Cole's 40 Favorite Mainstream Movies.

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I have to return some videotapes.
Jaws is a cool flick I will be re-visiting soon to cool off the summer heat.

The Fugitive is great and introduced me to Tommy Lee Jones, a talented actor who's still underrated and not given enough good films to do.

Meh, whatever floats yer boat.
Yeah TLJ still doesn't get much recognition for all the great movies he's been in.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Your honourable mentions were a bit hit and miss for me (not a real fan of either Prisoners or Blazing Saddles) but so far the actual list is batting a thousand. I like Jaws and Django and love The Fugitive; such a 90s classic!

I have to return some videotapes.
Rep for Jaws. I remember The Fugitive being pretty good, though I think I've only seen it once all the way through. For some reason I was usually drunk or drinking when I'd see this. Still not seen Django Unchained, but I don't like Westerns, I don't like the original Django films and I don't care much for C21st Tarantino.
You should rewatch it. One scene is pretty silly though without that being intended, so warning.

Yeah I wasn't looking forward to seeing Django when I first watched it, but I knew I would love it like 15 or so mins in.

But yeah, C21 Tarantino is definitely hit or miss for me.. with this being a huge hit. (Wow, another hint! )

I have to return some videotapes.
Your honourable mentions were a bit hit and miss for me (not a real fan of either Prisoners or Blazing Saddles) but so far the actual list is batting a thousand. I like Jaws and Django and love The Fugitive; such a 90s classic!
Awesome! I was so surprised when I saw it wasn't on the Top 100 90s list. I thought it would be close to a lock, atleast at the bottom half or so.

I have to return some videotapes.
Probably my first controversial one, I wasn't annoyed at all with the ewoks like most people. It still is better than any Star Wars prequel and deserves way more credit.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Cole your the man. I love all the Star Wars films and picking a fave is like picking a fave child for me. Return has a special place in my heart because it is the only one I saw in its original theater release. It is also probably the one I have seen the most.

Probably my first controversial one, I wasn't annoyed at all with the ewoks like most people. It still is better than any Star Wars prequel and deserves way more credit.
Hey I liked the Ewoks too. Then again I was 5 when I saw Jedi. And I like Short Round too.

You know, the Ewoks aren't that bad. I don't get all the hate.

Let's face it, they ain't Jar Jar and they at least have a function apart from handing all political power to Palpatine.

Plus, they're little furballs who manage to use rocks and sticks to defeat heavily armed and armoured troops. It proves a point that all the power the Empire has, it can be taken out by the smallest thing.

I have to return some videotapes.
Actually I rate Jedi the highest of all the SW films.
Dang, I wouldn't have thought that. Everyone seems to love V, and IV much much more than this one.
Cole your the man. I love all the Star Wars films and picking a fave is like picking a fave child for me. Return has a special place in my heart because it is the only one I saw in its original theater release. It is also probably the one I have seen the most.
Yeah it was tough for me, but there is a clear cut favorite for me. The 2nd favorite was very very tough.
I haven't seen any of the trilogy in a long time, but I did love them, and I think Return of the Jedi was my favorite. I loved the Ewoks!
I loved them too, they were pretty funny... Unlike Jar Jar.
The Force is strong with this one...
Hey I liked the Ewoks too. Then again I was 5 when I saw Jedi. And I like Short Round too.
Yeah this was one of the first movies I have ever seen, and I would watch it over and over again.
Don't meh me!
You know, the Ewoks aren't that bad. I don't get all the hate.

Let's face it, they ain't Jar Jar and they at least have a function apart from handing all political power to Palpatine.

Plus, they're little furballs who manage to use rocks and sticks to defeat heavily armed and armoured troops. It proves a point that all the power the Empire has, it can be taken out by the smallest thing.
So true, but I don't understand the TOTAL hate for Jar Jar. I didn't find him as annoying as what people had said. It's nice that they toned him down though in the story through the prequels.

I have to return some videotapes.
Sorry, I don't like most Sci-Fi and I don't like any Star Wars movie.
I understand, tbh I don't get into many sci-fi movies at all other than Star Wars

Miss Vicky, you taking part in the Star Wars Weekend? Might be a good way to get into them.
No, sorry. I don't own any of them and I don't like any of the ones I've seen.