Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Black swan

It’s mesmerising from the opening scene and it holds this interest throughout. Beautifully shot and acted. Deep and concealed themes which left me entertained but perplexed. I’ll need to either rewatch or visit google to fully understand what happened.. However I do know what I watched was very good - 4 out of 5 good.

Glass (2019)

Finally settled on a rating for this one....it wasn't as good as Split, and I'm not sure if there will be much replayability for this one after being rather disappointed with the sloppily sewn together ending.

“I was cured, all right!”


Wow, the stronger character in this film, is Anakin's mother, who send her son with a unknown man (for the best of the kid, of course) but without a single emotion! Strong character!

That race is so boring that makes Fast and Furious look good...

A waste of Darth Maul, the only interesting character in this film.

Oh man, what about Jar Jar Binks...

The good thing about this movie is... well, the fight in the end (Obi-wan and Qui-Gon vs Maul) was good, but the battle between the armies in the fields, boring Anakin in space and boring Padmé in the palace killed it.

Now this...

Is pure gold!

Creed II

It's a good film, but had this been Drago I and they didn't have all the extra superfluous stuff in there this could have been a classic. I'm not that mad because Tessa Thompson is always very strong and did a lot of the heavy lifting with the personal stuff. However the Drago stuff was entirely more compelling and that's where the story should have been.

I do want the Dragos to return in a third film, at least.

I don't think you can put the toothpaste back in the tube.

If Stallone had more restraint and gave everyone the same amount of screentime and character arc he gave himself, this would have been another 5 star Rocky movie (I gave Creed 5 stars). Viktor is practically a silent figure in the film and yet so many of the emotional hits come with his character.

The Truman Show (1998, Peter Weir)

Touching, funny, satirical, prescient. One of the best films of Jim Carrey's career, alongside "Eternal Sunshine..."

Hope this is the right place to post this.(I believe I read the original review on this thread ).

A while ago @GulfportDoc wrote an excellent review about a documentary called Three Identical Strangers. The film was about young triplets who were separated by an adoption agency, and who later found each other. I haven't seen it yet, but based on Doc's recommendation, I put it on my list of 'must sees.'

Turns out (two of) the adult triplets appeared on a talk show, and they mentioned that the film will be shown on CNN on January 27.

Fascinating, riveting story and good call by Doc- as now this movie will get a broader appreciation.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

I like the most the character of the son, because I thought he will let to bully himself, but it's turned out nonviolence was his choice, no weaknes.

The Swamp
I glazed over and stopped paying attention 15 minutes in.
I remember struggling with that film at first but then gradually I got sucked into it and ended up liking it. Films like this require patience and being in the right mood - something I, too, can't always muster, admittedly - but I've found giving a tough movie a chance often pays off in the end. Not always, though.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

The movie of Jan Hrebejk. What I like in Czeck cinematography are easy to like characters. They are sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes smart, sometimes funny, ... just like me and every one of us

I remember struggling with that film at first but then gradually I got sucked into it and ended up liking it. Films like this require patience and being in the right mood - something I, too, can't always muster, admittedly - but I've found giving a tough movie a chance often pays off in the end. Not always, though.

For me it's like 30% its rare for me to completely turnaround on a film.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind for example took me three goes at that one and it was only seeing in the theater with no distractions.

White Ribbon is another one you really have to be in the right mood for Haenke.

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The Straight Story - 9/10
I bought this on VHS almost 20 years ago, and thought it would be something easy to watch after seeing a movie earlier I had never seen.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Ocean's 8

Simply not fun enough and for a cast as talented as these gals. The material needed to match them and it does not. Ocean's 8 feels like a film that shows up at your house, makes a good impression and once they leave you immediately forget who they are.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The Favourite (2018) Brilliantly quirky black comedy, superbly written, acted and directed.

Stan & Ollie (2018) Lovingly made and well performed, I particularly liked the way Laurel slips easily into his character at any time there are potentially awkward real life situations, but if you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie, there's just not that much more to it.

White Ribbon is another one you really have to be in the right mood for Haenke.
One of my favorite movies.

The Straight Story
Love it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.