorite of the 3. Liked it so much I watched it twice on two consecutive days.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I suspect this is not unlike me and Mad Max/The Road Warrior.
I loved The Road Warrior (and still do/always will) but I saw Mad Max first and there is something about the deranged grit and almost guerrilla feel of that film that no other movie can live up to.
Toecutter > All Other Mad Max Villains
Have you seen The Man From Hong Kong? It has the actor who played Toecutter in a very different role (even though he looks and sounds exactly the same).

Victim of The Night
Have you seen The Man From Hong Kong? It has the actor who played Toecutter in a very different role (even though he looks and sounds exactly the same).
I had not but you have my attention.

I watched The Funhouse (1981) on blu ray. I enjoyed it. The Funhouse is an entertaining and fun horror film about teens trapped in a carnival with a deformed killer after them. The main star, Elizabeth Berridge, is gorgeous (especially in the opening scene &#128521. Although this wouldn't be my favourite of director Tobe Hopper's films, it is still a good time and worth checking out for fans of 80s horror. My rating is a

I forgot the opening line.

Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43641691

Paradise : Faith - (2012)

This is part of an Ulrich Seidl trilogy (the other two films are Paradise : Love and Paradise : Hope.) It's the second film in it, so I don't know if I missed any kind of set-up in the first film, but I can say that it works quite well as a stand-alone film. So much so that I really want to see the other two now. It's the kind of movie where sitting back and pondering it, I found that it had opened up a kind of dialogue with me and made me think, which is always great. Anna Maria (Maria Hofstätter) is a middle aged Austrian lady who is a devout, fanatical Christian - the type that has recently converted and is obsessed. Her mission in life is to save as many people as she can, but behind closed doors she tortures herself as penance for imagined sins, and has an unhealthy fixation on Jesus Christ which is crossing over into the sexual realm. When her Muslim husband appears one day, who has lost the use of his legs, conflict erupts in her household. She refuses to sleep with him (in all senses of the word) and he begins to treat her more and more harshly - it's a conflict that sheds much light on Anna Maria. It also sheds light on people's relationship with their God, and with their fellow human beings - where honeymoon phases are often fleeting.


By The poster art can or could be obtained from Universal Pictures., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2336760

Serenity - (2005)

On the back cover of my Serenity DVD it says "running time : 188 minutes" - which is misleading to say the least. Approaching the 2 hour mark of Serenity I was thinking, "there's over an hour left to go? This sure is epic sci-fi." A few minutes later and the film was over. I had to rethink the whole film, because I'd steeled myself for an epic 3 hour sci-fi movie, but this ended up being more normal than that. If that DVD is taking extra features into account, it still shouldn't say what it said, and should be clearer. Anyway, what can I say - Serenity was good, but would have been better being more epic. The fights and action are decent, and central government-conspiracy plot enough to be entertaining - but it fell well short of my expectations that were huge after thinking it was going to be a truly epic Lawrence of Arabia-sized science fiction classic. Psychic action heroes, space battles and futuristic cities are fine, but in that regard this doesn't stand out from the crowd.


By http://www.impawards.com/2014/magic_...moonlight.html, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43096797

Magic in the Moonlight - (2014)

I like Woody Allen films, but after watching the awful A Rainy Day in New York I was pretty scared about getting back on the horse again. Thankfully enough, Magic in the Moonlight is good enough to pass the time without severe psychological consequences. There's nothing special here - but being set in the 1920s, and having a plot revolve around magicians and an acclaimed psychic at least made it interesting. Stanley Crawford (Colin Firth) is determined to prove psychic Sophie Baker (Emma Stone) a fraud, but they begin to fall in love, and Crawford starts to believe Sophie might actually be psychic - both events changing his world from that of a grumpy cynic to a happy man reintroduced to the wonders of the world. Both are engaged to other people however. I didn't love this movie, but I didn't hate it either - it's the kind of film that will fill in some time, but be forgotten a few weeks after watching it.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Serenity - (2005)

