R.I.P. Joan Rivers


Definitely. I predicted his death, too. I had a funny feeling about him because of his weight.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Current Body Count:
1. Philip Seymour Hoffman
2. Robin Williams
3. Joan Rivers
4. Deadite
5. Meshach Taylor (Hollywood from "Mannequin")
6. Michael Gottlieb (the director of "Mannequin", died a month before Meshach)
7. Marilyn Burns (final girl from "Texas Chainsaw Massacre")
8. Lauren Bacall
9. Rik Mayall
10. Harold Ramis

Am I forgetting anyone? I know there's been some other tragedies around here. That Japanese animation studio closed. It's a bad, bad year.

Richard Attenborough
Ann B. Davis

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm going to start a thread. Giz a few minutes. I've got a full list for 2014 so far.

While we're waiting, here are a few other that were missed:

Shirley Temple
Mickey Rooney
Casey Kasem
Eli Wallach
James Garner

Some of these people don't feel like "curse" material, though. Every year, famous people die, but this year -- for me, at least -- there's been something weird going on. Something weirdly connected to this forum.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Some of these people don't feel like "curse" material, though. Every year, famous people die, but this year -- for me, at least -- there's been something weird going on. Something weirdly connected to this forum.

I think it all depends on who you grew up watching. They become a part of your life when you see them for so many years.

The hardest ones for me this year were Robin Williams, James Garner and Casey Kasem,

OK, I know this is definitely going to be showing my age, but I remember watching Joan Rivers on The Ed Sullivan Show. The woman was a comic legend who showed mercy to no one when she was onstage. I used to love when she'd rip into Elizabeth Taylor..."I asked he what she wanted on her hamburger and she said a hot dog!" I know it got very fashionable in later years to rip her because of all the plastic surgery, but she was still one of the funniest women on the planet. She even cracked me up critiquing award show fashions...the woman could make anything funny. RIP, Joan.

jamierreed92's Avatar
Registered User
Man, this is a really sad past couple months in Hollywood. My heart is so broken for Joan's family and close friends. She was one of the sharpest female comics in the business, with incredible joke/set writing skills, and a super energetic stand up delivery that never lacked depth, quality, or the ability hang with the heaviest of hitters. The world lost a comedy gem today! Rest easy Joan!!
--Jamie R.

...the woman could make anything funny.
Everything can be funny. Everything has the possibility of being funny. A joke can be made about anything. Restrictions on humor are self-imposed. Limiting.

I remember being in middle school and we watched some kind of video, I don't know what, and these weird counselors from somewhere else had visited the school to instruct kids about these videos. I forget what they were teaching, it was crap. Anyway, they'd show us the videos in class, and things in the videos would make kids laugh out loud. One of these counselors was a big fat woman in glasses, and every time a kid would laugh during the video at something, she'd get monstrously serious and bark at the student and say, real loud, "I WANT YOU TO WRITE ON A PIECE OF PAPER WHY YOU FOUND THAT FUNNY!" It was shocking and scary. I don't think I laughed because I can control myself (sometimes....) but I haven't forgotten the insanity of these counselors and their laughter patrol over these stupid videos and how serious they wanted us to take them. So, every time someone crybabies over a joke, I see those counselors again. Those laughter Nazi counselors. Thank God for Joan Rivers for bringing us laughter freedom.

I really became fond of Joan Rivers after seeing her on the Celebrity Apprentice a couple years back. She seemed like a very nice woman, and she was funny.


I'd rather not discuss politics on a Movie Forum, but seeing this video being posted gives me the need to respond. If my response is going to start a long and exhausting political debate, or if it breaks any Forum rules, then I suggest deleting this post, or the entire thread.

Joan Rivers is a comedy legend and a TV institution, true. But, this video and what she stated in it is not something to be proud of.

"If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”

Joan Rivers was an open supporter of the Zionist State of Israel, which has been for years abusing the rights of Palestinians and stealing their land one settlement at a time.

I believe that video and what she said in it was absolutely inappropriate and insulting to the thousands of Palestinians who were killed, including over 600 children.

RIP to them. Not so much for her.

I'd rather not discuss politics on a Movie Forum, but seeing this video being posted gives me the need to respond. If my response is going to start a long and exhausting political debate, or if it breaks any Forum rules, then I suggest deleting this post, or the entire thread.

Joan Rivers is a comedy legend and a TV institution, true. But, this video and what she stated in it is not something to be proud of.

"If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”

Joan Rivers was an open supporter of the Zionist State of Israel, which has been for years abusing the rights of Palestinians and stealing their land one settlement at a time.

I believe that video and what she said in it was absolutely inappropriate and insulting to the thousands of Palestinians who were killed, including over 600 children.

RIP to them. Not so much for her.

Well we are discussing Joan's words so I think it's fine to discuss it here.

So in that little picture you posted, where it shows "Palestinian land" in 1947, can you show me one historical mention of them being called Palestinians back then? Perhaps it was Arab land, but the Palestinian people is a newly made up term. Nor to even mention the land was under UK control so even calling it Arab land is a stretch. Now when you look at the extension of land most of this came from wars, can you find me a single war that Israel started with the Arab world? And even then Israel gave land back like the Senia peninsula to Egypt, and countless efforts to give back the West Bank, and exiting the Gaza Strip. Very little of this land was gained from microscopic settlements, and none of these are in Gaza where the rockets have been coming from. If you want to see who the real oppressor is look at Hamas, they're the ones camping out IN Qatar while using human shields to push their political message.

The 1000s of Palestinians who died, most are militant aged men, but Hamas doesn't let anyone report that. You're the one has been deceived by the news.

Going back to the little map you posted, find one comparing Arab land to Jewish land. Since the inhabitants of Gaza are nothing different than Arabs.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
Everything coming to light now leads a person to believe that this could all have been avoided if her doctor had acted appropriately. Him taking selfies in the operating room and then doing a biopsy that he wasn't supposed to do there and didn't have permission from her to perform, was the epitome of unprofessionalism and complete disregard for his professional duties.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

It's a shame the doctor took selfies. He should have taken a picture of himself with an awake Joan Rivers. One last picture of Joan!!

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R I P Joan

This one was a shocker. My fondest memory of her is that scene she did with Miss Piggy when they put massive amounts of makeup on each other. RIP.