Point Break Remake 2015


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Better be careful since the original was directed by Kathryn Bigelow as an obvious feminist manifesto.
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Better be careful since the original was directed by Kathryn Bigelow as an obvious feminist manifesto.
Don't tell Sexy Celebrity

The negativity seems exaggerated to me - maybe it helps I never saw the original, but I can see this being as good as Mad Max Fury Road
No. Just no.

Also, have you even seen Fury Road yet?

And go watch the original Point Break.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
looks like a cool concept to me
The negativity seems exaggerated to me - maybe it helps I never saw the original, but I can see this being as good as Mad Max Fury Road
See the original and get back to us. The original is a stripped down cool action flick. This looks like it is trying to take the same concept but make it slick, flashy, and on a way bigger scale. Of course they have already showed us a couple nods to the original to try and get us to the theater. Not happening for me. This looks awful.

Who watches Point Break for stunts?

I love that movie for the characters and the story. I love it for the humor and the gorgeous scenery and gorgeous people (except Busey of course). And that awesome foot chase scene.

This isn't Mad Max. I don't care about stunts. I hate that they've made Bodhi a killer. I hate that they made this movie all slick looking and cold.

Registered User
See the original and get back to us. The original is a stripped down cool action flick. This looks like it is trying to take the same concept but make it slick, flashy, and on a way bigger scale. Of course they have already showed us a couple nods to the original to try and get us to the theater. Not happening for me. This looks awful.
That's a good point; if the original was more plot-centric than big budget action and 3D effects I can see why this would turn off fans.

Makes me think of how Kingdom of the Crystal Skull felt compared to the previous Indiana Jones films.

You're right that this trailer doesn't look like it has anything in common with the remake, other than surfboards and skydiving:


Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
It's the idea of doing a remake of a classic, highly unique film (like Robocop, Rollerball, or The Mechanic) that leaves a sour taste for me. Let great things stay great. Everything is dumbed down, glossed and speeded up for the mass-ADD crowd these days....... (MM Fury Road is a RARE exception).
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Looks like some epic action scenes let down by terrible acting/direction/story/writing.

Registered User
Point Break was great. The cast was stellar. This looks just sad.
Halve to admit the stunts look great if nothing else, looks like there's not a big overuse of CGI in this one either

it doesnt even come close to the 1991 film, not even the feel, not even the music, it just doesnt feel right, this film should stay as a 90s film.

I'm not even looking at it as anything like the original, short of some plot similarities and the title. The Swaze was already a big deal and Reeves was going up. Busey was awesome in everything back then, before he just let it all hang out.

Given that, the trailer is visually stunning. This is going to be a great thrill-ride, barring any major mistakes. I wouldn't sell it short because of a loyalty to the old title. When the trailer played before the Martian, it went over great.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I'm not even looking at it as anything like the original, short of some plot similarities and the title. The Swaze was already a big deal and Reeves was going up. Busey was awesome in everything back then, before he just let it all hang out.

Given that, the trailer is visually stunning. This is going to be a great thrill-ride, barring any major mistakes. I wouldn't sell it short because of a loyalty to the old title. When the trailer played before the Martian, it went over great.
I think i must of watched a different trailer than you . I thought it looked cheesy, cheap, and nasty. It lookes like a straight to dvd movie that i'll certainly be avoiding.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

I just don't understand this. Point Break is a dumb and mediocre idea. The original was only good because of the talent involved, directing and acting. It's a miracle that it was executed well once, and I don't see it happening again without people like Bigelow powering it.