Another School Shooting in America, is there an answer?


I have to agree with Thursday here, the USA have ridiculous gun laws and there needs to be far more regulations and restrictions
Let's try an experiment. Without Googling what the laws actually currently are, please describe what kinds of regulations and restrictions you think are reasonable.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Let's try an experiment. Without Googling what the laws actually currently are, please describe what kinds of regulations and restrictions you think are reasonable.
Well to start with buying one from Walmart is particularly odd. I wouldn't even know where to buy one from over here, and if I did, I'd bet I'd have to travel quite a way because you really don't hear about them at all, so to begin don't make them available in shops such as that. So since I can't look, I'd say adopt a similar or identical policy currently being used by Britain, Canada and/or Australia.

Also, I really did not mean to offend either of you in any way whatsoever, but I do believe that if a lot proportion of the world can cope without guns, then surely the USA can too.

Honestly, I already had this discussion with Yoda and I remember not being able to answer to some of his arguments so I am not bringing forward a philosophical argument for or agains't the legitimity of a state to ban guns. What I'm saying (or deploring) is the culture of the United States regarding guns, violence, threat in other people that is not present at all where I live (Montreal Quebec, 2 hour at the north of Vermont). Here it's almost a consensus (at least in the city, maybe in the countryside it's different) that guns shouldn't be legal not because it represses the right of people owning it, but because it would be of no use. I am not saying that there is no criminality here, but that I don't know anyone who feels sufficiently in danger so that he will ask himself ''well let's go buy a gun'' and take the risk of accidents, etc.

Also, if I might point out it's the christian right (obviously not just christians, but I think it would be hard to deny that except for Ron Paul and the libertarians right wing men are christians) who is mostly in favor of the use of gun, who says that we should all have them so that we can protect ourselves from criminals, they seeother as a threat, etc. And I wonder why they don't listen to Jesus? And I quote ''You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.'' Jesus was wrong :O, the almighty Jesus, the son of god THE MESSSSSSSSIAH. And further (and I'm maybe getting off topic). But look at this other quotatiojn from the bible “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Yet the christian right defends neo liberalism and capitalism at its purest form, either they say that Jesus was wrong, or they change their political doctrine.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Sadly these situations will be used for political points and nothing more. It's not about the gun, people obviously have problems, all kinds of them, some are just pushed to the wall and it explodes into something like this, some just have mental problems... There is really no definite answer to this, you can't watch everyone at every moment. Interaction would be the only thing to do here, I'm not from USA, but from what I gather from internet, your teacher's (correct me if I'm wrong) don't care that much. I mean USA is not only country with the guns, so it's not about that. Bullying can be part of the problem (maybe not in this exact case), that's also ignored lot's of times(?). So to putt it simply, I don't think you can say "let's do this" and stop the problem.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

How come the police didn't stop this shooting?!?!
It's like they won't protect you from murderers.. it's almost like.. you have to protect yourself.

Oh damn it's an official ruling too - police have NO DUTY to protect you. you are responsible for your own families safety.

Enough about the ***** stain who committed this horrible crime. Let us talk about the US Army vet who tried to prevent the f***er from killing more people. Shot 5 times and still kicking. HOOAH!

Chris Mintz: American Badass
I saw someone on another site with that pic as an avatar had no idea who it was til now, awesome. One thousand to Chris Mintz.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm not saying they'll find other ways to murder (though they will): I'm saying you won't keep the guns out of their hands because criminals won't abide by the ban in the first place.
But we don't just rely on people to abide by bans, that's where the police come in. If people are going to get 5 years in jail just for carrying a gun, that's 5 years they can't shoot anybody. Nobody's saying this would eliminate all gun crime, but it would do a lot to cut it down.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Honestly, I already had this discussion with Yoda and I remember not being able to answer to some of his arguments...
Oh, nobody can argue with Yoda about anything. He's wrong about so many things, but he has a phd in arguing, so nobody can ever beat him

Well to start with buying one from Walmart is particularly odd.
I don't know if it's odd, but the question was which restrictions or regulations you think are reasonable to reduce shootings. And I assume we can agree that disallowing sales at Wal-mart probably wouldn't have much of an effect.

