The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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80. The Emporer's New Groove - Voting Stats

Total Points: 66
Part of a Numeric Tie? Yes, tied with Lady and the Tramp.
5 Votes: 3rd Place (23 pts.), 9th Place (17 pts.), 13th Place (13 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.), 23rd Place (3 pts.)

* * *

79. Lady and the Tramp - Voting Stats

Total Points: 66
Part of a Numeric Tie? Yes, tied with The Emporer's New Groove but had more votes.
6 Votes: Two 10th Place (16 pts. each), 13th Place (13 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.), 18th Place (8 pts.), 23rd Place (3 pts.)

Got a Disney twofer for you today.

Lady and the Tramp was a big childhood favorite for me and one that I seriously considered for my ballot, but in the end my fondness for the film is almost pure nostalgia. I still like it as an adult, but it doesn't hold the same magic for me that it did when I was younger.

The Emperor's New Groove is one of the first films I watched following the end of the anti-animation phase of my teen years. It's really funny and stands as the only David Spade performance I've ever enjoyed, though his Rules of Engagement co-star Patrick Warburton absolutely steals the show as villain Yzma's henchman Kronk. Too bad the sequel, Kronk's New Groove, was garbage. Still, the original film remains a favorite and got my vote at number 16.

Everyone has their own nostalgia, and nobody can comprehend anyone else's. What was an immutable part of your childhood was just a movie to someone else, and vice versa.

Got a Disney twofer for you today.

Lady and the Tramp was a big childhood favorite for me and one that I seriously considered for my ballot, but in the end my fondness for the film is almost pure nostalgia. I still like it as an adult, but it doesn't hold the same magic for me that it did when I was younger.

The Emperor's New Groove is one of the first films I watched following the end of the anti-animation phase of my teen years. It's really funny and stands as the only David Spade performance I've ever enjoyed, though his Rules of Engagement co-star Patrick Warburton absolutely steals the show as villain Yzma's henchman Kronk. Too bad the sequel, Kronk's New Groove, was garbage. Still, the original film remains a favorite and got my vote at number 16.

I remember watching New Groove in the theaters at 7 or 8 3-4 times. Loved it so much.

Seen both, voted for neither. But I do enjoy them both, though.

I would've had to rewatch them if I would ever seriously consider them, and I didn't have time for that.

I voted for Emperor's New Groove, superb animation. Kronk is a wonderful character.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'm glad Sarah posted just before Lady and the Tramp was revealed because her mom and I brought it to the hospital and were watching it while waiting for Brenda to be far enough along to enter the delivery room and give birth to Sarah. It was one of our faves, and of course, a very romantic film. Besides, it has these two villians:

Despite its sentimental value and the fact that it's really good, I didn't vote for it. I like The Emperor's New Groove too.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Lord High Filmquisitor
I saw The Emperor's New Groove for the first time this hear (at my girlfriend's insistence) and I simply couldn't stand it. I understand its appeal, indidn't find he jokes funny, the narrative compelling nor the characters interesting to watch. Even the animation seemed subpar.

The Lady and the Tramp is one that I've gradually grown to like since first seeing it as a kid. I can get behind this one, even if I won't exactly call myself a fan of it.
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*sniffs Lady and the Tramp poster*

Yep. It's definitely not an Asian movie.

I had Lady and the Tramp at #13 on my list.

Oh no!

I don't remember Lady and the Tramp well enough. I loved it when I was a little kid -- main reason why I put it on my list.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
About the only scene I remember from Lady and the Tramp is the We Are Siamese If You Please song.

And mark beat me to it. :/
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
How can you forget the iconic spaghetti scene Voigan? One of those you feel like you have seen even if you haven't.