Avengers: Infinity War


"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Can someone please explain how this movie is going to work. Is it going to feature the same Avengers, or will it feature different superheroes?.
Optimus Reviews
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Peter Dinklage is on board...

This means one of 3 things.

1. He's playing Trask, the role he played in X-Men, which means the MCU is finally going to have the X-Men involved, and tie the two series together.

2. He's playing a different role to Trask. Which means the X-Men involvement with the MCU will be a hard reboot.

3. He's playing a different role to Trask... and the X-Men series, which has a tendency to change actors all the time anyways, might still get tied into the MCU.

In the Beginning...
Most likely he's not reprising Trask. An agreement between Fox and Marvel would be huge news and so far we've heard nothing. Likewise, I doubt Marvel would ever want to take on what Fox has done with those X-films. They opted to reboot Spider-Man and they would almost certainly do the same with the X-Men.

X-Men should not be merged with Marvel Universe!
It probably will be, after the Marvel-DC-Star Wars Crossover Battle Against Hogwarts happens.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Rumors are that Dinklage could be playing Pip the Troll. Karen Gillan is also joining the Infinity War in her Guardians role of Nebula, Zoe Saldana and Tom Holland already confirmed they will be involved as well as Gamora and some web crawling guy

This might just do nobody any good.
Rumors are that Dinklage could be playing Pip the Troll.
Tasteless. I'd rather he played The Watcher.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
So half the budget goes towards the cast right?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

In the Beginning...
I kinda feel like this is the most sure-fire hit that ever was. A couple duds notwithstanding, Marvel has done an incredible job building the MCU, hiring great talent, making the characters really fun, keeping things fresh but relevant. We should all be saying, "Ugh, not another Marvel movie," but my guess is most people are ready for these. Marvel could stand to take on a little more risk with the budget if they wanted and I'm betting they have. But the success of the first one will almost certainly dictate the turnout for the last.

I have faith that Thanos will be given the proper treatment. The movie could be AoU, but if Thanos is great it doesn't matter about the rest.

I'm going to research Marvel's previous history with villains to gauge the potential for success.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Shooting has begun yesterday and it looks like they will combine the cast of Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. Security is so tight that even Dave Bautista said he hadn't even looked at the script becoming going on set. Elizabeth OIsen joins the shoot in April.

Lets have a moment of silence for what may be the last active jrs thread.


As you were.

Registered User
This will be a very interesting film to look out for while a couple of the MCU movies have been less than stellar in my personal opinion none of them have been bad films and more importantly than that is at having 14 movies rated as fresh in a row must be a record for any franchise? I enjoyed the last two MCU movies with the special effects in Dr Strange being jaw dropping on the big screen. Seeing a movie handling so many heroes at one time is going to be really interesting. I hear that Thanos is going to be developed a lot in the GOTG2 so hopefully we will end up with a great villain for Infinity Wars.

This will be a very interesting film to look out for while a couple of the MCU movies have been less than stellar in my personal opinion none of them have been bad films and more importantly than that is at having 14 movies rated as fresh in a row must be a record for any franchise? I enjoyed the last two MCU movies with the special effects in Dr Strange being jaw dropping on the big screen. Seeing a movie handling so many heroes at one time is going to be really interesting. I hear that Thanos is going to be developed a lot in the GOTG2 so hopefully we will end up with a great villain for Infinity Wars.
Agreed, what's funny was the best heroes (IMO) Marvel had, weren't even accessible to Marvel for movies, (X-Men, Spider-Man) and I had an active dislike for Cap and Thor yet they made them work.

DC has more character I like yet they can't even produce one that's watchable.

The MCEU is probably one of the few franchises in existence that I could pull any film at random out and enjoy it. the worst IMO was Thor: the Dark World and that's only because it's measured up against the rest. It's still an enjoyable movie, it just falls a bit shy of the standards Marvel has been pushing across the board.

Dr. Strange was the completely unexpected hit for me. they did it again taking a lower tier character I actually disliked, and making an amazing film with that now I want to see more of.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
I'm guessing after Infinity War part II [which will have another name, btw] the Superhero genre will die out. It will be like a male Orgasm. The sex was great but once you reach it...
The audience has been prepared for this culmination. Afterwards it will be very difficult to keep them entertained and surprised.

However, if done correctly [and if Galactus, the Celestials and other Cosmic Entities are available to become the next batch of evil doers], then it may work. Other than those I don't see it working because Thanos is already of a tremendous magnitude.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Agreed, what's funny was the best heroes (IMO) Marvel had, weren't even accessible to Marvel for movies, (X-Men, Spider-Man) and I had an active dislike for Cap and Thor yet they made them work.

DC has more character I like yet they can't even produce one that's watchable.

The MCEU is probably one of the few franchises in existence that I could pull any film at random out and enjoy it. the worst IMO was Thor: the Dark World and that's only because it's measured up against the rest. It's still an enjoyable movie, it just falls a bit shy of the standards Marvel has been pushing across the board.

Dr. Strange was the completely unexpected hit for me. they did it again taking a lower tier character I actually disliked, and making an amazing film with that now I want to see more of.
When a forgotten Z lister beats Superman, you know the DCEU is in trouble.