Describe a movie where your username is the title of the movie.


The Heartless Ones (featuring Sexy Celebrity, Miss Vicky, HoneyKid and Swan)

Four friends who sit in cinemas criticizing how gawd awful films are.. they never review good films....kind of like watching

I kind of disagree with that. MST3K watched bad movies and criticized them. I would be watching bad movies and glorifying them.

I kind of disagree with that. MST3K watched bad movies and criticized them. I would be watching bad movies and glorifying them.

And you're the gold one in the middle right?

In reality, we watch 80's horror movies, and if it's good honeykid and I enjoy ourselves while Sexy bitches about it.

And if Miss Vicky joins us, we watch The Breakfast Club.

I don't know. I don't really know how those characters are. The show never thrilled me.

In reality, we watch 80's horror movies, and if it's good honeykid and I enjoy ourselves while Sexy bitches about it.

And if Miss Vicky joins us, we watch The Breakfast Club.
lol I wish I knew how to photoshop... I was thinking of the picture and you all watching a bad 80's horror film in the foreground...

Sexy Celebrity

Sexy Celebrity is a sassy gay man who trolls around the country in a giant bus named Priscilla. He is accompanied by Hollywood Montrose and Ralph, a closeted gay man played by Jake Gyleenhaal with mild down syndrome and happens to be a serial killer. They spend the entire movie engaging in destroying Asian movies, killing random people with chainsaws, cross dressing, engaging in cannibalism, and occasionally Sexy dresses like Hitler. Directed by John Waters.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
A sole survivor tells of the twisty events leading up to a horrific gun battle on a boat, which begin when five criminals meet at a seemingly random police lineup.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Sexy Celebrity

Sexy Celebrity is a sassy gay man who trolls around the country in a giant bus named Priscilla. He is accompanied by Hollywood Montrose and Ralph, a closeted gay man played by Jake Gyleenhaal with mild down syndrome and happens to be a serial killer. They spend the entire movie engaging in destroying Asian movies, killing random people with chainsaws, cross dressing, engaging in cannibalism, and occasionally Sexy dresses like Hitler. Directed by John Waters.
That sounds like a fun movie. Thank you.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
These are just beautiful! If anyone knows anybody that has enough money on the side to fund these, get them on the line NOW!


A film about a young man who is so obsessed with taking on the persona of a Swan.. he builds his own "Swan" to float in the lake and waits to find his mate... which never happens

Miss Vicky: The Movie

Miss Vicky (Jolene Purdy) has a sex change operation to become a man. The sex change operation gets botched -- instead of a sex change operation, they attached Joaquin Phoenix to her as a siamese twin.

For a week, it's difficult. By the next week, it's more difficult. But not for Miss Vicky -- for Joaquin. He can't stand her bitching.

He gets a chainsaw and he severs himself from Miss Vicky with it. He runs away and disappears. Miss Vicky realizes how much she loves him and she wants him back. She remembers how he mentioned to her that he loves phone sex lines -- Miss Vicky wouldn't allow him to call any while he was attached to her because she thought it was sick (deep down, she was just jealous of the phone sex operators talking to him).

So, Miss Vicky gets a full time job as a phone sex operator and she spends her days and nights giving phone sex, hoping to hear Joaquin's voice on the phone so she can tell him it's her and that she loves him.

After five months of this, she finally hears Joaquin on the line. Although, she didn't realize it was him at first because it turns out that Joaquin likes to call phone sex lines speaking as a woman. She only realized it was him when "she" described an unusual sexual fantasy to Miss Vicky -- a sexual fantasy that Miss Vicky heard Joaquin tell her one night while they were attached together and having an intimate bonding moment.

"I like to be tied up and forced to drink grape Kool-Aid while naked hermaphrodites sing the Star Spangled Banner until I start to urinate all over myself while a naked, very hairy old man stands beside me holding a big cuckoo clock."

"Joaquin.... is... is that... is that you?!"

After Joaquin reveals that it is indeed him, Miss Vicky confesses her love and tells him how much time she's spent looking for him. Joaquin gasps and yells at her:

"I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!"

Then he hangs up the phone.

Miss Vicky attempts suicide, but is saved by a black lesbian she's serviced a couple of times over the phone sex line and has been stalking Miss Vicky because she loves her.

Miss Vicky attempts to date the black lesbian to get over Joaquin, but it doesn't work out. They're just not compatible and this is first realized by the black lesbian, who gets over her obsession with Miss Vicky and tells her she needs to try something else.

"What do you really want?" she asks her.

Miss Vicky remembers how she wanted to be a man, but her surgery wasn't a success. The black lesbian says she should just try the surgery again. Miss Vicky says she can't afford it, even with all the money she's saved doing phone sex, which she had planned to use for her and Joaquin's wedding.

The black lesbian happens to have a lot of money on her and she gives her the money for another sex change operation.

Miss Vicky has the sex change operation. It's a success.

She continues to do the phone sex line. One day, she happens to hear from Joaquin again. This time he speaks as himself, not as a woman. He tells Miss Vicky that he doesn't hate her -- he merely was very angry at her for all the bitching she did to him.

Joaquin Phoenix gets a sex change, too, and becomes a woman. He and Miss Vicky, now Mr. Vicky, get married. The movie ends with Mr. Vicky fulfilling Joaquin's unusual sex fantasy. The black lesbian provides the Kool-Aid. They all live happily ever after.


Written and Directed by Sexy Celebrity

Just here for the free donuts
R.P. McMurphy

R.P. McMurphy is a hot pilot. When he encounters a pair of MiGs over the Persian Gulf, his wingman is clearly outflown and freaks. On almost no fuel, R.P. McMurphy is able to talk him back down to the Carrier. When his wingman turns in his wings, R.P. McMurphy is moved up in the standings and sent to the Top Gun Naval Flying School. There he fights the attitudes of the other pilots and an old story of his father's death in combat that killed others due to his father's error. R.P. McMurphy struggles to be the best pilot, stepping on the toes of his other students and in a different way to Charlie, a civilian instructor to whom he is strongly attracted.


Raul goes to DC and meets a 14 year old monkey. Hilarity ensues.


A documentary about Justin, an employee at Jiraffe Restaurant, who struggles with porn addiction. In the end, he falls in love with a swan, his bae.