The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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I admit I like Satoshi Kon's movies a lot more than Shinkai's. One of them made my list.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

84. The Wind Rises - Voting Stats

Total Points: 63
Part of a Numeric Tie? Yes, tied with 5 Centimeters Per Second, Mulan and one other movie.
6 Votes: 3rd Place (23 pts.), 14th Place (12 pts.), 15th Place (11 pts.), 16th Place (10 pts.), 20th Place (6 pts.), 25th Place (1 pt.)

* * *

83. Mulan - Voting Stats

Total Points: 63
Part of a Numeric Tie? Yes, tied with 5 Centimeters Per Second, The Wind Rises and one other movie. More on that tomorrow.
7 Votes: 13th Place (13 pts.), Two 14th Place (12 pts. each), 17th Place (9 pts.), 19th Place (7 pts.), Two 21st Place (5 pts. each)

I've yet to see a bad film from Miyazaki, and The Wind Rises looks like it could be his beautiful swansong, but I'm yet to see it. I would have guessed it could have appeared higher if we did this list in a few years time, no surprises to see it about here.

Mulan is a decent Disney film, I've always thought it was decent but never really loved it, so similar to a lot of other entries in that respect. The type of film I expected to make the lower half of the list.

Lord High Filmquisitor
Finally, something that I voted for! I wasn't entirely as enamored with The Wind Rises as I hoped I would be, but it was never-the-less a fantastic film beautifully expressed: an apropos final film for Miyazaki.

Mulan is a weirdly great film with several incredibly memorable sequences ("Reflection," her running off in the middle of the night to join the army, "I'll Make a Man Out of You," and the final confrontation at the imperial palace). I am incredibly happy that it made the list, even if I was not responsible for its inclusion.
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Arcanis' 100 Favorite Films: 2015 Edition

I thought The Wind Rises was a beautiful movie; I had it at #16.

Haven't seen Mulan.

My List-
7. Animal Farm
16. The Wind Rises
24. The Adventures of Prince Achmed

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Haven't seen The Wind Rises yet but I am about to say something I have never said about anime before, I am looking forward to it. Netflix just got it in December so I will see it soon.

Mulan was part of my "I don't think I like Disney anymore" stage. Whether that was a result of the quality of movies or my viewing sensibilities is still not clear to me. I do know, I didn't care for this one. It is not one that has ever been on repeat around me either, so I have only seen it the once.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I've seen The Wind Rises and although I thought it was well made, I didn't love it so it didn't make my list. I haven't seen Mulan.

Haven't seen the Bugs Bunny / Roadrunner movie, but I've seen all the shorts. I only voted for one of them but several Looney Tunes that weren't in that compilation made my list as well. Paprika's good, but I didn't vote for it.

Mulan was my #14. This has always been a favorite and I appreciate its social commentary on gender roles. The songs are brilliant and the characters are a lot of fun. Though, like A Bug's Life, I was scared the first time I saw this movie. Hun hand shooting up out of snow, not cool, Disney, not cool.

The Wind Rises was another film on my watchlist that I didn't get to. I'm sure I'll see it soon enough, hopefully I won't kick myself for not seeing it before the list.

The Wind Rises was my #20! The main thing I loved about the film was the historical setting of the second world war (and the morally ambiguous comments on it from the viewpoint of Japan) and the deeper looks the film offers into the passion the main character has for engineering and planes. The personal story worked as well for me, though. It's also one of Miyazaki's most tenderly made and emotionally satisfying films. I still hope this isn't his last one, but it sure seems lit it, unfortunately...

I like Mulan, but it's again one of those minor Disney films, in my opinion. It's still a good flick that has plenty of great qualities to it, though.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I haven't seen any of the last four films. Paprika looks disturbing and I may give it a watch at some point, but the other three don't interest me.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Two more films I'd recommend but I didn't vote for. Miyazaki's surprised me by it being so serious. Mulan is quite spectacular and has decent laughs provided by the vocal work of Eddie Murphy, Harvey Fierstein and George Takei.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Just a heads up - There's a nasty storm moving in tonight and there's a good chance I'll lose power, so I might not be able to post tomorrow. I'm not sure how long the storm is supposed to last, but there may be delays on other days this week as well.

I've yet to see a bad film from Miyazaki, and The Wind Rises looks like it could be his beautiful swansong, but I'm yet to see it. I would have guessed it could have appeared higher if we did this list in a few years time, no surprises to see it about here.

Mulan is a decent Disney film, I've always thought it was decent but never really loved it, so similar to a lot of other entries in that respect. The type of film I expected to make the lower half of the list.
I'm sorry but I did not like Totoro.