Another School Shooting in America, is there an answer?


Trouble with a capital "T"
Yesterday October 2nd, at Oregon's Umpqua Community College a 26 year old male shooter went into the school and killed 11 people. What was in his twisted mind as he stood there wearing body armor and heavily armed...

"The gunman, while reloading his handgun, ordered the students to stand up if they were Christians, Boylan told her family.
"And they would stand up and he said, 'Good, because you're a Christian, you're going to see God in just about one second,'" Boylan's father, Stacy, told CNN, relaying her account.
"And then he shot and killed them."

Full News Story:

School shootings have become a common occurrence in America, why?

They seem common. But in actuality they are not. Mass shootings in America in pure numbers don't come close to the body count of those killed in auto accidents, accidental deaths, drug overdoses or even people killed with hands and feet. But yet they seem common. The reason is they make headlines.

There are evil people in our society. Sick twisted f***s who have no remorse with regards to murder. And with the advent of the 24 hour news cycle and the internet, monstrous people from all walks of life find a pseudo celebrity in these forms if the feel it will get them notoriety. And we have a media that loves a headline with blood. As the flick Nightcrawler said, "If it bleeds, it leads." And thanks to said 24 hour news cycle it will be the lead story for days if not weeks. Creating a perfect storm of murderous ***** stains and the unscrupulous people willing to give them their 15 minutes of fame.

There's a very simple answer, which is to ban guns.
That will solve nothing. Only thing that will do is prevent those who legally own guns from having them. Thus only the criminals who already break the law will own guns and so will cops.

Banning something does not stop it. Drugs are illegal, but America still has a hell of a drug problem.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
They seem common. But in actuality they are not. Mass shootings in America in pure numbers don't come close to the body count of those killed in auto accidents, accidental deaths, drug overdoses or even people killed with hands and feet.
That may be true. But mass shootings in America are far higher than mass shootings in Europe.

I'm guessing the group of people who would respect gun bans, but not laws against murder, is pretty small.
People who are determined to murder will still murder. But if they don't have a gun it will be harder for them to do it.

That will solve nothing. Only thing that will do is prevent those who legally own guns from having them. Thus only the criminals who already break the law will own guns and so will cops.

Banning something does not stop it. Drugs are illegal, but America still has a hell of a drug problem.
Banning guns would not solve all gun crime. Of course not. But making it harder for people to get guns and legally own them would reduce the number of disgruntled teenagers who decide a solution to feeling angry or isolated is to grab a gun and shoot their classmates.

Laws against carrying guns would also make it easier to stop people before they kill a lot of people with the gun they're carrying.

Was hearing all about this yesterday on the news. Unfortunately it's becoming so common to hear about this stuff that it's really not surprising anymore.

I really hate saying this—and often I try to find reasons not to say it—but the US is going downhill so fast that it's making my head spin. All you hear about anymore are mass shootings and race riots.

I mean think about it, 15 years ago, the worst incidents we recently had were the Rodney King Riots and Columbine, horrible incidents yes, but still very few compared to now.

In only a span of less than 5 years we've had:
- Ferguson riots
- Baltimore riots
- Aurora Colorado theater shooting
- Naval Base shooting
- Sandy Hook Elementary shooting
- Charleston Church shooting
- Oregon College shooting
and more I'm probably forgetting, not to mention all the smaller-scaled shootings plus the Virginia Tech and Fort Hood shootings in the late 2000s. I seriously think society is slowly deteriorating, and something really does need to change before it gets any worse.

Stricter gun laws I don't believe is the answer. There are hundreds of thousands of illegal and unregistered guns in the US. If one of these maniacs really want to get their hands on one, they're gonna get one. Taking away law-abiding peoples' guns and making them even more defenseless is definitely not the answer.

People who are determined to murder will still murder. But if they don't have a gun it will be harder for them to do it.
I'm not saying they'll find other ways to murder (though they will): I'm saying you won't keep the guns out of their hands because criminals won't abide by the ban in the first place.

Banning guns would not solve all gun crime. Of course not. But making it harder for people to get guns and legally own them would reduce the number of disgruntled teenagers who decide a solution to feeling angry or isolated is to grab a gun and shoot their classmates.
Trying to ban guns will probably reduce the number of people shot, but there's little reason to think it will reduce the number of people hurt or killed. Are we really going to say that mentally unstable people who want to hurt others are going to be deterred by having to use a pipe bomb instead of a gun?

