MoFo Health Thread


This thing has been going on for months.
I know it's obvious but if it's been going on for that extremely long time then I really recommend going to see your Doctor.

Start drinking your water - it can help a lot for some people.

Or as Sexy has pointed out - it could all be psychological and caused by something like stress.

Really, there are an awful lot of things that can cause it so it's really best to talk to your Doctor about it to find out what is the likely cause and work on from there.

I might even regret this later but what the hell. Okay, I am suffering from severe constipation atm. Hence, I have decided to give 50+ rep points to the person who can name ONE food item (laxatives don't count obv) that will give me INSTANT relief.

However, it does not count if it's some expensive vegetable/fruit that I haven't even heard of, or if it's chamomile tea. I've already tried the latter and although it works to some extent, my patience is wearing thin.

yours truly

Peas and beans... chick peas, haricot beans (baked beans), cannellini beans (white kidney beans)... sweetcorn... garden peas.
Basically any kind of pulse that has a soft shell. The shell is mostly indigestible and they scrape the bowels on the way through.

There are number of things that cause constipation though. Low fibre in the diet, not enough water etc.

Best thing to do, eat a ton of chick peas and haricot beans with lots of vegetable oil added to them when cooking.
The shells will clean you out while the oil will literally lubricate your insides for a day or two...

Hopefully after a day or so, you'll be freshly cleaned out and then maybe look into changing your diet.

Worst thing to eat when you already have bad guts is cheese.

Did you poop yet, BlueLion? I see you reading the thread.
I did a few hours ago.

my feelings summed up in one picture:

But now I can barely sit.

Actually I think your post was deleted because it was crass for the sake of being crass, rather than Yods being "frightened" of some sort of "truth".

Admit it. It was crass.

This thread needs to be renamed.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Speaking of health, I have an appointment to see a psychologist on the 30th.

Find out what's wrong with me.

I already know. Bi-Polar. But my GP wants to be sure and do things by the book.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
"Mofo Poop Thread"
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


Worst thing to eat when you already have bad guts is cheese.
That's what the army doctor used to recommend during WWII for soldiers with the runs. Apparently the troops referred to it as "bunghole". I can still remember by granddad calling it that sometimes when he wanted to make us laugh as children.

We need a "Bathroom Commentaries" thread.
That, and this is saying something, is one of your worst ideas I've ever seen you express.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
I can't believe nobody said, "It's already been done" and then linked to my movie commentaries thread. You people are slow.
It's already been done.

...too slow?

I can't believe nobody said, "It's already been done" and then linked to my movie commentaries thread. You people are slow.
Well I wouldn't have done that, as I like them.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Before I go to a doctor (some of you might be doctors), I have had frequent urination for years, and for the last year, my feet are so cold, circulation feels way off... Maybe you guys have experienced of this?

Trouble with a capital "T"
(some of you might be doctors)
I'm not a doctor damn it, I'm a brick layer

Seriously, I don't know anything about those symptoms. But:

Do you smoke? People who smoke have poor circulation to the extremities. Do you constantly drink liquids during the day? If so that could be causing excessive bathroom trips.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I don't smoke cigarettes, and haven't smoked pot in 3 days. And when I do smoke, it's at night, 2 puffs and I'm good... I try not to drink any water at night.. I'm worried it's diabetes, but I don't want to go through so many tests, and I hate needles, but thanks for replying..

I don't smoke cigarettes, and haven't smoked pot in 3 days. And when I do smoke, it's at night, 2 puffs and I'm good... I try not to drink any water at night.. I'm worried it's diabetes, but I don't want to go through so many tests, and I hate needles, but thanks for replying..
diabetes is basically just one simple test of blood sugar.

Trouble with a capital "T"
diabetes is basically just one simple test of blood sugar.
That's true.

And now that I think about it those are two of the symptoms of diabetes, but Don't Worry. Many people just have a slight problem with maintaining their glucose levels. It's only 1 simply test, so listen to Miss Vicky and get to the doctors ASAP.

Registered User
A low carb, high fat diet will probably help with constipation - if anything it may make you lean slightly in the diarrhea direciton; this is what the fats do.

Overall I have way more energy and better testosterone on this diet, so I highly recommend it in general - from what I've heard we're way more evolutionarily adapted to this diet than we are the typical American diet chock full of sugar and refined carbs.