On the back cover of my Serenity DVD it says "running time : 188 minutes" - which is misleading to say the least. Approaching the 2 hour mark of Serenity I was thinking, "there's over an hour left to go? This sure is epic sci-fi." A few minutes later and the film was over. I had to rethink the whole film, because I'd steeled myself for an epic 3 hour sci-fi movie, but this ended up being more normal than that. If that DVD is taking extra features into account, it still shouldn't say what it said, and should be clearer. Anyway, what can I say - Serenity was good, but would have been better being more epic. The fights and action are decent, and central government-conspiracy plot enough to be entertaining - but it fell well short of my expectations that were huge after thinking it was going to be a truly epic Lawrence of Arabia-sized science fiction classic. Psychic action heroes, space battles and futuristic cities are fine, but in that regard this doesn't stand out from the crowd.
Did you ever watch Firefly? For me, Serenity was like a bigger, extended episode of the show. Then again, it's always a bit odd seeing a TV show jump to the big screen.

I forgot the opening line.
Did you ever watch Firefly? For me, Serenity was like a bigger, extended episode of the show. Then again, it's always a bit odd seeing a TV show jump to the big screen.
Ahh, now I see. I was looking for a Serenity television series at first - but it was called Firefly. It also must really add more of an impact for certain things that happen at the end of Serenity, which would affect people who watch the show a lot more than someone who has just stepped aboard.

Ahh, now I see. I was looking for a Serenity television series at first - but it was called Firefly. It also must really add more of an impact for certain things that happen at the end of Serenity, which would affect people who watch the show a lot more than someone who has just stepped aboard.
It was a show that ran for one season about two years before the movie was made.

Like a lot of TV-to-film movies, I think it had to try to both be accessible to people who hadn't seen the show, but rewarding for people who were fans.

I remember enjoying the film, but not loving it. I overall liked the show, but thought that it was uneven in a lot of ways. I will say that
WARNING: spoilers below
the deaths of certain characters in the film were definitely a surprise! And if you check out the TV show, you'll realize why.

Ethel & Ernest (Roger Mainwood, 2016)

I saw this being suggested in GBG's 2010's Recommendations thread and I thought I'd give it a shot.

There's a lot to like here. The film is really beautifully animated and it details the lives of a very ordinary couple, from the late 1920s to the early 1970s, as they try to cope with the events of the world and the ever evolving technology and politics of their day. It was really neat to get that perspective.

Unfortunately, my ability to enjoy this film was all but destroyed by one thing: Ethel. Holy shit that woman was infuriating - always thinking herself better than the "common" people, while being in denial of her own place in the social hierarchy and remaining willfully ignorant of the realities of politics and world events. I hated her so much and every time I'd start to enjoy myself she'd do or say something else that irritated me and I was left very much detached from the whole thing as a result.

But I do have to give credit where it is due and this is a very well crafted film. It's just not one that I'm likely to ever watch again and it certainly won't be getting my vote for the countdown.

Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43641691

Paradise : Faith - (2012)

This is part of an Ulrich Seidl trilogy (the other two films are Paradise : Love and Paradise : Hope.) It's the second film in it, so I don't know if I missed any kind of set-up in the first film, but I can say that it works quite well as a stand-alone film. So much so that I really want to see the other two now. It's the kind of movie where sitting back and pondering it, I found that it had opened up a kind of dialogue with me and made me think, which is always great. Anna Maria (Maria Hofstätter) is a middle aged Austrian lady who is a devout, fanatical Christian - the type that has recently converted and is obsessed. Her mission in life is to save as many people as she can, but behind closed doors she tortures herself as penance for imagined sins, and has an unhealthy fixation on Jesus Christ which is crossing over into the sexual realm. When her Muslim husband appears one day, who has lost the use of his legs, conflict erupts in her household. She refuses to sleep with him (in all senses of the word) and he begins to treat her more and more harshly - it's a conflict that sheds much light on Anna Maria. It also sheds light on people's relationship with their God, and with their fellow human beings - where honeymoon phases are often fleeting.