Laws against carrying guns would also make it easier to stop people before they kill a lot of people with the gun they're carrying.
Seems to me the vast majority of these recent shootings are planned out far in advance, and in great detail. In other words, the problem isn't that a bunch of people are carrying guns, so that when they lose their temper they do unforgivable things.

There are plenty of guns in Switzerland. Not a whole lot of mass shootings there. I think the real issue does not lie in the gun culture, but in another part of society.

And Columbine, the school shooting that had set this sick standard happened in the middle of the Clinton Assault Weapons ban which lasted from 1994, to 2004. Gun control does not work.

Trying to ban guns will probably reduce the number of people shot, but there's little reason to think it will reduce the number of people hurt or killed. Are we really going to say that mentally unstable people who want to hurt others are going to be deterred by having to use a pipe bomb instead of a gun?
Reading this reminded me of the Oklahoma City Bombing in '96, which was very bad also. That was more of a terrorist attack though, and shootings are the main subject here. Just think though, if they try to take away guns, then they'll feel more compelled to use bombs, which would probably be worse. Also reminds me of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Guns aren't the problem. People missing the warning signs is the problem. We need to find a way to recognize the warning signs. After people are killed is too late for people to see those signs, and say they're not surprised that guy snapped.

Parents should know what their kids are doing. They should know if their kids have a house full of guns and ammunition, and they should be able to see that their kids are angry or depressed.

They seem common. But in actuality they are not. Mass shootings in America in pure numbers don't come close to the body count of those killed in auto accidents, accidental deaths, drug overdoses or even people killed with hands and feet. But yet they seem common. The reason is they make headlines.

There are evil people in our society. Sick twisted f***s who have no remorse with regards to murder. And with the advent of the 24 hour news cycle and the internet, monstrous people from all walks of life find a pseudo celebrity in these forms if the feel it will get them notoriety. And we have a media that loves a headline with blood. As the flick Nightcrawler said, "If it bleeds, it leads." And thanks to said 24 hour news cycle it will be the lead story for days if not weeks. Creating a perfect storm of murderous ***** stains and the unscrupulous people willing to give them their 15 minutes of fame.
Ugh, yeah. One of the biggest problems with this stuff, IMO a contributing cause, is the media attention these people get. We should be ignoring them.

Ugh, yeah. One of the biggest problems with this stuff, IMO a contributing cause, is the media attention these people get. We should be ignoring them.
Post the names of the people killed and mourn the dead. But make no mention of the name or post a picture of the killer. That would be one thing I would change about the media.

Awful stuff, RIP

Not to anyone here but i hate how these tragedies always bring out the pro and anti gun people with agendas in the media. Especially with Sandy Hook, after about a day or two i heard next to nothing about the victims and only seen both sides parroting on, i suppose that was just the media i was being exposed to though.

I completely agree with the media unintentionally (at least I think they are) glorifying these shootings. It makes these psychotic people think what they do will go down in history and they will become famous or something.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I have to agree with Thursday here, the USA have ridiculous gun laws and there needs to be far more regulations and restrictions, of course it wouldn't immediately wipe out mass shootings, but look at the UK, Canada and Australia for example, their gun laws are extremely tight and look at how many mass shootings they have.

It's also frustrating from an outsider's perspective because how many more lives is it going to take before they go ahead and change their gun laws? I might be wrong but it always looks as though officials acknowledge how ridiculous the situation is getting but then don't do anything about it really, and the situation just seems to keep on repeating itself.

And yes people may go ahead and use other weapons, but I'd certainly much prefer my chances with someone with a knife than a gun. Either way, something needs to be done imminently otherwise the US will continue to have their Virginia Techs, Columbines, Charlestons, Louisvilles and now Oregon too, because these seem to be happening all of the time now.

There are plenty of guns in Switzerland. Not a whole lot of mass shootings there. I think the real issue does not lie in the gun culture, but in another part of society.

And Columbine, the school shooting that had set this sick standard happened in the middle of the Clinton Assault Weapons ban which lasted from 1994, to 2004. Gun control does not work.
I point to this again.