So since I can't look, I'd say adopt a similar or identical policy currently being used by Britain, Canada and/or Australia.
This is kind of my point: how many gun control advocates even know what the laws are? How many can articulate why they may or may not work? It's not enough to just say you like the results in one place versus another, especially when those places have wildly different sizes, populations, and cultures.

Also, I really did not mean to offend either of you in any way whatsoever, but I do believe that if a lot proportion of the world can cope without guns, then surely the USA can too.
Maybe. Or maybe the kind of individualism Americans are known for has a corresponding dark side, and certain aggressive or risky behaviors are inseparable from all sorts of things we like about ourselves, too. Or maybe this is much easier in smaller, more homogeneous populations with fewer guns to begin with than in physically large, culturally diverse ones with lots of guns already in circulation. We don't really know.

Also, if I might point out it's the christian right (obviously not just christians, but I think it would be hard to deny that except for Ron Paul and the libertarians right wing men are christians) who is mostly in favor of the use of gun, who says that we should all have them so that we can protect ourselves from criminals, they seeother as a threat, etc. And I wonder why they don't listen to Jesus? And I quote ''You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.'' Jesus was wrong :O, the almighty Jesus, the son of god THE MESSSSSSSSIAH. And further (and I'm maybe getting off topic). But look at this other quotatiojn from the bible “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Yet the christian right defends neo liberalism and capitalism at its purest form, either they say that Jesus was wrong, or they change their political doctrine.
Nah, they can take the third option: that these things are good and should be done voluntarily, but would make bad law. All sorts of things are good to do, but not to force people to do.

We had an Assault Weapons Ban under Clinton for ten years. It did not change the murder rate. At all. In fact more people die from the use of hands and feet then by AKs and AR-15's every year. And these stats are pretty damn accurate because we almost always find the bodies. And cities like Oakland and Chicago have very strict gun laws and are among the most violent cities in America.

From my years of studying criminology in college, crime is a very complex part of human nature. Hell human nature is complex enough as it is. Trying simple "ban x because x causes crime" explanations have been done for decades, general theories of crime don't hold that much water, and the only people who use this "ban x" ideology are generally running for some kind of public office.

Oh, nobody can argue with Yoda about anything. He's wrong about so many things, but he has a phd in arguing, so nobody can ever beat him
so true, not necessarily about Yoda but i know the type. I have a friend who will never stop arguing no matter how much is presented showing he's wrong. Sort of guy that could convince you Scotland won the last World Cup.

But we don't just rely on people to abide by bans, that's where the police come in. If people are going to get 5 years in jail just for carrying a gun, that's 5 years they can't shoot anybody. Nobody's saying this would eliminate all gun crime, but it would do a lot to cut it down.
Let's play this out, though. You can break the people affected by this into two groups:

Group A is willing to kill people with guns. Killing people carries a much greater penalty than 5 years. Thus, the penalty would not deter them.

Group B is not willing to kill people with guns, and thus will abide by this ban. But these aren't the people we're trying to deter in the first place.

Oh, nobody can argue with Yoda about anything. He's wrong about so many things, but he has a phd in arguing, so nobody can ever beat him
It's pretty easy to beat me; just make good arguments.

I've always thought it was odd to say someone was wrong but still wins arguments. If they're wrong, then it should be a simple enough matter to explain why their argument fails. If someone finds themselves in a situation where they can't explain why an argument fails, the rational thing to do is consider the possibility that it's, ya' know, not wrong.

Unless, as Camo suggested, that it's really a commentary about just exhausting the other person.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There have been many factors that have been cited as a cause of mass school shootings, some seem plausible. We always hear about guns but what else could be the cause or causes of this?

I did a quick search for gun ownership graphs in America over the years. These were the first few that I seen, there were more.
Very interesting.

By this point now Yoda it's way past exhaustion, i've accepted "alternate facts" about the most mundane things

No aliens or high up political conspiracies, just stuff about fruit and sports and

But there are things that are strictly pollitical such as the rules for immigration, the number of migrants from Syria you are willing to accept, etc. And if you are a man of Jesus who says you should help the poor, accept evil and instead of punishing evil to turn the other cheek you shouldn't want to build a massive wall between the United States and Mexico, you shouldn't ask yourself can we integrate a huge amount of immigrants in our country, you should say yeah it'll be hard economically, but we should do good, I really don't understand how can a man of god be for these policies which pretty much every republicans are.