You missed no set-up, the three films are independent of each other. Recommend watching Love, I thought it was the best in the series. Hope is the weakest imo but still worth viewing even if only to round out the trilogy.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Ethel & Ernest (Roger Mainwood, 2016)
The ending is really heartbreaking, though. I know it's based on a comic book and portrays the author's parents, so it's not a story made up for the screen, but I think that too many contemporary filmmakers and/or screenwriters simply haven't lived their life, or at least haven't transposed their lives to the screen in a sincere way, and therefore do not write screenplays true to life and its vicissitudes, but rather spawn artificial thought-up stories that, while often tackling real-life issues, do not give you the sense of really embracing life with full understanding and apt portrayal of the way it is. Wow, that was the longest sentence I ever made. Anyway, I think that Ethel & Ernest is one of the films that actually manages to reach sincerity and portray life in that true way. Or at least its last third does.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I wouldn't worry about having watched Serenity before Firefly, I did and still thoroughly enjoyed both.

You sure you're from Holland? All the other Dutch people I've met in life liked to be unconventional

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Sacagawea (Rolf Forsberg, 2003)
Bring Him Back Dead (Mark Savage, 2022)
+ 4.5/10
Low Life (Tyler Michael James, 2022)
A Soldier's Story (Norman Jewison, 1984)
+ 6.5/10

When black sergeant Adolph Caesar is found murdered outside his military base in the deep south during WWII, Washington sends black military lawyer Howard E. Rollins Jr. to investigate.
Letter to My Mother for My Son (Carla Simón, 2022)
Adopting Audrey AKA Porcupine (M. Cahill, 2021)
Summering (James Ponsoldt, 2022)
The Horse's Mouth (Ronald Neame, 1958)

Iconoclastic artist and SOB Gulley Jimson (Alec Guinness) wants to get some of his paintings back and paint a newer, bigger work before he's over the hill.
Wire Room (Matt Eskandari, 2022)
20 Feet from Stardom (Morgan Neville, 2013)
One Way (Andrew Baird, 2022)
Lust for Life (Vincente Minnelli, 1956)

Vincent Van Gogh (Kirk Douglas) is expelled from seminary and seeks to preach among the peasants and is later rejected by a woman so he must find a different way to express his love for God.
Convicts 4 (Millard Kaufman, 1962)
Top Gunner: Danger Zone (Glenn Miller, 2022)
+ 4.5/10
Friendship's Death (Peter Wollen, 1987)
Splendor in the Grass (Elia Kazan, 1961)

1928 Kansas high schoolers Bud (Warren Beatty) and Deanie (Natalie Wood) are so in love with each other that they can't live in real life without being together and away from their parents.
Oklahoma Crude (Stanley Kramer, 1973)
Shanks (William Castle, 1974)
+ 5/10
Eyes of Laura Mars (Irvin Kershner, 1976)
Soundies: A Musical History Hosted by Michael Feinstein (Chris Lamson, 2007)

Dorothy Dandridge already a seasoned entertainer in one of her first soundies, the original short music films, which were shown on a jukebox screen. This is Cow-Cow Boogie.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

So I watched the new Pinocchio today on Disney+. First, I have to state the obvious. This is nowhere near as good as the original animated version. However, some of the reviews it has received have been pretty harsh. This isn't a bad film. Granted, I would not consider it a great one either, but the results are mixed, with some things I liked and some I didn't. I think Tom Hanks is underused here and was not the best choice for Geppetto. The boy voicing Pinocchio, Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, is okay, but I think they could have found a kid whose voice better suited the character. And with all due respect to the lovely and talented Cynthia Erivo, but I feel she was the wrong choice for the Blue Fairy. Nothing to do with her race. She just didn't fit the character. I did like Keegan-Michael Key's performance as Honest John. I also really liked the cat. There were a few good songs too that I enjoyed and a couple fun moments. The ending was well done. Although this Pinocchio isn't as great as the original or even as good as some of the other live action versions of other animated films, it is still watchable with some enjoyable elements. My rating is

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This is part of an Ulrich Seidl trilogy (the other two films are Paradise : Love
"Paradise: Love" is one of my favorite movies from this century. Couldn't get into the other two. Should I try again?