Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Beggars Of Life (William A. Wellman, 1928)
Phew, always thought I was the only person that cautions dead chickens about staying still

The Unholy Three (1925)

This was one of the silents I was most looking forward to and it did not disappoint. Lon Chaney is great as usual and the midget from Freaks is so awesome. Dressing him as a baby to commit crime is brilliant.

It's no Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles, but this severely underrated Mel Brooks spoof of the Star Wars movies still brings the funny pretty consistently.

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Zzzzz

Snooze factor = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

Watched It 2 and it changed something. I'm completely giving up on popular movies. I remember many people saying like 7 years ago how modern horror is ****, but nah this is next level. This is like epitome of trash and everything wrong with horror and movies in general. It's funny that it's not part of comedy genre. That's straight up lie. Besides that It 2 is one of the worst movies I have ever witnessed. I'm sorry about random rant.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Lost World (1925)

Professor, Ed and Paula
on a most dangerous expedition
met the greatest collection of dinosaurs ever known.
High on the plateau
they were stuck without a hope.
And if they fell they'd plunge a thousand feet below...
Falling from...
The Lost World

Very cool silent picture. It's on youtube in fully restored 2K copy, and it looks great. But what really stood out was the realistic jungle sets and the amazing clay, stop motion animation dinosaurs. Now I know where the movie King Kong came from. I think people would like this if they'd give it a look....

Click image for larger version

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Casino (1995)

A continuation of my recent Scorsese streak, I finally made it to this amazing film. I absolutely loved the whole experience of it. Everything about this, from the look and feel of every scene, to the fantastic performances from De Niro, Pesci, and Stone, all pulled me into an extremely engaging and entertaining masterpiece of cinema.
This feels like such an underappreciated gem in the grand repertoire of Scorsese, where I'm used to the big name of Goodfellas being the king of his gangster flicks.
Definitely will rewatch both this and Goodfellas again to see how I feel about them, but for now I am glad to have finally seen this and I don't need a rewatch to know it was phenomenal.


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Adoption (1975)

Directed by Marta Meszaros, who was the first woman to win Berlinale's Golden Bear award, for this cold but sublime melodrama. A 43 year old battle-hardened woman factory worker, tells the married man she is having an affair with, that she wants a baby. As you can imagine, this doesn't go down well and problems arise from this.

A cold but heartfelt film from Hungary, this is a really powerful film. My first from Meszaros but certainly not my last.

'The Heiresses' (2018)

It's hard to believe this is Marcelo Martinessi's first feature. Which he also wrote. It is a beautifully crafted film which delicately tells the tale of Chela and her long term partner Chiquita. Chela is played by Ana Brun who gives an amazingly real performance. We follow her struggles as she tries to cling on to her quite well off life in Asuncion, Paraguay - during which her partner gets incarcerated.

Chela faces uncertainty, poverty and loneliness. But she doesn't tell us this at any point. The audience is able to get a feel of Chela's struggles simply from the wonderful performance from Ana Brun, and Martinessi's directing. Her world has been turned upside down, and she must make some big decisions.

There is also some subtext surrounding class, desires, wealth and the social environment of Paraguay, but at it's heart, it is all about Chela.

This film deserves to be seen.


Did you @Gideon58 ( or anyone else here ) ever see and review a movie called
The Public (2018) ?

I saw it recently and was interested in what others thought of it. (As a personal note, I thought the subject was worth examining, but felt it could have been handled better)